
System Status: Online

Dhvani voluntarily accepted the task of being a system. For a small chance to be reincarnated again, she aspires to level up and complete her task as soon as possible. Ajay has everything. He is happy, and successful but inexplicably bound to a system that chatters in his mind. The system wants him to do tasks so it can level up and again, do more tasks. From being frustrated to enjoying, he changes gradually. But can he do something for her that he would never want to? And will she really want to unbind when she remembers something from the distant forgotten past? ____________ A snippet from an upcoming chapter : Dhvani stood in the endless white of the Memory Ocean waiting for his answer. He looked at her for a long time and ruthlessly rejected her. "We were never meant to meet. You should remember your duties as well." He left her there and he never saw her again. Did he regret his parting words? Yes. But can he change anything? He hoped so. ____________ A request to readers: Please tell me how you feel about the story in the comments so I can improve my writing. Thank you for reading! There may be mistakes in my writing and you can tell me.

livingandreading · Fantasy
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194 Chs

Fool and Betray

Like it often happens in books and movies, no one believed Ajay. Frankly, would you believe him? No, right. Even Dhvani wouldn't want to trust him. But she knew what he said was going to happen. People wouldn't think that they neglected such a thing. It's like pointing at someone and saying - "You are a waste"

Most importantly, it depends on the leader. If the leader wanted to consider this alternative, maybe they could find a way out of this peril. Most leaders suffer from the same disease. They think they are gods and above everyone else. They think that they have everything in their control and they ignore every small hint which would be as obvious as a large rock barrelling towards the village from the mountain.

["Host, maybe you could talk slowly. And explain your inferences."]

Dhvani didn't want this to extend. So she thought it would be better if they convinced Dhir. He looked like he had some say in the major affairs.

Ajay nodded.

"Your theory may not be correct. How can I believe you without considering all the facts?"

He had a point there. She waited for Ajay to clarify Dhir's doubts.

"Do you have any records from previous wars? We can compare the data and draw inferences, then."

Dhir accepted that and summoned a guard waiting outside. After receiving a signal from Dhir, he vanished and came back in a matter of seconds. Dhvani understood that some people had superspeed as superpowers here. That's why the person could become a close guard of Dhir. She wondered what identity Dhir had. What if he was some kind of prince? That would help them, right?

Ajay and Dhir poured over the records for a whole night and recorded many events. The records only consisted of the happenings concerning their camp. As they continued reading, their faces turned darker and darker. Dhvani considered giving them some Almond milk. It would at least refresh their mind. She really couldn't stand the quiet atmosphere here. She knew it was her fault because she didn't allow Tarsh to come to her space.

There were two reasons. First, she needed someone to supervise the mermen with spirit animals. Second, Ajay was in enough trouble as of now, there was no need to add Tarsh. Based on Tarsh's character, he would stir up the troubled waters. He got into enough trouble when he was in a safe environment. She didn't want him to go out unless it was extremely necessary. So she added some child locks in her space. That would enable only some space functions for Tarsh. Also, they could not stream any shows but they had downloaded enough content that would last for years.

The content came from many worlds. Her world had a huge movie base and combined with other worlds, it would probably take lifetimes to finish them all. She was utterly surprised and sad. There were so many awesome books, comics, and shows she would miss. She did have a few nightmares about this fact.

It would be super embarrassing if someone knew that. But yeah, who would know her browsing history here except for Tarsh? Her boss wouldn't check it anyway.

She also scanned all the documents the two guys were reading in the meantime. It would be helpful if she could instantly provide the required information if Ajay needed it later.

Even if he didn't need it, she could use it for recording.

She quickly analyzed the numbers and made graphs. She projected them to Ajay who could slowly see the pattern. As he expected there was a slow rise in several demons. If extrapolated it could show the graph of an exponential function. He wasn't surprised but this world did not have graphs so he could just talk about numbers. Sometimes graphs are easier to understand than all data sheets.

"I see what you mean. But this doesn't necessarily translate to your fact. We will analyze other armies' records too and then conclude. If it all matches, we will go to the king."

Ajay nodded. It was the perfect solution to this dilemma.

Getting other armies to provide data wasn't easy. Dhir had to sell many favors and precious materials to get them to agree. But he managed to gather the information in two days. These two days, Ajay paced front and back in the room making plans. He also made plans for the worst-case scenario.

Dhvani didn't know all this because Ajay didn't feel the need to tell a program his thoughts. Dhvani also made many system props to work in standby mode for perfect execution during danger.

"Here we go. Let's start. We have to report it tomorrow. The king will visit in incognito to check military conditions. We have to impress and convince him. Make a good report."

Dhvani understood that Dhir was on their pirate boat. A helper is what they urgently needed.

"Let's make a report for each army and then a collective report summing up every army's report. That should do."

So they spent a lot of time doing reports. Dhvani remembered her schooling days. So she also watched how group projects turn out. They started arguing about the font and also the color of the letters. She watched them argue for a while before providing an automatic random coloring pen. That shut them up.

"Where did you get this?"

Dhir marveled at the pen. Pens that change the color of ink while writing wasn't found here.

"I bought it from a friend. I never used it before so I just remembered that I had one with me."

Having personal space wasn't uncommon here so Dhir found a pen appearing out of nowhere, not odd. Come to think of it, even Ajay came out of nowhere. That's what was the real thing that never happened before. Maybe this world did not have invisible people.

Anyway, they went back to discussing and writing. They scrapped more than twenty papers because of the wrong choice of words and uneven handwriting. Dhvani wanted to give them a laptop but she couldn't take it out. This world rejected major technology items. Maybe Ajay used it, there wouldn't be any impact but Dhir couldn't find it. That's a double standard but she did not make the rules.

"Write slowly and focus. If we go at this pace, we cannot finish writing before tomorrow. We have to work on it all night."

Ajay nodded dejectedly.

This project made them closer and they gradually became friends. Sometimes small things tie people with each other. So they worked all night and Dhvani napped while they were working. She was a soul body. She didn't exactly need sleep but she had a timetable that she couldn't ditch. Her soul power could not bear high-intensity work.

The next morning, Dhvani quickly got up and saw both of them sleeping haphazardly. They just lay down on the table without going back. She did not wake Ajay immediately.

But Dhir got up and pushed Ajay. Ajay who just got up seemed bleary-eyed and had a hard time comprehending his surroundings.

They quickly got ready and rushed to the gate of the barracks.

They just arrived at the gate when a middle-aged man came into their view.

Dhir bowed and Ajay copied him.

"Get up, Dhir. Who is this young man?"

The man was shorter than Ajay but he had a calm look on his face. He had deep blue eyes and long hair which was tied at the back. He wore the standard clothes of this world. A long robe with a belt and sash. His white robe had a golden sash.

"He is my new friend. We have something to report, sir. Can you come with us?"

"I guessed it. Otherwise, you wouldn't predict my location and wait, right?"He had a sparkle in his eyes while questioning.

Dhir nodded.

Dhir brought him to Ajay's room. Maybe he did this because Ajay was a nobody and no one would spy or because the report was there.

Anyway, they sat at the table and drank Almond milk. It became the favorite of Dhir as soon as he took a sip.

The king also praised its taste.

"Tell me quickly. ill have to return for my duties."

Dhir took the report which was hidden under the table. The table had a secret compartment which was at the underside of its center. The report was covered in black cover and the white papers inside were colorful because of the words written with the colorful pen.

The king glanced and then read the report slowly. He did not stop till he reached the end and then slowly closed the report.

Ajay was nervous hoping the king would believe him. No matter how much he wanted to help, he couldn't do it alone. He didn't know anyone and if he ventured alone, making everyone listen to him would waste too much time. It would be very helpful if some established leader did all this.

He was just a technical worker, anyway.

"I think you are right. But just so you know, it doesn't matter what I think. The other kings won't necessarily listen to me. They just want everything to be good in their rule. They don't about their possible successors to get the future. So your conclusion wouldn't cause many ripples."

He sighed

Ajay had guessed it would come to this. This was already a better situation than he had imagined.

"But sir, if we start taking measures, maybe other kingdoms would also follow suit. Then our job would be half done. I there is someone who refuses to help, we can use public opinion and turn the citizens against the leader. A leader like that shouldn't be kept in that position."

"I like your idea. If I had thought of this earlier, maybe many things would have changed. Let's go with the flow. I'll arrange some guards to come here and you will teach them how you learned to subdue demons. Then we will broadcast it."

Ajay nodded.

As discussed, everything went according to their plan. Ajay managed to teach everyone in a day,

Things were so smooth that Dhvani felt it was abnormal.

["Host, don't you think this seems very easy?"]

"I think so too. Let's see what happens."

As it always happens, like the calm before the storm, things changed suddenly.

Dhir was out patrolling when royal guards came with a fanfare. To arrest Ajay.

Ajay was knocked out and he specifically instructed Dhvani to not act. She was to keep vigil and look out for all the abnormalities. The largest problem should be the king. As he said, the problem wasn't with other kingdoms but specifically his kingdom.

Ajay was thrown into an underground prison and the guards left. The doors were just some kind of laser light. Apparently, they would just cut a human when crossing. A good door but it was a piece of cake for the almighty system Dhvani.

She just had to wait for Ajay to wake up. Ajay was injected with drugs earlier and now he was hit in this way. Dhvani felt bad for him. This world was turning into a disaster for him. She just hoped that Ajay wouldn't be half dead when they had to leave.

Ajay woke up groggy before he realized his situation. HE felt thankful that he wasn't alone in this world. THugh the system wasn't human, it was with him spiritually. He sighed.

"System Status," he asked in his mind.


"Can you get me out of this cell?"

["Yes, host."]

Dhvani quickly removed the energy signatures of laser lights which were easy for her soul power.

Ajay silently slinked away and moved to the inner side of the prison. He wasn't a fool to make a jailbreak at this time. He had to find the complete situation before making a foolproof plan.

Dhvani found something in her scan that she didn't actually believe. Before she could tell Ajay, he himself stood before the room.

There in the room lay a bloody, unconscious, barely breathing Dhir.


Well, as you can guess, the chapters will go premium from chapter 31. I was very surprised and excited because of the contract.

Anyway, readers, please comment. Show some love to our dearest female lead Dhvani so she can become human soon. She is fed up with being a system.

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