
System Status: Online

Dhvani voluntarily accepted the task of being a system. For a small chance to be reincarnated again, she aspires to level up and complete her task as soon as possible. Ajay has everything. He is happy, and successful but inexplicably bound to a system that chatters in his mind. The system wants him to do tasks so it can level up and again, do more tasks. From being frustrated to enjoying, he changes gradually. But can he do something for her that he would never want to? And will she really want to unbind when she remembers something from the distant forgotten past? ____________ A snippet from an upcoming chapter : Dhvani stood in the endless white of the Memory Ocean waiting for his answer. He looked at her for a long time and ruthlessly rejected her. "We were never meant to meet. You should remember your duties as well." He left her there and he never saw her again. Did he regret his parting words? Yes. But can he change anything? He hoped so. ____________ A request to readers: Please tell me how you feel about the story in the comments so I can improve my writing. Thank you for reading! There may be mistakes in my writing and you can tell me.

livingandreading · Fantasy
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194 Chs

Two sides of the Same Being

Dhvani quickly reacted and immediately started 3D scan mode so she could find the total information of the place they were in. It just went from dangerous and deadly. It was one thing to capture Ajay, an alien but another thing to torture an army Lord, Dhir. She knew that her hunch was right. This place was bad.

Ajay stood outside the cell observing clues. The place was clean as if it was disinfected. No one would have known the army lord who was once invincible lay here needing help. This showed how impermanent things were. It took a few moments to fall from heaven to hell.

After carefully checking the perimeter of the cell, Ajay asked Dhvani.

"Can you disable the security of this cel too?"

Good thing he asked. Before it was nearly impossible for Dhvani. It would be okay if it was computerized. But this one was magical. Dhvani used her soul power to open the cell but it was not heavily guarded. But this cell was practically impermeable. She had to try because Dhir couldn't hold on till they found someone else to help.

["I'll try, host. Wait for a minute."]

Ajay listened to her and waited.

She sent her soul power towards the cell. Like hydrophobic materials behave with water, the cell protection lines moved away from her soul power. She never knew how much it helped if you practice. She shot her soul power continuously in innumerable tentacles. The first ones were annihilated by the cell grids. But as more and more tentacles touched it, the cell grids became weak. She could see all this because of her soul power. Any magical user would not be able to watch this scene because practically no one practiced soul power as their inherent magic.

As she continuously used her soul power, she began to feel weak. The last time this happened, Tarsh had helped her. But this time, she had to overcome this obstacle on her own.

So she did not stop her magic outflow. The continuous control gradually became easier and she breathed with relief. As someone once said, practice improves you. She improved her hold on magic. The tentacles became harder and this went unnoticed by Dhvani.

Magic is conjured from the mind and the state of mind is a very essential part of it. As Dhvani calmed, her magic became powerful. If she hadn't improved her state of mind, she would have fainted from overload and overwork like the last time. But sometimes small changes can submerge large cities. She became confident and her magic exerted its full potential.

She happily waved her hands without any scruples and finally managed to disable the cell defense system. The colorful collision of magic aura seemed like fireworks and it would have mesmerized any viewer. But some awesome things are destined to be unseen. Many things are in view but remain unseen. The ones who can witness them are the luckiest of lucky people.

["Host, it's done. You can proceed."]

Ajay nodded and went forward. He took a few steps in the cell before stopping. He used his space magic to create a space channel that would leave no traces on the ground. He didn't want to become a worldly expert who broke out prisoners. But he could become an expert spy. So he added a human touch to his breakout plan.

It was easy to get to the place Dhir was. He scolded the people for being ruthless. They could have at least got him a bed, right? He was just on the floor and, in a coma. So Ajay picked him up with his magic and transported him out. It's better with magic because space magic didn't jostle him and aggravate his injuries.

He only hoped that his system would make him invisible while he left this place.

"System, can you make us invisible? We have to leave here undetected. It could give us a sense of mystery and people are normally scared of the unknown."

Dhvani thought about it. She agreed with that. A sense of mystery accurately increases awe and fear when thrown into people's faces. So she used the most ridiculous prop she could find.

A ghost sheet.

It was a transparent material kind of thing. The person wearing it would not appear but the space inside the sheet will be visible. So essentially it look like a sheet was floating in the air. It was a joke item that evolved from invisibility cloaks.

She only needed ten coins for that. And she bought it on loan. There was a loan option for items less than 100 coins worth. She bought the colorful pen the same way. So she was again in more debt by twenty coins. Nevertheless, sometimes debt is also life-saving. As can be seen in her life, she demonstrated it.

Ajay was also impressed by this Ghost Sheet. He liked it. He would use it on his family when he returned home. With these thoughts, he started his journey of leaving this prison. He understood that this was an underground place.

But the intricate passages impressed him. The system found the quickest way out. He scanned his surroundings and noted the drawings on the walls. There was nothing special. Just a black dot and a white circle around it. But each passage had a subtle change in the drawing. The circle got bigger and thicker. Maybe it also represented the level of the place. Or maybe the depth of the place.

There were checkpoints too which were manned by many soldiers. They should've royal guards. Or the underground guards.

Dhvani easily manipulated the security protocol set there. She was gaining mastery over the magical control of the security lines. She broke them and regrouped them in a way that she could receive information back from them. Each security line was linked and as she broke further ones, she linked them all together. When they reached the final security link, she broke it in a second and used the security system itself to create a transmitter that sent the connected links and the information from them. Magic is unlike energy and it can be transmitted in different ways. She hadn't studied much about it but she found transmitting and receiving very easy.

The immediate thing after getting out was that they needed a place to stay. Because Ajay was relatively new here, he couldn't go anywhere else. So he selected the place where he teleported. He had a great affinity for it. So they traveled to that place by One time use Cloud.

This cloud was like a knockoff product of the Cloud that Ajay had purchased. But still, he liked this cloud that was helping them. He felt bad that its shelf life was only one-time use.

After reaching their destination, the time for a review came.

Ajay gave the cloud five stars. He was immensely satisfied seeing it. It felt like he met a kid of his cloud. So he added an extra sentence in the user thoughts column.

"Let the cloud live after its one-time use. It could be adopted by users if they wish later."

By this time, the system started working. The repair was finished. That is why a new feature like this one-time cloud could be used.

She could communicate with the other systems so she had all the help she needed. She immediately put up a help request in the group.

Dhvani-no specs: How to cause a civil uprising?

She had to wait for a reply. She found that most of her friends in this group were used to sudden repairs. his away she found that she cannot rely on the system completely, Her short-term goal was to earn enough coins and points to buy all kinds of necessitates and some joke items.

She also brought a tent that also had an attention dispelling function. So no one would look over and find the tent. A good quality product, according to Dhvani.

They also found that the tent was abnormally large. A very Harry Potter feel to it made Dhvani very happy. She was a fan who never owned any merchandise or books but this could be considered a wish fulfilled. The tent was as large as a double-story building. It had basic requirements. There was a decontamination room and Dhir was admitted there. Ajay had applied for medicines and he waited for Dhir to wake up. They couldn't completely provide the treatment here.

Even if Dhvani was a system, she couldn't get all kinds of medical supplies at present. So she needed external help.

"System, you have to keep an eye on Dhir. He is our most needed helper. He can help us turn this situation around. Also if you can keep the scanning function on at all times, it would be much appreciated."

Dhvani nodded.

["Yes, host."]

Ajay lay down in his room. He never thought that things could be this way. He traveled to an unknown world he didn't even know the name of. Now he wanted to help the people here. He didn't know why but he just couldn't leave without trying his best. How often can people travel between worlds? When would someone come here to help even if it is possible? He was here now so he would try.

Till the last second, he would try. If it fails, then he would leave. He also had the responsibility of the mermaid clan. And Tarsh and the spirit animals. He wouldn't sacrifice them. If he couldn't get out, he could unbind the system. Then only he would die.

He didn't want to die but there's no other way, right? He put his gloomy thoughts aside. There's always hope. Maybe it could change. If all kings could somehow cooperate, then all this would go towards a safe path.

Somehow he fell asleep amidst his thoughts.

Dhvani waited for a long time and not hearing any other questions from him, she also went to sleep.

In the other room, Dhir woke up and looked at the ceiling above. He gave a bitter smile and then fell back into a coma.

The morning came bursting into their tent. Dhvani was the first one to get up. She also observed that Dhir was awake the last night for a minute. Seeing him doing nothing but sleeping again, she breathed relief. If he was also on the same side as the bad guys, she would feel really sad for Ajay. This guy wore his heart on his sleeves.

She woke Ajay from his sleep.

It was easy. She manipulated the alarm in his room. No one can sleep if the ceiling fan stops working. The heat will wake you up. She also turned off the cooling effect in the room.

As she predicted, Ajay woke up quickly. After gaining his senses, he fired off a series of questions.

"System, how is Dhir's condition? Did he wake up? What is his recovery rate?"

She waited for him to finish before answering.

["He is recovering well now. He woke up briefly and his body is in a coma for self-repair now. He can become normal in two days. He will need a month of bed rest to shrug his weakness off."]

"Wow, the system medicines are really good. These are magical."

She thought- you haven't seen the magical medicines. If Sari were here, she would have cured him in an hour. Medical systems were almighty that way.

That evening, Dhir woke up.

When Dhvani informed Ajay, he quickly went to meet him. Dhir was in a normal room now. He didn't need the decontamination room.

Dhir didn't look overly surprised seeing Ajay.

"How are you?"

"Alive. It's my good fate that you saved me. Thank you."

Dhir's weak voice had a firm strength emanating.

"How did you end up like that?"

Ajay felt bad for asking that because he felt like he was sprinkling on Dhir's wounds.

"In our world, there is a saying that twins are god's blessings and curses. There haven't been twins born for a long time because whenever there are twins, mayhem will ensue. You can guess, that someone managed to keep secret his birth and betrayed us."

"You mean the king?"

Dhir nodded.

"The king is dead. The one we met was the impostor twin, the servant of the Evil Fog, Chaos."

Helloooo readers!

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I had a very thought-provoking time. The twins' situation will be explained in the next chapter.

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