
Super Dimension Raiders : Batman (Marvel/DC)

Check my New Book Translation : Start by Controlling Batman" This is a Fan Fiction. (Marvel/DC) Author Name : Royal Astonishment. Every Credit Goes to Him. I Like the Story that's why I am Translating it. Changing Su Bai ---> Sam _________________________________ Sam devised a multidimensional strategy to provide growth tactics for the characters in various movies and comics, and these strategies have been witnessed by people from all corners of the globe. Batman exclaimed, "What? The Joker murdered Rachel and turned Harvey into a disfigured man? That damned Joker... I'll make him pay! It appears that I won't compromise my principles, and there are numerous ways to deal with him!" Superman pondered, "General Zod plans to attack Earth? Will the Joker kill Louise? I too fell victim to Doomsday... Is there really a way? I seem to have no weaknesses!" Iron Man cursed, "Damn Thanos. I can defeat Thanos as long as I acquire all the Infinity Stones, but what about the Soul Stone? Is there a means to obtain it?" Professor X contemplated, "Is this the future of mutants? And is this the future of Magneto and myself? It seems there exists an alternative approach to resolving the mutant crisis..." The King of Angels, Keisha, mused, "Karl's ambitions are vast, so he wishes to eliminate me in this manner... Can we counter his strategy in this way?"

Rafi_Mohd · Movies
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19 Chs

SDR : Ch 16 : Family Drama

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The existence of the five creation gods is merely a legend, and even Odin himself isn't certain if they truly exist.

However, hearing about Loki from these individuals still infuriated him.

Will Loki eventually invade Earth?

Is Thor siding with humans against Loki?

What is all of this called?

Why would the two of them, as brothers, turn against each other? And why haven't I been aware of it?

It's impossible. I would never have witnessed such a scenario!

But if it does happen, does that mean I was dead during that time?

Is Ragnarök approaching?

Numerous thoughts overwhelmed Odin's mind, leaving him feeling somewhat bewildered.

Thor is also acting strangely. He can't fathom the day when he will have to confront Loki.

Batman glanced at Luthor, aware that the LexCorp Group was a significant conglomerate, but he had never personally interacted with Luthor before.

Based on his understanding, the individuals present here are undoubtedly connected to the video.

Is Luther also associated with these videos?

Does he possess another identity similar to Batman's?

And that one-eyed, white-haired man is actually Odin?

Does that mean that gods truly exist?

The arrival of new spectators only deepened everyone's contemplation. If they were to engage in an open discussion, they could spend countless hours and still not reach a conclusion.

"Let's begin by watching the video," Batman suggested.

Everyone suppressed their doubts and nodded in agreement.

Six newly uploaded guides appeared on the screen:

"Super Dimension Raiders: Superman 1",

"Super Dimension Raiders: Iron Man 2",

"Super Dimension Raiders: Batman 2",

"Super Dimension Raiders: Loki",

"Super Dimension Raiders: Luther", and

"Super Dimension Raiders: Magneto".

A reminder on the virtual screen informed them that there was one hour remaining. Newcomers could watch the previous videos, and everyone was encouraged to discuss and communicate in the meantime.

Odin proposed, "How about we start with Loki?"

The current Odin displayed a demeanor that was neither tough nor irritable. He seemed more composed and open-minded.

In any case, they decided to watch Loki's video first, deferring further discussions for later. No one voiced any objections.

Odin clicked on "Super Dimension Raiders: Loki".

The screen displayed Loki's appearance, dressed in green attire with a slightly mischievous look.

"Name: Loki"

"Nickname: Evil God, God of Mischief, Number One Magician in the Nine Realms, Third Princess of Asgard..."

Just the initial titles listed.

However, upon seeing the nickname "Third Princess of Asgard," Loki's face turned green.

How could a man of dignity and nobility be referred to as a princess?

This was a humiliation!

Regardless of who created this video, I, Loki, will not let them off!

"How dare you humiliate me like this! I will make you feel my wrath!" Loki exclaimed, seething with anger.

The introduction continued, "The biological son of the Giants of Jotunheim, Laufey, adopted son of the god-king Odin, and the 'good' brother of Thor..."

The first sentence alone was like a lightning strike, sending Loki's blood soaring.

The video depicted the prolonged war between Asgard and the Giants of Jotunheim taking place on Earth.

In the video, Laufey of the Giants of Jotunheim wielded the Heart of Ice, the magical weapon of their world, and froze the entire Earth almost instantly.

The impact of this event was no less shocking than when the audience witnessed the complete destruction of the planet by the group of gods...

Although there was a power disparity between the two events, the chill they evoked was equally intense.

Loki's face turned pale, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back, his gaze fixed on Odin. He asked, his voice trembling, "Father, is this true?"

Odin remained silent for a while and then nodded lightly.

Loki felt as if his world had crumbled, his senses overwhelmed. He stared blankly at the video, which showed Odin returning to Asgard from the Giants of Jotunheim, discovering an abandoned baby from that realm. Odin brought the baby back to Asgard and named it Loki.

Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Loki shouted, "Father, if I am a descendant of the Giants of Jotunheim, why didn't you tell me?!"

"No wonder you've always favored Thor, no matter how well I perform, you never acknowledge it..." Loki's voice was filled with a mixture of pain and resentment.

However, the video delivered another blow to Loki's pride.

"Odin adopted Loki, cared for him with all his heart, and nurtured him. In Odin's view, this is an opportunity to completely resolve Asgard's hatred of the Giants of Jotunheim."

"If one day Thor becomes king of Asgard and Loki becomes king of the ice giants, and the two are brothers, then Asgard and the Giants of Jotunheim will never be at war again."

Loki's face brightened slightly as he understood Odin's intentions for adopting him. He realized that Odin saw it as a chance to reconcile Asgard and the Giants of Jotunheim through his and Thor's reigns.

But deep down, Loki's heart still felt uneasy. Just because he was of Giants of Jotunheim descent, did that mean he couldn't be the king of Asgard? He believed he would be far more suitable for the role than Thor!

"Father, I will prove it to you!" Loki declared, determination burning in his eyes. He was determined to show Odin that he was worthy of being the king, surpassing Thor in every way.

At that moment, the impulsive Thor casually wrapped his arm around Loki's shoulder and said, "Whether you are from Asgard or the Giants of Jotunheim, you are my brother, Loki."

Those words struck Loki like a blow, and he felt as though Thor was mocking him. It added to the turmoil within him

The video continued.

Odin made an announcement at Asgard's palace that Thor would be the new king of Asgard.

Just then, several Giants of Jotunheim infiltrated Odin's palace, with the intention of stealing the Heart of Ice, the magic weapon of the Giants of Jotunheim.

However, Odin's powerful creation known as the Destroyer intervened and engaged the intruding Giants of Jotunheim in battle.

The narrator explained, "But Loki failed to grasp Odin's genuine intentions. In his eyes, Odin's favoritism towards Thor was like a forbidden fruit."

"So, when Odin announced Thor's succession, Loki orchestrated the presence of a few Giants of Jotunheim to disrupt Thor's coronation ceremony."

"Loki then manipulated events behind the scenes, persuading Thor to lead his forces into battle against the Giants of Jotunheim."

In the video, Thor wielded his Mjolnir, decimating numerous frost behemoths with his power.

However, in the next moment, the King of the Giants of Jotunheim confronted Thor.

While Thor was undeniably strong, he faced a powerful adversary in the King of Giants.

Just as the situation seemed dire, Odin descended from the sky atop a Pegasus, emanating radiant light, and intervened to halt Laufey, the King of Giants.

Previously, Odin had believed that Thor had matured and was ready for the responsibilities of kingship. Yet, it now appeared that Thor was still an impulsive, naive, and carefree young man.

Thor was not yet prepared to be a king.

Odin strip Thor of his power and banish him on the Earth

As Odin witnessed Thor being banished to Earth, a sharp pain pierced his heart. Thor's foolishness and immaturity, coupled with Loki's treachery, weighed heavily on him. The realization that his two sons were heading towards conflict was distressing.

Odin couldn't bear to witness such a scene. He was torn between his sons, and the thought of their animosity pained him deeply.

Meanwhile, Thor maintained his carefree demeanor, "I see, you're jealous of me brother, and you want to be the king of Asgard."

"Perhaps the king of Asgard will grant you that opportunity..."

Loki's anger surged at Thor's words. He interpreted Thor's remarks as pity, as if Thor felt sorry for him.

But Loki refused to accept sympathy and pity from others. He believed he didn't need anyone's compassion.

The audience watched the interaction silently, understanding the complex dynamics between the two brothers. It became evident that being a father, even one who is the king of gods, is an arduous task.