
Tales of Nashirah : As It Is

A boy transmigrates along with gaining the inheritance of a Mystical Cultivation Senior in the world of Magic in the Middle Ages full with mana ,elves ,demons ,demi-humans, Were-wolves ,Vampires ,beasts, dragons and much more allure and hidden secrets. Watch as he adapts in this unknown world and starts his life anew in this world and makes friends and enemies along his path to make something of himself and find his meaning in this life. Will he walk the path of GOOD or path of the EVIL or will he create his OWN path and tread in it with all its glory and imperfections ?? Do Give it a Try (◍•ᴗ•◍) (≧▽≦) ( ╹▽╹ ) **************************************************************** If you are sick and tired of reading the same old isekai, reincarnation, system, and OP MC's then this novel will give you a breath of fresh air. So... Prepare yourself to read a story you've never read before. Prepare yourself to feel things you've never felt before. I'll wait for you in the latest chapters! 1 CHP/week *************************************************************** #Additional Tags# : Team-Growth, Romance, Western-styled World-building, Cultivation, Rising-in-power ***DISCLAIMER*** : This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, ideology, theory and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Picture is Generated using Adobe Firefly Ai

Drakal72 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

CHP4 Inheritance from Darth-Reliance Senior

Those things were one of the basic knowledge the pendant had implanted him. But there was more to it than those information.

The most important inheritance Darth-Reliance Senpai had given him were myriads of arts and Ki/Body/Spirit Cultivation techniques and body refining, Spirit refining manuals.

It really seemed as if the Senpai had given all the knowledges he had gotten from his life put all this into this inheritance.

It also seemed like he saw the possibility that his inheritor could have as well wished to build a Clan of his, so he must have prepared all this resourceful knowledge in this pendant.

But of-course not all of them were of same quality, which one could clearly feel that some of them were of high quality and some of them were of low quality.

Well there also was a brief documentation of all these techniques as well so that Aadarsh could make a correct judgement on their quality and usage with relative ease.

All of these books could be classified basically into three popular types each focusing on their own field, which back in the Major Worlds all the disciples practiced and was efficient in at least one of each these fields.

One was about the Cultivation Techniques using the qi, another about tempering the body in the path of Body Cultivation and the Spirit Cultivation; which was the hardest and rarest out of them.

Other was about the Body Refining Methods to refine, reinforce and modify your body using the qi as the guideline which was not even half as strong or effective as BODY CULTIVATION, but even a little edge is a edge.

Last but not the least were about the various arts such as art of the Saber, arts of the Sword, the art of the Alchemy, the art of Blacksmithing/Forging, the art of array formations and etc.

Senior Darth-Reliance clearly had written notes that his inheritor was to follow the Art of the Saber, and practice the All-Body Cultivation technique unless while practicing it one could feel that he was fundamentally not suitable for such techniques.

There seemed to be low freedom of choice, but Senpai seemed to be more flexible in the case of choosing the Body Refining Methods.

Well it made sense, since Darth-Reliance was particularly himself proficient in those areas of the Saber arts and that Cultivation Technique seemed to be pretty high quality even in the Major Worlds

Compared to the others in the library that Aadarsh had inherited it definetly was top-notch as he had read from the description, the very best of the best he had.

Then Aadarsh started to read the contents of the Cultivation Manual of the All-Body Cultivation technique. One must remember that he only had inherited only books per-se and not the knowledge inside these books.

These books were inside his minds but he had to read the contents of these books and start to understand and comprehend them himself in order to step in the path of Cultivation.

There was basic introduction in the world of the cultivation.

Cultivation was a way of gathering the energy or also known as qi of the heaven and earth and use it to enhance all sort of mental, spiritual and physical aspects of the body.

One could even be considered to be Superhumans like that of the Avengers Aadarsh had read in his comics.

There also seemed to be a way for a man to be gain immortality. Reading this Aadarsh's eyes were wide-opened with excitement and more curiousity.


But it soon dimmed as he read that a human was to start cultivation at the age of Seven and not any sooner if one wanted a strong , pure and evergreen foundation.

Another reason being, the Xiantian qi, which remains while one is born for certain time will not have properly developed and strengthed the essence , qi and spirit of the body till that age and any cultivating sooner will have only strengthed one aspect leading to wanky and unrhythemic state of the other two.

And since until one has a stable foundation practicing anything would be meaningless it would be like learning how to write an essay without knowing about the alphabets and characters of a Language.


The Cultivation of the Qi is divided into following Major Realms and furthermore each REALM is further divided into PHASES which has 3 levels based on proficiency.


A) Qi/Ki Condensation Realm:

It is the beginning of the Cultivation, where one condenses the qi and gets to slowly have a basic control and synchronicity with it.

It is further divided into three Phases :

i) Martial Learner Phase

ii) Martial Artist Phase

iii) Martial Master Phase

Each phase is further divided into 3 stages/Levels:

a) Beginner stage also known as 1st Step

b) Intermediate stage also known as 2nd Step

c) Advanced stage/level also known as 3rd Step

In this Realm, the qi is stored in the body and is also known as Inner Qi or in some places is also called Inner Mana.

The inner qi will start to become visible from the 3rd Phase onwards and not only the visibility but quality between 2nd phase and 3rd phase qi was as the difference between day and night as well.

B) Qi/Ki Refining Realm :

After one undergoes the Qi-Fortification stage and strengthens ones meridians and veins and dantians one can gradually enter the qi refining stage where slowly but steadily one's qi will change and resemble more to the qi of the outside world until the difference between the two becomes virtually null.

This qi is also called Outer QI or Outer Mana.

With this stage one can control and store the qi outside of one's body.

It is further divided into three Phases :

i) Ascended Martial Phase

ii) Mystic Martial Phase

iii) Transcendent Martial Phase

Each phase is further divided into 3 stages/Levels:

a) Beginner stage also known as 1st Step

b) Intermediate stage also known as 2nd Step

c) Advanced stage/level also known as 3rd Step


C) Zifu-Foundation Realm:

This is truly a heaven-defying stage and is also the first major bottleneck where most of the cultivator fail to reach into. But to even attempt to reach this level one must conceptualize all the seven chakras of the body.

In this stage is where there is a huge qualitative and quantitative change.

From this stage one is said to have been truly called as immortal cultivator as from this stage onwards lifespan of the individual will increase, while in the below stages the maximum lifespan of a cultivator is what the heavens have dictated that species of the cultivator to be.

For eg: For a human a maximum age is 120 yrs old but once he enters foundation stage he would increase his lifespan by two Major Life Sexagenary Cycle, that is an increase of the whole 120yr, with total Lifespan of 240 yrs old .

But to enter this stage once must go through Tribulation, where if one fails only death awaits.

It can be also further divided into following phases:

i) Heart sense stage

ii) Dao Pillar Stage

iii) Foundation Stage

iv) Zifu Palace Stage

Each phase is further divided into 3 stages/Levels:

a) Beginner stage also known as LOW-EARTH/LOW-HILL

b) Intermediate stage also known as MID-EARTH/MID-HILL

c) Advanced stage/level also known as HIGH-EARTH/HIGH-HILL

1)Body Refining/Forging 1st Step:

After one entered and stabilized in the 3rd Phase of the Qi condensation stage one can attempt to use it to refine the body so as to enable "Qi Fortification" in a much easier fashion.

If one wants to enter the Qi Refining stage this makes things far easier.

However, this step is only done by QI-CULTIVATORS and is NOT done by BODY-CULTIVATORS.

This can be said to be a method in which qi cultivators are strengthening their bodies, even if it is 10% of the Body cultivators, it is enough so that they don't get one-shot by Body-Cultivators like ants.

This shows the advantages of qi-cultivation as since qi is in the middle of essence and the spirit , it is slightly more wider subject with variety of application.

This is relatively difficult to pass stage since one has to go through extreme pain while using the qi to refine every cell of the body.

But it is comparatively easier since there are no major bottlenecks in the entire process and one has only to endure pain and focus meticulously focus on refining every cell of the body.

One can say it tests the will and perseverance of Oneself.

It is further taken in step by step where one Refines one body part and then another in stepwise manner as below:-

i) Skin reinforcement Stage

ii) Muscle reinforcement Stage

iii) Viscera Reinforcement Stage

iv) Bone forging Stage

v) Pulse condensation Stage

After one Reaches Pulse Condensation Stage, one can naturally perform QI-FORTIFICATION, leaving the door open to Qi-Refining Realm.

2) Body Refining/Forging 2nd step:

This is not a compulsory thing to go through the next stage but it is instead a complementary to the body. After one has reached 3rd phase of Qi Refining Realm, one can now use the Outer Qi to refine the body in the same manner and steps and technique used in the Body tempering 1st stage.

It is also divided into 5 stages as previous stage. The only difference being that there is now much less pain and it is much easier to Refine the Body in this Body Tempering 2nd stage.

But completing it by no way helps one to reach the higher Step into Zifu-Foundation.

3)Body Refining 3rd Step:

The body is refined in the same fashion using the energy in the peak of the zifu-foundation realm.


This is purely body-cultivation, in which one tempers one's body using the pure essence instead of half-assed qi( which is quite in-efficient in regards to body). The body will be exponentially stronger than any thing seen on the planet Earth and in the level of Super-Humans.

Body Cultivators can still easily slap the shit out of and play body-refined QI Cultivators like a baby.

It is divided into three REALMS:

A) Foundation-Tempering Realm:

In this Realm, one cultivates the basis of the body and slowly tempers the body using one's essence, if even one has it. So those people who aren't born with strong essence can find it harder and have to take strong essence-strengthening pills.

It is equivalent to QI-Condensation Realm.

It is further divided into 5 PHASES:

i) Viscera-Tempering Phase

ii) Pulse-Tempering Phase

iii) Bone-Tempering Phase

iv) Muscle-Tempering Phase

v) Skin-Tempering Phase

Unlike other cultivation-novels which Aadarsh had fun reading, it had weird order of things.

For combat reasons, it seems to make sense to cultivate the Skin first, but one must consider why the ancestors created cultivation in the first place.

Cultivation is the process of improving health, increasing longevity, and to grow more powerful. In that order, improving health should be the primary goal.

Also the Essence from which the body get it's energy and fuel is situated and concentrated mainly in the Viscera-Region.

So, Body cultivation should start with strengthening the viscera, which is responsible for the body's health, longevity, and processing of nutrients. Then blood for transporting said nutrients, the bones to hold the structure, the muscles for the increased strength the body can now handle, and the skin whose weightage can now be handled by the muscles for protection.

B) Marrow-Tempering Realm:

In this Realm, one starts to temper the marrow and in which turn it strengthens the essence and blood and immunity and overall of strength of the body.

Here Marrow is not taken Literally , but figuratively as some part in the body that does same functions , for example the 'marrow' to be tempered for some beast who don't even have any marrow, may not be the literal marrow but something similar and tempering it can make them reach this stage.

It is equivalent to QI-Refining Realm.

The Phases are divided into 9 PHASEs according to the number of marrow tempered:

i) 1 Major and 1000 Minor marrow Tempered

ii) 2 Major and 2000 Minor marrow Tempered

iii) 3 Major and 3000 Minor marrow Tempered

iv) 4 Major and 4000 Minor marrow Tempered

v) 5 Major and 5000 Minor marrow Tempered

vi) 6 Major and 6000 Minor marrow Tempered

vii) 7 Major and 7000 Minor marrow Tempered

viii) 8 Major and 8000 Minor marrow Tempered

ix) 9 Major and 9000 Minor marrow Tempered

C) Immortal-Body Realm:

In this Realm, one undergoes the Marrow and Blood-Purification and focuses on making the Immortal Body, by focusing on making any one organ a core part of the essence center and building upon it, which can be seen as the flexibility in Body-Cultivation.

It is equivalent to Zifu-Foundation Realm.

It is divided into 4 Phases:

i) Half-Immortal Body

ii) Pseudo-Immortal Body

iii) Complete-Immortal Body

iv) Dao-Immortal Body

Spirit Cultivation

It is one of the rarest and most complex Cultivation Branch, where one cultivates using the spirit energy. It Focuses most on the Mind-side of things.

They can't refine their Bodies using spirit energy so are the weakest and are like glass compared to the others.

It is Divided into Further Realms:-

A) Spirit Inception Realm:

It focuses on increasing the inner spiritual energy and focuses on recognition, control and use of the Spirit Energy.

It is equivalent to QI-Condensation Realm.

Divided into 4 Phases:

i) Spirit Learner

ii) Spirit Scholar

iii) Spirit Artist

iv) Spirit Master

Each phase is further divided into 3 stages/Levels:

a) Beginner stage also known as 1st Step

b) Intermediate stage also known as 2nd Step

c) Advanced stage/level also known as 3rd Step

B) Spirit Commander Realm:

Here one controls and commands the spirit energy around one's surrounding nature.

It is equivalent to Qi-Refining Realm.

It is further divided into 3 Phases:

i) Spirit Lesser Commander Phase

ii) Spirit Elder Commander Phase

iii) Spirit Exalted Commander Phase

Each phase is further divided into 3 stages/Levels:

a) Beginner stage also known as 1st Step

b) Intermediate stage also known as 2nd Step

c) Advanced stage/level also known as 3rd Step

C) Spirit Inheritor Stage:

Here one can take in the Spirit energy into one's mind and further purify and strengthen it.

It is equivalent to Zifu-Foundation Realm.

Divided into 4 Phases:

i) Spirit Star Inheritor

ii) Spirit Moon Inheritor

iii) Spirit Sun Inheritor

iv) Spirit Supreme Inheritor/ Sorcerer Supreme.

Each phase is further divided into 3 stages/Levels:

a) Beginner stage also known as 1st Step

b) Intermediate stage also known as 2nd Step

c) Advanced stage/level also known as 3rd Step


But after this there was no further information about further stages in the archives of the pendant.

" Perhaps I will get further information only after I pass Earth Foundation Tribulation and enter into foundation stage. The books on cultivation, art and body tempering also seem to be incomplete and consists of only things needed till Zifu stage."

"Well I must have patience and do things step by step. For me the first thing is to understand about this world and what kind of beings and culture they have for I have to adapt in this planet.", thought Aadarsh.