
Supreme Origin: The Perfect Creator

When Kamal suddenly found himself in a completely barren world one day after waking up, he was confused until he saw a letter saying that he has been brought here to be a deity of sort for this universe. Needless to say Kamal was petrified since he was just a boy with extremely low self esteem and the note just expect him to become a deity and create beings to populate this universe. Ohh and did I mention he was not alone, there were three others; the most beautiful female singer on his world, the strongest wrestler, the most beautiful female model and lastly the richest second generation asshole in his former world. Read how Kamal will overcome this even with his extremely low self esteem.

Reyna_Lavesque_381 · Urban
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Creator Deities Domains & Powers

KAMAL: Embodiment Of Void/Primordial Chaos/Everything


Absolute Derivation - Be the prime source of everything.

Absolute Transcendence - Transcend absolutely everything, including itself, any forms of definition, limitations, and the concept of transcendence itself.

Autopotence - Have absolute power over your own existence and everything related to it.

Complete Arsenal - Have every power and ability, thus being able to do absolutely anything.

Omni-Manipulation - Manipulate anything and everything, even the power itself.

Eternal Existence - Having always existed.

Flawless Indestructibility - Possess absolutely no weaknesses or outlets of harm.

Freedom - Be unconstrained and unrestricted from anything.

Indeterminacy - Be incomprehensible and undefinable by any means.

Omniarch - Rule all things.

Omnilock - Exist outside of absolutely everything.

Omnipresence - Be everywhere and anywhere all at once.

Omniscience - Know everything and anything.

Perfection - Be in a state where one can no longer improve.

Singularity - Absolutely and only one.

Totality Embodiment - Be the embodiment of anything and everything, thus having absolute control over it.

Unity - Be one with totality.

Specific Abilities and Powers

Complete Arsenal

Absolute Change - Change anything.

Absolute Condition - Have the ultimate levels of strength, speed, intellect, etc.

Absolute Destruction - Destroy anything and everything.

Apocalyptic Force Manipulation - Control the final force.

Ultimate Erasure - Annihilate/wipe out anything/everything on any/all levels.

Absolute Force Manipulation - Control, create, shape and destroy all forces.

Absolute Fusion - Connect/Fuse Everything.

Absolute Life-Force - Control infinite amounts of spiritual force.

Absolute Restoration - Restore everything back to their natural state.

Almighty Magic - The power to use magic that is able to accomplish anything.

Almighty Law Creation - Create and control the law that is unbreakable and is the Alpha law.

Almighty Replication - Replicate all powers.

Almighty Science - Control almighty/omnipotent science.

Alpha Reality - Rewrite the laws of reality without limit.

Amortality - Beyond life and death.

Boundary Manipulation - Complete control of all boundaries.

Causality Manipulation - Complete control of the cause/effect relation.

Concept Manipulation - Create/manipulate/erase all Concepts.

Cycle Manipulation - Manipulate the cycles of existence (creation, existence, destruction).

Definition Manipulation - Manipulate how anything/everything is defined.

Duality Transcendence - The ability to transcend duality and all binary oppositions.

Existence Manipulation - Manipulate the entirety of existence itself.

Primordial Force Manipulation - Manipulate the prime force.

Existential Plane Manipulation - Manipulate all planes of existence.

Grand Design Construction - Creating, sorting, preserving the universe.

Logic Manipulation - Control and defy logic without limit and achieve any impossible feat.

Meta Miracle Manipulation - Make use of powerful miracles.

Meta Perspective Manipulation - Manipulate all perspectives.

Meta Power Manipulation - Create, control, and delete powers on an infinite level.

Meta Ability Creation - Can create whatever power one wants with no limits.

Meta Power Destruction - Can destroy whatever power one wants with no limits.

Meta Power Immunity - Be immune to all powers.

Meta Immunity Bypassing - Bypass all immunities.

Power Augmentation - Can increase and amplify special abilities to infinite power-levels.

Meta Probability Manipulation - Control all possibilities.

Metaphysics Manipulation - Control the aspects of metaphysics.

Omega Reality - Decide the end fate of all realities.

Omni-Absorption - Absorb Everything.

Omni-Detection - Detect Everything.

Omni-Negation - Negate and nullify everything.

Omnicide - Kill all life at once.

Omnicompetence - Handle all situations or matters.

Hypercompetence - Be absolutely skilled in every possible field.

Omnifabricating - Invent anything with varying capabilities.

Omnifarious - Change your form and appearance without limit.

Omnificence - Create absolutely anything.

Omnilingualism - Decipher and speak any language.

Omniverse Manipulation - Control all universes.

Origin Manipulation - Manipulate the origin of all that is.

Paradox Manipulation - Override the laws of reality, logic, and common sense.

Perspective Manipulation - Manipulate the Perspective.

Physical Godhood - Break and bend all scientific laws and concepts.

Power Anchoring - Immune to all alterations.

Preservation - Preserve Everything.

Prime Being - Be the beginning of everything and every species

Ultimate Erasure.- Erase any kind of existence,

Separation - Separate/Divide Everything.

Supernatural Manipulation - Control everything supernatural.

Ultimate Invincibility - Be absolutely invincible.

Unimind - Be one with all minds.

Universal Irreversibility - Actions cannot be stopped or reversed.

Prajma: Embodiment Of Existence


Existential erasure

Existential creation

Absolute Existence: By controlling their own existence to a focal point

Absolute Change

Absolute Destruction

Destruction Manipulation

Nothingness/Primordial Nothingness Manipulation

Destructive Dominion

Completeness Manipulation

Existence Assignment

Existence Declaration

Existence Defiance

Existence Inducement/Erasure

Reality Inducement

Existential Plane Manipulation


Existence Sense

Existence Switching

Existence Theft

Imagination Manifestation: Can bring whatever they imagine into existence

Meta Ability Creation: Can create any power they want and bring it into existence


Creation Manipulation

Omnificence Genesis

Entity Lordship

Life Mastery

Partial Existence Inducement

Reality Warping

Reality Exchange

Self-Existence Manipulation

Existential Manifestations

Template Manipulation

World Manipulation



Existence Assignment

Existential manipulation

Existential Rewrite

Fang Yu: Embodiment Of Reality


Ability Creation/Meta Ability Creation: Basic/medium users can create several/all abilities and powers for themselves or others by changing their reality.

Ability Mastering: Can master most of their abilities by just having experience.

Meta-Teaching: Can teach anything to anyone, including themselves, such as talents, skills, abilities, knowledge, etc.

Meta-Learning: Advanced users can learn absolutely anything they desire.

Absolute/Life Manipulation: Can manipulate the life of beings, such as people, animals, plants, monsters, and possibly supernatural beings.

Absolute/Life Creation: Can create life out of nothing if powerful enough by simply making it a reality.

Creation Manipulation: Have control over creation.

Creation/Omnificence: Users can create whatever they want and when they want to, even advance and go even further with more complex creations and cosmic creations.

Chronological Creation: Can create anything and give it a past and a future.

Dream Creation: Can create anything they desire through their dreams.

Empathic Creation: Can create things out of emotions or emotional energy.

Imagination Manifestation: Can manifest and bring imaginations into reality.

Existence Assignment: Some users' reality is a declaration/mandate.

Order Manipulation: Many users can manipulate the law and order of reality.

Law Manipulation: A reality warper can manipulate, create, destroy or change laws and rules of all reality.

Remote Materialization: Can create anything over vast distances without any limitations.

Vocal Creation: Can create anything through speech.

Biological Explosion: Can cause any biological life-forms to explode with just a thought.

Chaos Manipulation: Many users can manipulate the chaotic nature of reality.

Destabilization: Can destabilize absolutely anything and/or everything throughout reality.

Destruction Manipulation: Control the destruction of all things.

Destruction/Absolute Destruction: Destroy any kind of material, element and even non-physical things from a small scale to cosmic scales and even absolutely anything.

Disintegration: Can reduce anything into dust and ashes.

Death/Absolute Death Manipulation: Have a varying control over death.

Omni-Negation: Can negate absolutely anything and everything.

Ultimate Erasure: Can erase absolutely everything and/or anything in reality with little effort.

Total Event Collapse: Extremely influential users can cause the complete collapse of existence/reality, leading to absolute destruction of everything within it, even the concept itself.

Drake: Embodiment Of Fundamental Forces


Gravity Embodiment

Strength Force Embodiment

Electromagnetism Embodiment

Light Force Embodiment

Still Force Embodiment

Speed Force Embodiment

Dark Force Embodiment

Strong Interaction Embodiment

Sage Force Embodiment

Weak Interaction Embodiment

Subatomic Manipulation - By controlling the fundamental forces of subatom.

Atomic Manipulation

Electromagnetism Manipulation

Chemistry Manipulation

EM Spectrum Manipulation

Cosmic Energy Manipulation

Light Manipulation

Quantum Energy Manipulation

Matter Manipulation

Plasma Manipulation

Quantum Manipulation

Technology Manipulation

Gravity Manipulation

Astronomical Object Manipulation

Black Hole Manipulation

White Hole Manipulation

Gravitational Energy Manipulation

Gravitational Singularity Generation

Magneto-Graviton Manipulation

Space-Time Manipulation

Wormhole Creation

Weight Manipulation

Nuclear Manipulation - combination of strong force and weak force.

Strong Force Manipulation

Chromodynamic Energy Manipulation

Matter Creation

Total Conversion


Collision Inducement

Electric Field Negation

Elemental Manipulation

Quark Manipulation - quarks interact with all fundamental forces.

Weak Force Manipulation


Electro-Weak Force Manipulation

Radiation Manipulation

Beta Radiation Manipulation

Zero-Point Energy Manipulation

Light Manipulation

Microwave Emission

Bruno: Embodiment Of Order


Absolute Command

Subordination Manipulation

Absolute Law Manipulation

Justice Manipulation

Rule Creation

Almighty Law Creation

Monarchy Inducement

Reality Anchoring

Reality Restoration

Supreme Voice

Supernatural Dominion



Personal Domain

War & Peace Manipulation

Serenity Inducement

Control Manipulation


Object Manipulation

Truth Inducement

Arrangement Manipulation

Concord Manipulation

Essence Manipulation/Form Manipulation

Government Manipulation

Laws of Physics

Order Attacks

Order Energy Manipulation

Discipline Energy Manipulation

Order Inducement

Order Negation

Order Sense

Peace Manipulation

Peace Inducement

Real World Enforcement


Physical Restoration

Sequence Manipulation

System Manipulation


System Creation

Truth Manipulation

A/N: This list is from the strongest Creator to the weakest Creator.