
Supreme Origin: The Perfect Creator

When Kamal suddenly found himself in a completely barren world one day after waking up, he was confused until he saw a letter saying that he has been brought here to be a deity of sort for this universe. Needless to say Kamal was petrified since he was just a boy with extremely low self esteem and the note just expect him to become a deity and create beings to populate this universe. Ohh and did I mention he was not alone, there were three others; the most beautiful female singer on his world, the strongest wrestler, the most beautiful female model and lastly the richest second generation asshole in his former world. Read how Kamal will overcome this even with his extremely low self esteem.

Reyna_Lavesque_381 · Urban
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5 Chs

God ranks:

Minor God

Major God

Elder God

Supreme God

Ascending Celestial

Minor Celestial

Major Celestial

Elder Celestial

Supreme Celestial

Ascending Primordial

Minor Primordial

Major Primordial

Elder Primordial

Supreme Primordial

Creator Deity

Creator supreme


To advance in ranks Gods needs to master laws completely:

Minor God - 25% of a world law mastered

Major God - 50% of a world law mastered

Elder God - 75% of a world law mastered

Supreme God - 100% of a world law mastered

Ascending God - begins to comprehend Universal laws

Minor Celestial - 25% Universal law mastered

Major Celestial - 50% Universal law mastered

Elder Celestial - 75% Universal law mastered

Supreme Celestial - 100% Universal law mastered

Ascending Primordial - Attempting fusion with Universal law

Minor Primordial - 25% fusion completed

Major Primordial - 50% fusion completed

Elder Primordial - 75% fusion completed

Supreme Primordial - 100% fusion completed