
Stellar:Edge of Dark Blade

Magical beast upon appearing started creating portals called ''abyss of darkness''. Beast with rankings from Bronze to Grandmaster ranks just as humans. With beast causing havoc everywhere something had to be done, that was when the first person was able to awaken a weapon that fatal damages to beast unlike any other ordinary weapon. The ones who were able to awaken weapons were called Nimrods. A teenager of age fifteen had joined the ranks of the Nimrods to take on beast. Being the youngest to have taken up the job, people started making fun of him saying he was too proud of himself. ____ Once during a mission that had gone wrong, he found a rusted sword accidentally in an attempt to escape from a powerful beast that was attack him near an exit of abyss upon picking it up he passed out. What happened after he passed out? What power did the sword possess? Was he going to get stronger? What happens next? find out as we dive into the mysterious era of weapons and magic, where humans rise against beast to claim what they once had called peace and happiness. Find more in "Stellar:Edge of Dark Blade".

GenScorp · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

"History: Divine weapons and their potential." madam Evie had written on the board. Today was Axel's third day in school he seemed to be excited to be attending school for the first time with age mates.

"We will start our history lessons with Divine weapons." madam Evie had started the class. "Who can tell us the time when the divine weapons were awakened?" she asked the class. A hand was already shot up as the question ended. "Yes Astrid Luna right?" madam Evie asked.

Astrid was one of the beauty goddess of the school. Her beauty could distract a warrior in battle. The beauty of Astrid could be compared to that of the celestial beauty of the moon. Wherever she passed she left a hint of her beauty. This was what cold be called love at first sight. But she seemed to pay attention to only one person in the school which nobody knew.

"Yes,divine weapons were believed to have been awakened two centuries ago. It is believed that there were animals called lions,eagles, cheetahs, bears and many more which have now been tainted by the Kyokai emitted by the beasts that arrived those two centuries ago.

It was said that the divine weapons weilder were able to awaken their weapons through sheer resolve making them the strongest at the time. It has been confirmed that there are seven divine weapons in existence but the seventh one hasn't been found yet.

The first wielders of the divine weapons were Lord Akira,Lord Sora, Lord Kaito,Lord Rylan,Lord Kenzo and Lord Renzo." Astrid had explained the question in detail leaving madam Evie amazed at her intellectual skills. "She has been quite informed." Axel thought. "Then Axel can you add a little bit to what she said." madam Evie had literally handed him a time bomb in his hands.

"What am I going to say Astrid just said everything." Axel thought it was impossible that was when he remembered he had been the closest to the Grandmasters. He had to think of something by all means.

"The wielders of divine weapons are believed to have gained their Kyokai from a dying star making their weapons really formidable. Since other weapons used by the nimrods do not gain Kyokais directly from stars or dying stars they do not have enormous Kyokai aura as the divine weapons. The divine weapons have unique powers that can never be copied and they also possess ultimate techniques unlike ordinary weapons of the nimrods." Axel couldn't understand how he was able to say all that or was just by instinct? he thought to himself. "That was a close call." he whispered to himself.

"Ok, you kids are quite good. Your knowledge status are quite high for beginners. And that promising, continue the good work. Then let me add my share of knowledge to yours." madam Evie said politely.

"All divine weapons are said to have gained their power from a dying star that makes them quite unique except one of them. The seventh divine seiken, though it hasn't been seen up close,the grandmasters of this generation believe it to have power equal to that of a full galaxy of celestial bodies. Therefore it has been proclaimed that anyone in possession of that weapon could destroy a whole planet of it went full power mode. Therefore the weapon has a nickname; edge of the darkness.

The power of the weapon was also nicknamed; edge of dark blade because of its destructive power. So that is the explanation left." madam Evie explained the rest. " So you can go for break and after that you have a practical lesson with your practical teacher. This ends my theory teaching for today." madam Evie said.

Right after the teacher left the students started storming out of the class to grab some lunch and snacks. "I guess I'll also go and grab some snacks from the cafeteria." Axel also said and started heading to the cafeteria. "Um-um Axel,Axel." Axel turned to see the one calling him and it was the boy he had sent to the infirmary the first day he attended the school.

"So what do you need?" Axel asked with a "I'm in a hurry" look on his face. "I heard you were the one who sent me to the infirmary the other day." the boy said. " Yeah, I was the one. Why do you have any complaints with that?" Axel asked. "No, but if you're willing why don't we become friends." the boy asked with his head bowing down.

Without second thought "yes" was the answer Axel gave him. This was going to be his first he made a friend in the school and he didn't want to ruin the opportunity. "My name is Axel Ito and yours?" "My name is Taro Riley,nice to meet you."

"As friends why don't we go to the cafeteria together,don't worry the bill is on me." this was one of his friendship he'll never like to be ruined so he offered to be the one to pay for the snacks.

As they both walk towards the cafeteria not knowing what to discuss. Axel brought up a question,"When you touched me the last time,what did you see the last time at made you pass out?"

"About that, are you saying you don't know what happened?" Taro asked. "Yeah, I actually don't know what happened." he told Taro. "moreover since that event Asterion hasn't spoken to me about anyting to me yet." he thought.

"About that,what I saw was out of this universe. Two giant staring down at me. one looked like a human but had stars imprinted in it's body. Whilst the other was like a lion we talked about in history today with tiger stripes, dragon scales and wing it's mane was like a waterfall of stars. Their killing intent was just too high for me to handle." Taro said with fear still lingering in his voice.

" Oh,so that's what you saw." Axel said amazed at what Taro said." "If I guess well,the giant like human with stars will be Asterion but the lion. Could it be dralion? But dralion never had energy like that of stars as his mane." Axel was still thinking.

" Axel,Axel. I think we have a problem." Axel turned to look at what Taro meant. "I think some one didn't bring his big man to school today. Why don't we have some fun boys?" It was Kaiden and his boys. They had come for revenge for the last time they got embarrassed.

"Hey, you get him." He commanded one of the boys who heeded immediately and started heading towards Axel, just by instinct Axel tried dodging but it seemed his speed was too high little boys of their stature to get him. "What's going on? His speed,it is as if he has been a nimrod for years. I can't believe it." Taro was thinking.

All this while the boy had decided to use this chance of Axel dodging to punch Taro. But before he could do so he punched the air instead.


"What happened?,when did he even get there?" this was way out of their league. Unfortunately for Axel he started feeling dizzy. It seemed this was the first time exerting pressure on himself again after two centuries. His body was already tired. He hadn't done any training since the day he completed evolution. "Let's make a run for it" he whispered to Taro who quickly dashed towards one of the exit of the hallway but Kaiden was fast to stop both of them. "Do you think a weak prey can escape when attacked by a stronger predator?" Kaiden said with a calm voice.

Seeing the condition they were in Taro had no choice he had to break the school rules. "Activate system,Morphix: Primal roar." this skill could deal damage to opponent and stun them. But this time Taro only used it to stun although his aura was very weak. A weak Kyokai couldn't have that much of an effect on a stronger opponent but with the little time they had,they escaped.

"Are you alright?" Troy asked. "Yeah,I was just feeling a little bit dizzy." Axel said.

*Bell ringing*

"Huh,we waisted all our time on those punks. I guess we have no choice. Let's head for the practical class." Axel said with a worried look on his face. "Taro said 'activate system before he was able to use his power. What does that mean?"

The thoughts were just flowing till they reached the practical class arena. It was the "Arena of Valor"

"The Arena of Valor"

A vast, circular enclosure, surrounded by towering walls and tiered seating for observers. The arena's floor is covered in a specialized, shock-absorbing material, providing a safe and durable surface for intense battles.

The arena was divided into four quadrants, each with its own unique terrain and challenges:

1. The Iron Plains: A flat, open area for testing raw strength and combat skills.

2. The Shadowlands: A dark, misty zone with limited visibility, requiring reliance on instincts and intuition.

3. The Razor's Edge: A narrow, winding path with steep cliffs and treacherous obstacles, demanding agility and quick reflexes.

4. The Maelstrom: A dynamic, constantly shifting environment with moving platforms, turbulent winds, and unpredictable hazards, requiring adaptability and strategic thinking.

The arena was equipped with advanced technology, including:

- Holoprojectors for simulated opponents or environmental hazards

- Energy shields for safety and training purposes

- Advanced sensors and analytics for performance tracking and feedback

- Interchangeable terrain modules for diverse training scenarios

In the center of the arena stood the "Pedestal of Honor", where combatants could engage in intense, one-on-one duels, with the arena's advanced systems tracking and displaying their skills, strategy, and progress.

This practical lesson arena provided a dynamic, immersive environment for warriors to hone their skills, test their limits, and become legendary combatants.

And today they were using the "Iron plains". It was the ground the beginners used until they were experienced. Other students stood waiting for Axel,Taro,Kaiden and his boys to arrive.

"You guys better hurry up or you would have to duel with me." Taro,Kaiden and his boys upon hearing this started running towards the teacher. Axel not knowing what to do also followed up.

"That's better." Zarekion,their practical teacher said. He was among the top ten strongest in the school and no students ever wanted to duel with him and get beaten up." I hope everyone is here. Then activate your system and get ready for a duel in groups of three against each other." he said again.