
Supreme Ascension

Li Tian, a university student with very limited potential due to his trash talent dies and is replaced by another Li Tian from a cultivation world. As the two souls merge and the super ascendency system is awakened, Everything becomes possible as receives numerous rewards from the system. Be it bloodline, pills, cultivation methods, battle techniques, weapons Li Tian has it all. what obstacles Lies before them on their path to becoming supreme

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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50 Chs

end of the trial

His words hung in the air, a chilling reminder of the weight and responsibility that came with mastering such a formidable technique. Li Tian could not help but shudder, his mind filled with both reverence and trepidation for the enigmatic old man and his dad of massacre.

He knew it was impossible for him to comprehend a dao at his current level but it gave him joy knowing that this technique pointed towards the dao and all he had to do was practice it earnestly and his opportunity will be presented some day.

Mulling over the information he had just received left him quiet for some time however he soon realised that the old man who was floating Infront of him had long disappeared. Only a red ball of light was left floating there and it shot directly towards his forehead leaving a mark that looked like a drop of blood.

It was very distinctive and no matter how Li Tian tried to wipe it stayed there unchanging. He finally gave up when he heard a voice.

"This drop of blood contains all my comprehension and when you will be strong enough, only then will you be able to access it and gain my understanding towards the dao. I wish you well on your journey little fellow"

Just as Li Tian thought the old man was gone for good he heard his voice again

"Don't let my inheritance disappear. If you do I promise I will hunt you from the grave. You hear that kid?..."

After waiting for a short period without hearing his voice again Li Tian knew he was truly gone this time around.

"How powerful was the old man when he was alive? Just his explanation of the dao of massacre has me running in circles. I understand the words but can't seem to understand its essence... well in due time. No need to rush"

Li Tian consoled himself before taking out the manual and started comprehending the technique...

Two days later he walked out of the cave and took out a Saber. This was the extermination Saber he inherited from the old man and as he held it he observed a demonic spider beast that was rushing towards him with ferocity. The calmness in his eyes as he looked at the beast indicated that he sensed not the slightest threat from the beast. He swung the Saber in his hand and a blood red beam emanating a tremendous killing intent shot towards the spider. It was stunned for a moment and before it could react, its body split in two equal halves.

During this seclusion Li Tian had not only successfully refined the Saber and comprehended a bit of the one-strike extermination Saber strategy but due to his experience in killing from his previous life he had been able to merge it into his attacks which was very well complemented by the technique and made it stronger. He had also managed to break through to low-level Qi manifestation stage of the xiantian realm.

His power now could not be compared to any of the participants within this trial and he was sure it would be difficult to find him opponents within the xiantian realm. He was looking forward to having a bout with a foundation realm cultivator.

Being that this was the last day of the test he knew he had until noon to present himself at the gates of the enchanted grove but he did not want to stay in this forest any longer.it was still morning but he decided to leave.

Arriving at the designated location he knew he was not the only one who had thought to come out early as there were already many people outside.

He handed over his core to an inspector before looking for a place to sit and wait for the final results to be announced.

The performance you have here will determine what sort of organisations will be interested in you and what benefits you will have.

This world was a normal one with normal humans but centuries ago during the spiritual energy awakening a lot of mysterious things started happening as a result. Humans who could not awaken to this new level of existence died while those who survived awoke to new levels of strength and abilities.

But the evolution of humans pales in comparison to animals who awoke their ancestral bloodlines and started returning to the form of their ancestors at breakneck speeds. With their changes came great increments in strength and a new level of wisdom for the beast.

Now in this world mankind only controls part of this world and the other is ruled by beasts who also have hierarchy amongst them.

Organisations that controlled human owned resources rose and it was their duty to protect mankind. Many of such organisations exist and they all served their purpose in keeping mankind save from the beasts who seek to do them harm.

Many have died in pursuit of the peace mankind now enjoys and many still die everyday. It was the duty of this organisations to make sure that protection is guaranteed and to do so they needed new blood to bolster their ranks and ensure the continuity of their teachings.

Li Tian already knew which organisation he wanted to enter, the military. He chose this one because it would be less time consuming and he would have a lot of time to cultivate while stationed somewhere. He doesn't care where they sent him all he had to do was make sure the place was safe and then his time was his to do with as he pleased.

Time slowly passed and before he knew it noon had arrived. At this time they noticed master sheng the chief examiner flying over. Walking in the air as though it were solid ground. He came to the front o the participants and remained floating in the air.

"The results have been tallied and will be displayed in a few seconds. When you get home today you check your mails and see which of the organisations are interested in you. Choose wisely as this decision will affect your growth. Thank you and I wish you well in your future endeavours "

He left as swiftly as he came as though he did not care about them and frankly he did not. How many of these things had he hosted?

As soon as master sheng disappeared in the horizon and the results were released everyone started leaving the place too. At this moment within the crowd two pairs of eyes were looking at Li Tian with hatred

"Just wait and see"