
Super Dimension Raiders : Batman (Marvel/DC)

Check my New Book Translation : Start by Controlling Batman" This is a Fan Fiction. (Marvel/DC) Author Name : Royal Astonishment. Every Credit Goes to Him. I Like the Story that's why I am Translating it. Changing Su Bai ---> Sam _________________________________ Sam devised a multidimensional strategy to provide growth tactics for the characters in various movies and comics, and these strategies have been witnessed by people from all corners of the globe. Batman exclaimed, "What? The Joker murdered Rachel and turned Harvey into a disfigured man? That damned Joker... I'll make him pay! It appears that I won't compromise my principles, and there are numerous ways to deal with him!" Superman pondered, "General Zod plans to attack Earth? Will the Joker kill Louise? I too fell victim to Doomsday... Is there really a way? I seem to have no weaknesses!" Iron Man cursed, "Damn Thanos. I can defeat Thanos as long as I acquire all the Infinity Stones, but what about the Soul Stone? Is there a means to obtain it?" Professor X contemplated, "Is this the future of mutants? And is this the future of Magneto and myself? It seems there exists an alternative approach to resolving the mutant crisis..." The King of Angels, Keisha, mused, "Karl's ambitions are vast, so he wishes to eliminate me in this manner... Can we counter his strategy in this way?"

Rafi_Mohd · Movies
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SDR : Ch 14 : Aftermath and New Uploads

Check my New Book : "I Unlocked 100% of my brain in modern world"

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The infrastructure within S.H.I.E.L.D is powerful, considering their funding from governments worldwide.

However, Iron Man's brilliance is unquestionable. Just think about him assembling a cold nuclear fusion device in a cave and developing nano-armor single-handedly in a matter of years... It's utterly mind-boggling!

At the age of 8, he could navigate the networks of the White House and the Pentagon as if they were his own backyard.

Through his extensive investigation, he discovered numerous enigmatic locations.

Not only did he uncover many clues about HYDRA, but he also unearthed numerous secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D...

The Project Pegasus, the Insight Project, the Tahiti Project, the Tesseract Project...

Indeed, an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D, linked to the government of our nation, akin to the FBI and CIA, had a truly sordid underbelly. There was nothing remotely virtuous about it.

He had always harbored dislike for such organizations, which led him to abandon any thoughts of collaboration with S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is unreliable!

One must rely on oneself.


In the X-Men universe, also in New York...

Professor X had ceased taking his medication. Due to his injury, he had been reliant on medication to remain mobile, but the medication suppressed his superhuman abilities.

By discontinuing the medication, his extraordinary powers returned.

He then entered the room containing the brainwave machine in his wheelchair. This brainwave amplifier was a masterpiece crafted by Beast.

Beast's intellect was not far behind that of Iron Man.

However, this time he did not employ the brainwave machine as he did in the movies.

Having witnessed the tragic future of mutants, he was determined to prevent it. He held an unwavering conviction in his own power.

After donning the brainwave machine, he deliberated and entered Wolverine's consciousness.

From there, he approached the future version of Professor X within Wolverine's mind.

The two locked eyes from a considerable distance.

In that instant, they both comprehended each other's thoughts.

The elder Professor X spoke, "No, Charles! You must trust in humanity. Do not resort to such extreme measures. Humans simply need time..."

The younger Professor X retorted, "Even if the cost of that trust is using the lives of all mutants as bargaining chips?"

The elder Professor X was momentarily speechless.

The younger Professor X continued, "Indeed, this plan was an accident. Without Shadowcat's ability and without this plan, mutants would face extinction..."

"You are mistaken. You have been mistaken for decades."

"But I can rectify this error..."

Having spoken these words, he disconnected from the elder Professor X and proceeded to search for the whereabouts of Bolivar Trask.

His anger surged.

To his dismay, he discovered that Trask had already commenced research on the mutant gene, with one mutant already being dissected.

For Trask to create a probe capable of detecting the Mutant X gene, he must have conducted research using mutants.

(Note: Trask is the individual from Tech, not Colonel Stryker who implanted Adamantium in Wolverine!)

Witnessing his fellow mutants being dissected and torn apart, Professor X's anger became nearly uncontrollable.

"I must retaliate. Mutants must fight back!"

Suddenly, Trask heard a voice inside his head, "Why? Why are you doing this?"

Trask was taken aback for a moment, then quickly realized that it was a mutant who had discovered him.

Without fear, Trask replied, "Because you pose a threat. Even if you have no intention of causing harm, if the number of mutants exceeds a certain threshold, it will undoubtedly lead to a devastating blow to mankind..."

Professor X responded coldly, "So, in your perspective, this is a race war of life and death for you? Even though mutants have no intention of initiating a war!"

Trask argued, "It is a historical necessity!"

Professor X declared, "Since you consider it a war, then you are the enemy!"

Trask's face registered shock, and suddenly the scalpel in his hand pierced his throat.

While the other staff members seemed oblivious, they began cleaning up Trask's lifeless body, erasing all traces of the corpses, data, and materials.

Then, their memories were altered.

They forgot that they had ever conducted experiments on mutants, and they even forgot that mutants ever existed.

They only remembered being involved in a secret experiment, which had now been terminated...

It was as if nothing had ever happened!

The younger Professor X proved to be far more radical than his elder counterpart.

Initially, when he witnessed the visions of the future, he contemplated fighting back. However, persuaded by the elder Professor X, he chose to maintain faith in humanity.

But now, he had made a different choice.


The following day, when Sam woke up, he immediately tried to access his new video.

However, he encountered an error message indicating that the website was currently undergoing maintenance and couldn't be accessed.

Sam's mind raced, wondering if he had encountered a fraudster. Was someone using a website to deceive and attack his small channel with just a few hundred fans?

At that moment, he received a text message: "Your video is gaining popularity. Keep creating. Welcome to continue."

"To encourage creators, we will reward you with 10,000 yuan."

"After the website upgrade, new features will be available. If your videos continue to be popular, there will be mysterious gifts."

"I've uploaded three videos. Can I receive 10,000 yuan?"

"Is it really that easy?"

Shortly after, Sam's phone chimed again, and he saw that 10,000 yuan had been transferred to his account.

In that moment, Sam was overcome with joy, almost on the verge of tears.

"I actually made 10,000 yuan just by editing videos?"

"10,000 yuan for three videos?"


Regardless of what this website might be like, Sam wasn't concerned about the mysterious gifts. The money was real, and that's what mattered.

Without hesitation, he immediately got to work, sacrificing sleep and tirelessly editing videos, eagerly awaiting the website update to upload his videos.

To be honest, his last three videos were somewhat lackluster. This time, he resolved to take things more seriously.

And it didn't feel satisfying to create videos about virtuous heroes because, in the end, the heroes always prevailed.

Thus, he decided to make a few more videos featuring villains—Loki, Lex Luthor, and Magneto.

All three were his favorite villains.

Three days later, the website underwent an update, and Sam wasted no time in uploading the six videos he had prepared.