
Supreme Ascension

Li Tian, a university student with very limited potential due to his trash talent dies and is replaced by another Li Tian from a cultivation world. As the two souls merge and the super ascendency system is awakened, Everything becomes possible as receives numerous rewards from the system. Be it bloodline, pills, cultivation methods, battle techniques, weapons Li Tian has it all. what obstacles Lies before them on their path to becoming supreme

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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50 Chs


It took the group a full day to finish exploring the manor and when Li Tian left he had only one intention which was to look for a place to comprehend his techniques. He had decided that he would only leave the seclusion place once the trial was over. He did not delay and headed toward the same location in which he had gone into seclusion last time.

He soon arrived there and went into lotus position and without any further delay took out the scroll he hid in the system. This type of scroll was a special type used for storing powerful techniques along with spiritual sense information. What prompted him to pick up the technique was that he had seen this kind of scroll in his past life and knew no one would spend huge amounts of resources to purchase such a scroll only to store rubbish. 

He knew that whatever was stored within the scroll must be incredibly important and as he guessed it turned out to be such powerful techniques.

He infused the scroll with his qi and with a flash the scroll left his hand and quietly floated in the air in front of him blood red light shining and exuding a killing intent that made Li Tian hold his breath. As the light gradually dimed an old man with gray hair and black robes manifested in front of Li Tian. His crafty gaze scanned Li Tian as he started laughing 

"hahahaha good good good, little fellow you are quite the sly one. I didn't think other than that icy lass you would turn out to be the biggest winner. I saw your battle, not as exciting as I had hoped but surprising nonetheless. So you are dragonborn huh?"

"senior, what is dragonborn?" asked Li Tian this was the first time he had heard such a term.

"you don't know? Anyway, no harm in telling you. In this world some possess powerful bloodlines that allow them to access abilities that are granted to them through that bloodline, without that bloodline it is an impossibility to use those techniques. Most of the young fellows I sense within this forest possess such traits. Dragonborn are no different possessing the bloodline of a dragon probably one of the descendants of a true dragon but when someone with the bloodline of a dragon can transform they are called Dragonborn. Understand?

"yes thank you. Are there many Dragonborn, senior?" asked Li Tian again

"Yes in my time there were quite a few. That is in the world where I was born but I can not speak for this world "

"senior you are from a different world?"

  "yes but don't ask any further questions in this regard. You are still too weak"

Li Tian was dumbfounded by the straight reply of the old man not even caring for his feelings at all. 

"uh ok. So are you still alive or dead?"

"dead" the old man replied without even giving it a single thought. He continued

"When I knew I was going to die I didn't want my inheritance to be lost so I created that inheritance ground but played that small trick of mixing my inheritance amongst normal treasure so that only a fated person can find it"

"what you see before you are just a part of my immortal sense… speaking of which it will soon dissipate so shut up and listen while I pass the inheritance before I completely dissipate. If after all this time and struggle I go without completing my mission all because of your numerous questions am going to hunt you from my grave"

As the old man spoke Li Tian was stunned 'How is this my fault?'

But he did not interrupt the old man. Then the old man's face became solemn, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of wisdom and bloodlust, stepped forward, his voice resonating with a chilling intensity. The change in his attitude frightened Li Tian. He felt as if he was in the presence of a terrifying beast. As he was still in shock he heard the old man's voice

"Listen carefully, young fellow," he began, his voice carrying the weight of countless battles and the echoes of lives extinguished. " my dao, the dao of massacre, is a path forged through the crucible of countless battles and the annihilation of my enemies. Within it lies the essence of my one-strike extermination saber strategy."

He raised his hand and the air seemed to tremble in response. From the depths of his being, an aura of death and destruction radiated, suffusing the room with an oppressive presence. Li Tian's hair stood on end, his heart pounding in anticipation of the knowledge about to be unveiled.

"the one-strike extermination saber strategy is not merely a technique; it is a manifestation of my dao, a culmination of my understanding of life and death, of power and weakness," old man extermination explained, his voice an eerie blend of excitement and melancholy.

He continued, " In battle when I wield my saber, I become an instrument of fate, a harbinger of destruction. The strategy revolves around a single, devastating strike that aims to exterminate the opponent in a single blow. It is a culmination of precision, timing, and the sheer force of my cultivation."

Old Man Extermination's hands moved, and his fingers traced invisible patterns in the air. Each movement carried a profound meaning as if he were conducting a symphony of death. Li Tian watched, mesmerized, as he demonstrated the intricacies of the technique.

"the secret lies in the synchronization of body, mind, and spirit," he explained, his voice tinged with a sense of reverence." every muscle, every sinew, and every thought must align with the purpose of the strike. It is the embodiment of perfect harmony, where the saber becomes an extension of one's being."

He paused, his eyes narrowing as he delved deeper into the essence of his dao

"when executing the one-strike extermination saber, I tap into the core of my existence, the primal energy that courses through my veins," old man extermination continues, his voice resonating with a hint of madness. "I channel this energy into the blade, infusing it with the power to rend flesh, shatter bones, and sever souls."

His hand mimicked the motion of a saber swing, the air whistling in response to the invisible force generated. Li Tian could almost feel the devastating impact of the imaginary strike, the sheer force threatening to cleave the very fabric of reality.

"the strike itself is not a mere physical blow; it is a convergence of energy, a convergence of life and death," old man Extermination proclaimed, his voice rising in intensity. "it is a culmination of the accumulated power of every life I have taken, every battle I have fought. It is my legacy, my dao of massacre."