

It's not so easy to make it as a superhero these days. In the golden age of heroes, it didn't matter what kind of ability you had. If you had an ability, dressed up in bright colors, and came up with a crazy name; you had it made. You were a hero. The world isn't so simple anymore. Kyle Kane is finding life as a teenage superhero to be worse than a pimple on prom night. Eliminated from his team and forced into normal classes, Kyle's F class powers have doomed him to harassment and mediocrity. Then one day, he gets a cranky message from a system. "I'm your system, congratulations, blah blah blah." Is this Kyle's chance or just another new way to be humiliated?

straythought · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chasing Shadows

Shadow Bow and Rajinn fled away from the battle and were able to meet with Shadow Sis. She was confused at first, but then she saw Rajinn.

Sensing another of his shadows, Rajinn connected with Shadow Sis's mind. She became just like her brother, instantly loyal.

She handed the medallion to Rajinn. He absorbed some energy from it and began to recover a little.

"I'm so weak, I need a Jinn, but the one I chose was captured. He was also useless!" Rajinn raged.

"My Lord, could I serve as your Jinn?" Shadow Bow asked.

"No, my shadows are more of an extension of myself. I cannot enslave myself," Rajinn said.

"We are an extension of the lord?" Shadow Bow asked.

"Shades of me, anyway. Every shadow represents an aspect of me. If this version of me were to die, then one of you would become Rajinn. The shadows don't serve me, more like they are me.

They act like my personal army, but they're better than an army because I can never betray myself. It has been so long since I was imprisoned.

It seems the Shadows have forgotten who they are," Rajinn said.

"What should we do?" Shadow Bow asked.

"We need to get away so that I can become stronger. I need to find a new servant to serve as my Jinn. If I have a Jinn, then I can increase my power faster," Rajinn was walking on his own now, and spoke with the siblings.

Unknown to Rajinn and his shadows, Kyle and several elite fighters were closing in on them. Shadow Sis never left the group, so he set her as a waypoint. They were chasing after them as quickly as possible.

Kyle knew Shadow Bow would never leave his sister, and she was probably just as much a servant of Rajinn as he was. He was truly broken-hearted over it.

It took them months of fighting, but Kyle felt like they created a genuine friendship. How could they turn on him like that? It must have been some kind of mind control.

"Try not to hurt the Shadow siblings," Kyle reminded his team of fighters. He now had Kantor (Lvl 70) along with Gilbrew as Spirit Men.

Bragg brought up the rear; mainly because he was so slow; along with another tank Bilburt Buckler (68). Two expert archers (Lvls 65) joined them.

There were three powerful swordsmen (Lvls 70, 72, 73) and two mid-range fighters (60, 55).

Rollins was still in a medical tent helping Sif recover. Kyle saved her life, but the injury was so severe it would take time to recover.

It was a strong elite team, and even though Kyle and Bragg were a little weaker compared to the rest of the team; they saw Kyle was a good leader and had a lot of hidden cards.

The team was running as fast as they could while staying together. His fear was Shadow Sis would exit from the group and then they wouldn't know where they were.


In a medical tent outside the barrier, Sif's eyes shot open. She tried to sit up, but the pain in her gut wouldn't let her. She groaned in pain.

"Woah, Sis, be careful. Lay back, I don't want your wounds to open up again," Rollins said.

"I was dreaming of Kyle, that he saved me," Sif said.

"You weren't dreaming, he did save you and now he's chasing down Rajinn and two people from the Shadow Clan," Rollins said.

"Kyle, he was here?!" Sif was excited.

"Yes, he was here saved you and nearly took down Rajinn when he was betrayed by his friend. The Shadow Bow killed a close friend of Kyle's before helping Rajinn escape," Rollins explained.

"We have to help him!" Sif said.

"We can't, you're too injured," he reminded Sif.

"Too injured, ha, you know better than that. Where are my pills?" She asked her brother. Rollins pretended to look confused.

"Rollins, where are my pills?" she asked again.

"How should I know; they're your pills," Rollins feigned ignorance once more.

"Rollins, you hid my pills from me," she said angrily. Rollin's face also became angry as he yelled back at his sister.

"You bet I hid your pills! Do you think I'm going to let you chase down that madman? His little follower, the Baron, nearly killed you. I can't lose my sister! G-Hawk would understand," he roared.

"Did G-Hawk ask you to take my pills?" Sif asked stunned.

"No, he just said you would be fine in a little while and then rushed off to chase down Rajinn," Rollins said.

He knew it would be wrong to put words in G-Hawk's mouth. The satisfied look on Sif's face told him she was very happy he abandoned her. He didn't get his sister.

"You can't always protect me," she finally said to Rollins.

"You're right, I can't always protect you, but I can protect you here and now and that's what I'm going to do."

"Where's the bathroom?" Sif asked.

"There's a bedpan next to you," Rollins said.

"You don't expect me to use a bedpan now that I'm awake do you?"

"It's better than you getting up to use the restroom and then disappearing," Rollins said. He was older than her and had a lot more experience. Plus, he understood his sister.

The moment she got out of his sight; she would create some new medicine, heal up and chase after G-Hawk.

"I'm not a kid anymore, I'm an adult!" Sif said angrily.

"You're an adult? Funny, if you're an adult then why aren't you married?" He scoffed.

"I don't have to be married to be an adult!" she yelled back at her brother before turning her face from him. She was really upset. The only person who ever really respected her was G-Hawk.

"General Rollins, General Rollins," Two burly soldiers came rushing into the medical tent. They were clearly here for urgent business.

"What is it?" he asked hurriedly.

"Sir, you're needed in the command tent, there have been some developments," they said.

"What developments?" he asked.

"Sir, we don't know, it's classified. You must come to the command tent they said once more. Rollins looked at his sister before sighing. Duty before family, that was the Rollins family motto.

"Fine, you two need to stay here. Don't let my sister out of bed! Get her whatever she needs, but she cannot leave the bed. Do you understand me?" He asked.

"Yes, sir," they both responded with a salute. Rollins turned back to look at his sister before turning back.

"You better be here when I come back," he turned and walked out of the tent. Sif smiled simply.

"I make no promises," she said quietly.


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