
Supreme Ascension

Li Tian, a university student with very limited potential due to his trash talent dies and is replaced by another Li Tian from a cultivation world. As the two souls merge and the super ascendency system is awakened, Everything becomes possible as receives numerous rewards from the system. Be it bloodline, pills, cultivation methods, battle techniques, weapons Li Tian has it all. what obstacles Lies before them on their path to becoming supreme

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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50 Chs

the clans take action

Li Tian returned to his house with the loot he had got from topping the exams. As the one ranked first in the exam. He was well rewarded according to the rules set before the start of the trial. His custom made weapon was exactly the same as the extermination Saber except that it was a rank-three spirit artifact while the extermination Saber was an immortal artifact. Li Tian didn't care as much for this Saber as he did the extermination Saber but he found that this one better suited him as his level was too low to control an immortal artifact.

He decided to give the pills to anyone who offers him a service in the future. They were of no help to him. He kept the talisman too and had no immediate plans for it. When he entered his house and was passing by the mirror, he caught a glance of his reflection and was astonished. Before receiving the system this body of his was 1.7m tall but now he had already reached 1.8m. The difference shocked him. When he was in the forest he knew he had grown taller but he just didn't know how much.

The only thing he could think of that would cause such a change to him is his bloodline and given that it was still in the process of awakening he didn't want to think of how tall he would get by the time he completely awakens. The changes that awaited him left him curious.

The blood mark on his forehead felt eternal and added a certain level of charm and mystery to his person.

Li Tian took a shower then went to sleep. Though his increasing cultivation meant that he would need sleep less and less, he still didn't want to pass up the chance of enjoying the pleasures of a mortal life.


In the time since the great awakening, after countless battles fought, humanity in the territory they controlled which was approximately 40% of the land in this would, had managed to build more than twenty cities. Each with its own defence system and governing body but they all still answer to one city, Prime city.

This was humanity's headquarters. While all the other cities were name after the letters of the alphabet, prime city was the only city worthy of having its own name.

Here was the domain of the most powerful and influential people in the world.

It is from here that all important decisions are taken before orders are given and information sent to the other cities. The hq of the most powerful organisations in the world were located here.

Among the powerhouses that lived here, were the powerful and illustrious Zhang clan, people who possess the power of the storm flood dragon.

In one conner of the city stood their estate which spanned for miles. The buildings very grand and majestic.

At this moment in the main hall Zhang Wei was reporting to the patriarch, his father about the events of the trial. When he got to the part about the treasures he lost, his father was incensed.

One had to give it up for this father and son because as troublesome as Zhang Wei may be he didn't have the habit of lying to his father. He had told him the whole story without omitting a single thing except when he was reporting about the Saber. If he had known the real value of the Saber it would surely have been a matter that will involve the whole clan. However his father conveniently ignored all the problems caused by his son

" has my Zhang clan fallen to a state where any ant will step on our heads?"

As he yelled you could see on his face an air of righteousness as though he had suffered a grievous injustice.

"I Zhang Ming will not take this lying down. This boy who dares to disregard the face of my clan must be punished. We will let him keep his life if he is smart enough to hand over the treasures as compensation"

As he spoke he then turned to his son and asked

"Tell me, my son, what do you estimate is the value of that treasure?"

"More than our clan wealth without a doubt" replied Zhang Wei

When Zhang Ming heard this he lost control of his aura and it leaked to the surroundings filling it with an oppressive air. The air suddenly became denser. Which caused Zhang Wei to bend slightly.

This was the aura of someone who was just one step away from rebirth realm. It was only a matter of time.

"Congratulations father on taking another step toward the great way"

Zhang Ming nodded but still said nothing. Throughout his son's entire explanation he had not imagined the wealth will be this much.

"Investigate the background of that fellow and report back to me. Use any resource at our disposal to get all the information about him"

He spoke and as he turned. Greed shone in his eyes. 'If i had these treasures, my cultivation would be many times faster and it won't be long before I reach the level grandfather and head over to that place'. These thoughts running through his mind only left him with more desire. Just when he was about to walk out the door he spoke again "don't let the elders find out what you are doing and also keep an eye on the Li family from today. If you observe any strange action coming from their part let me know immediately".

He then disappeared.

Elsewhere, still within prime city, the same kind of meeting was being held but this time it was by the Li clan. In a room filled with immense fire energy Li Mei was reporting the same thing to her father who also came to the same conclusion as Zhang Ming.

The two clans got into action at once to uncover the identity and background of Li Tian. It didn't take long for all the other influential powers notice this strange behaviour from the two clans.

However, Li Tian, the person at the centre of this ruckus was now sleeping very comfortable on his bed without a care in the world