
Supreme Origin: The Perfect Creator

When Kamal suddenly found himself in a completely barren world one day after waking up, he was confused until he saw a letter saying that he has been brought here to be a deity of sort for this universe. Needless to say Kamal was petrified since he was just a boy with extremely low self esteem and the note just expect him to become a deity and create beings to populate this universe. Ohh and did I mention he was not alone, there were three others; the most beautiful female singer on his world, the strongest wrestler, the most beautiful female model and lastly the richest second generation asshole in his former world. Read how Kamal will overcome this even with his extremely low self esteem.

Reyna_Lavesque_381 · Urban
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5 Chs

Artifacts Grades:

Creator Grade:

Throne Of Power (Throne Of Kamal):

A throne made by Kamal the Supreme Creator for himself, once on the throne he gets all the improvements all other deities had made in their powers thus constantly improving himself.

Crown Of Kamal:

A crown made by Kamal the Supreme Creator that once worn multiplies his powers adding infinity to his already infinite powers.

Divine Piercer:

A Divine weapon made by Kamal the Supreme Creator to better channel his powers.


Capability to pierce/ Slash anything whether abstract or not.

10X power boost to any attack made by the holder.

5X power boost to the holder when he is holding it

Ruler Of Existence:

A long ruler made by Lord Kamal for Prajma the Creator Goddess Of Existence, it allows her to better channel her powers and also quantify the existence of all things.

Bangles Of Reality:

An artifact made by Lord Kamal for Fang Yu, it allows the wearer to have better control of their powers.

Nuclear Orb:

An orb made by Lord Kamal for Drake, that multiplies his powers tenfold while also giving him maximum control over the fundamental forces especially the nuclear force.

Scale of judgement:

A powerful artifact made by lord Kamal for Bruno, it has the absolute power and authority to judge almost all beings and things in existence.