
Super Dimension Raiders : Batman (Marvel/DC)

Check my New Book Translation : Start by Controlling Batman" This is a Fan Fiction. (Marvel/DC) Author Name : Royal Astonishment. Every Credit Goes to Him. I Like the Story that's why I am Translating it. Changing Su Bai ---> Sam _________________________________ Sam devised a multidimensional strategy to provide growth tactics for the characters in various movies and comics, and these strategies have been witnessed by people from all corners of the globe. Batman exclaimed, "What? The Joker murdered Rachel and turned Harvey into a disfigured man? That damned Joker... I'll make him pay! It appears that I won't compromise my principles, and there are numerous ways to deal with him!" Superman pondered, "General Zod plans to attack Earth? Will the Joker kill Louise? I too fell victim to Doomsday... Is there really a way? I seem to have no weaknesses!" Iron Man cursed, "Damn Thanos. I can defeat Thanos as long as I acquire all the Infinity Stones, but what about the Soul Stone? Is there a means to obtain it?" Professor X contemplated, "Is this the future of mutants? And is this the future of Magneto and myself? It seems there exists an alternative approach to resolving the mutant crisis..." The King of Angels, Keisha, mused, "Karl's ambitions are vast, so he wishes to eliminate me in this manner... Can we counter his strategy in this way?"

Rafi_Mohd · Movies
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At the designated time, Batman, Superman, Iron Man, Nick Fury, Professor X, Beast, and Wolverine gathered in a quiet location. Wolverine's future consciousness had returned, but he had no recollection of what had transpired in the past few days.

Professor X remained skeptical of Wolverine's claims, but driven by curiosity, he decided to be present, hoping to witness the extraordinary video that was promised. Everyone else also eagerly anticipated the revelation.

Simultaneously, in Asgard, Thor triumphantly returned once again. Odin observed the scene with some satisfaction, realizing that the reckless young Thor had finally matured and developed special skills worthy of inheriting his position. The people of Asgard, reveling in their victory, engaged in a grand celebration, feasting on abundant food and drink.

As Odin rose to offer words of praise for Thor, an unexpected giant projection screen appeared before him. The entire banquet fell into silence, followed by an explosion of questions and confusion. Asgardians wondered why Odin chose to announce the news using such advanced technology.

Although the Asgardians' appearance, attire, and weaponry resembled that of medieval people, their knowledge and technological advancements far surpassed those of Earth. Thor's subordinates, including the legendary huntress Sif, had visited Earth and encountered what they believed to be despicable remnants of a technology eliminated 6,000 years ago.

Even Odin, as a god, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the virtual screen. As the ruler of the gods in this universe, he was accustomed to being called upon by the mighty, but he had no knowledge of the origin or purpose of the virtual screen.

Nonetheless, Odin was determined to find a way to manage this new phenomenon, as he couldn't ignore its significance.

Even though he could see the virtual screen, Odin refused to believe its existence. He couldn't fathom who in this world had the ability to create such a thing, let alone understand why it was happening. However, he remained composed and ordered everyone to leave, leaving only Thor and Loki behind.

As the people of Asgard exchanged uncertain glances, they complied with the will of their king, Odin, not daring to disobey. Once they had withdrawn, several virtual screens appeared,displaying images of the individuals involved, including Superman.

In the DC Universe, in the city of Metropolis, inside Lex Luthor's office at LexCorp, he was studying the gathered information. The first video showcased Batman, capturing the moment he flung a criminal into the air. The second displayed Wonder Woman in a photograph taken during wartime, while a separate video showed Diana currently working at a museum. The third video portrayed Aquaman, Arthur, swimming in the sea with his trident. The fourth revealed Cyborg, his body partially mechanical, undergoing intense energy stimulation. The fifth video featured The Flash, Allen, effortlessly subduing a criminal in a small supermarket. The sixth video portrayed a mysterious figure whose silhouette remained indistinguishable, even when the video was analyzed frame by frame.

Lex Luthor muttered to himself, contemplating the identities of these individuals: "Batman, Bruce Wayne, Allen Barry, Diana, Arthur, Victor, and an unknown mystery man..."

He questioned their significance and what they could potentially bring to humanity.

"Fighting crime? Upholding justice?" Lex Luthor scoffed. As the most intelligent human being in the DC universe, he possessed a level 9 intelligence. After accidentally stumbling upon information about Wonder Woman, he came to believe in the existence of supernatural powers in this world. Since then, he had been tracking individuals with magical abilities and these were his findings.

He looked down upon the actions of these individuals, questioning their motives and who they believed themselves to be. However, in that moment, a virtual screen suddenly appeared before him, followed by several more. Among them was Batman, causing Luthor to furrow his brow. Could it be that Batman had discovered him first? That shouldn't be the case..


In the X-Men world, deep underground in a cell within the White House, there was a prison devoid of any metal. It was here that Magneto, Erik Lehnsherr, was serving a life sentence for the assassination of the president.

The prison was a place of both agony and enlightenment. Some suffered greatly, while others adapted to their surroundings. And then there were those who had come to understand the true nature of life. Magneto belonged to the latter category.

But at that moment, he too saw a virtual screen materialize before him. Magneto was taken aback, never having encountered such advanced technology before. After all, the era he lived in had ended with the Vietnam War.

He furrowed his brow, wondering if it was the ability of a mutant that had managed to break through the prison's barriers and establish a connection with him. Was there a mutant attempting to communicate?

Then, alongside the larger virtual screen, several smaller ones appeared.

Among the individuals present, Magneto recognized Professor X and Beast, though he was somewhat surprised but not flustered. He casually asked, "Charles, what brings you to me?"

Professor X's anger was evident. He couldn't forget the fact that Magneto had betrayed him and taken away many comrades and caused immense suffering. He had no desire to speak to Magneto whatsoever.

Batman chimed in, saying, "Seems like you two know each other... Oh, I remember. You're the Magneto who can control the Earth's magnetic field. And this green-clad fool, isn't he the God Loki?"

Loki arrogantly replied, "How dare mortals overstep their boundaries? Kneel before me!"

Odin cleared his throat, expressing his confusion. Even as the AllFather, he couldn't comprehend how the virtual screen had appeared. He asked with dignity, "Can someone enlighten me about what is happening here?"

Nick Fury then provided an explanation. It seemed that someone had compiled the experiences of individuals from different parallel universes and different points in time to create a guide. The newcomers were astonished, and some were skeptical.

But as they say, the layman watches the spectacle while the expert observes the details. Odin, being an insider, understood the implications. Whoever was responsible for this had the ability to manipulate parallel universes and time simultaneously—a power even he couldn't possess.

The question remained: Who was behind all of this? Were the five legendary gods of creation involved?