
Stellar:Edge of Dark Blade

Magical beast upon appearing started creating portals called ''abyss of darkness''. Beast with rankings from Bronze to Grandmaster ranks just as humans. With beast causing havoc everywhere something had to be done, that was when the first person was able to awaken a weapon that fatal damages to beast unlike any other ordinary weapon. The ones who were able to awaken weapons were called Nimrods. A teenager of age fifteen had joined the ranks of the Nimrods to take on beast. Being the youngest to have taken up the job, people started making fun of him saying he was too proud of himself. ____ Once during a mission that had gone wrong, he found a rusted sword accidentally in an attempt to escape from a powerful beast that was attack him near an exit of abyss upon picking it up he passed out. What happened after he passed out? What power did the sword possess? Was he going to get stronger? What happens next? find out as we dive into the mysterious era of weapons and magic, where humans rise against beast to claim what they once had called peace and happiness. Find more in "Stellar:Edge of Dark Blade".

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8 Chs

Chapter 7: Shadows Within the Cosmos.

"Welcome Lord Axel to the Nova Haven School,allow me to introduce my self. My name is Lyrikson Grimclaw." the sixty-five year old man said with joy written all over his face.

"Lord Axel, this is the last survivor of the stealth force of the previous generation and he was actually the youngest in the stealth force at that time. He was able to reawaken Lord Renzo's spear but also has a gauntlet which is his weapon. He is currently one of the strongest martial artist in the world right now." Thorngage said with a a proud face.

"Ok,so why did you bring me here." Axel asked confused about what was going on. "Lord Axel you're supposed to enroll in this school as normal person to avoid suspicion from outsiders as the wielder of the divine seiken(Divine star sword)." said Lyrikson with quite a serious tone.

"What is the divine seiken?" Axel asked with a confused look on his face. "The katana that made you evolve." Lyrikson said. "Oh you mean Asterion." Axel replied. "So you've already named him." Lyrikson was quite pleased to know the name of the galactic gear he had been protecting for forty three years years now,seiken was now Asterion.

"So please bear with us,Lord Axel." Lyrikson said."I see, I see. So that means you're going to stop disturbing me with this Lord stuff. Then I accept the offer."Axel told them." I'm honoured to have you in my school."Lyrikson looked proud.


"Finally we are going to complete this invention and we will be the strongest in the world and rule it." a weird looking man with a glasses on said with a hysterical laughter. "Make sure none of the sequences get disrupted." "Yes,sir. " a genius looking lady responded to the man.

The man, Professor Auguste LaFleur wore a white dress shirt with a relaxed fit and a subtle sheen, perhaps with a delicate pattern.A pair of dark brown with a slim cut,with an embroidery.A rich brown velvet blazer with a fitted silhouette, adding a touch of sophistication and whimsy.

A patterned waistcoat in a complementary color, showcasing his playful and inventive side.Black dress shoes with a subtle brogue, polished to perfection.A vintage-inspired timepiece, hinting at his fascination with mechanics and innovation.A fedora in a rich fabric, adding a touch of elegance.

The woman,Dr. Sofia Patel was quite young perhaps in her early twenties. She wore a tailored white blouse with a pair of dark grey.A fitted blazer in a bold color, showcasing her confidence. Black pumps adding a touch of professionalism.

"Sir please,the last sequence requires a lot of power to be injected into the weapon." Sofia said. "And can you estimate the power needed" Auguste asked Sofia. "Sir, I'm very sorry but if I'm to estimate well,about five hundred thousand voltara(energy gained from a star)." Sofia replied in a very disappointing tone.

"Impressive, impressive,this means the project can become successful after we are able to gain that power, huh." Auguste said as if he had already completed the work.

*Nova Haven School *

Nova Haven School was a mysterious and elite institution, hidden from the prying eyes of the world, where young nimrods were trained to harness the power of the stars. This ancient seat of knowledge is dedicated to teaching students the art of mastering their stellar weapons, ancient artifacts imbued with the essence of celestial bodies.

Students learnt the secrets of unlocking their weapons' true potential, honing their skills in the mystical arts of Stellarkinesis. The faculty, comprised of wise and powerful mentors, guide students through rigorous training programs, imparting ancient wisdom and techniques passed down through generations.

The campus was a marvel of celestial architecture, with buildings and training grounds designed to resonate with the harmony of the stars. The very fabric of the school seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly energy, attuning students to the rhythms of the cosmos.

As students progressed on their journey, they learnt to wield their stellar weapons with precision and grace, unlocking new abilities and mastering the elements of light, darkness, and the celestial forces that governed the universe.

Nova Haven School was a beacon for those chosen to wield the power of the stars, a sanctuary where they could hone their skills, unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, and become the guardians of balance and justice in a world where stellar weapons hold the key to ultimate power.

Axel was also going to start attending the school with about seven thousand other nimrod. You could tell just how anxious he was just from the looks of his face. He had never attended anything known as school before. This was his first time to be learning with other people under the same master.

He was walking in the hallway of the school to his class with Thorngage when a boy about his forged came running out of a corners of the hallway that led to the lavatory. It seemed he was being bullied by the stronger ones in the lavatory.

Mistakenly,the boy tripped on one his untied laces and stepped on Axels foot. The boy stood up and said "sorry". The stretched his hands with his handkerchief to clean Axel's footwear but before Axel could tell him to stop and before the boy could wipe the footwear clean.

The boy felt as if he was falling into a black hole and there stood two giant,with one looking like a human but stars were imprinted on his skin and the other was was like a lion with tiger stripes and the scales and wings of a dragon with its mane overflowing like a waterfall of stars. Both gigantic beings were looking down at him with a very strong killing intent.

Before the boy could come back to the world of the living he had already passed out. Axel couldn't understand what was going on but he carried the boy before Thorngage could do so. He then remembered Thorngage not to treat him as a lord when they were in school. "Yes,Lord Axel. um-um I'm very sorry for the mistake. I'll gladly receive my punishment." Thorngage said bowing down.

Before Axel could speak,the bullies came running out they seemed to be looking for the boy. When they Axel holding the boy their leader spoke" will you kindly leave the boy there walking gently out of here." "And what if I don't" Axel said in a rather calm voice. "The I guess who would have to join the party as a punching bag." their leader said once more.

" Hey Thorngage what is a punching bag." Axel asked. "Lord Axel, a punching bag is mostly used by those who pratice the fight with their fist." Thorngage replied honestly. "Then your punishment for calling me Lord. Just show them your aura in a one meter radius and show them who's more powerful." Axel commanded.

" My pleasure." Thorngage replied with a hysterical laughter at he bullies. The bullies were amazed at how Axel had just commanded a man of Thorngage's status. Thorngage was very precise he walked towards the bullies and within a meter radius and released his aura. All what the bullies could feel was death pressing them down. Axel felt like he knew the aura he was releasing.

They all got scared and ran leaving Thorngage with Axel and the boy Axel was holding. "I've felt that aura somewhere before." Axel said. "Sorry for not telling you. I'm the one in this generation who was able to reawaken Lord Akira divine sword. "I see." Axel just said and left telling Thorngage to return to the house.

Thorngage just said yes this time and left. He would rather not mention his Lord's name casually than to be mentioned and punished.

Axel sent the boy to the infirmary and headed for his class. He was a student of class 1-A. Immediately when he entered the class the teacher introduced him to the class.

"So he is going to be your classmate from now on. Your name...." the teacher asked him. "Axel Ito,I'm fifteen years old." he said looking at everyone in the class. He spotted the bullies he had met earlier at the back seat. "You can have your seat." the teacher told him gently.

Right away he moved to the back of the class and sat at the side of the bullies' leader. "You've got some nerve coming to sit here without your big man." He said with anger clearly in his voice. Axel never thought of them as a threat he had been in the nimrod business since twelve years. So he thought he had atleast more experience than them.

"Ok so for the benefits of the latecomers,I'll reintroduce myself. My name is Evelyn Stone and you can call me madam Evie." Evie said with a smile on her face. "Yes,madam Evie the class shouted out in unison. "By the way my name is Kaiden Blackwood. You wouldn't need the name of my punks since they only have one job... ,to beat the one I order them to." Kaiden said with a voice of a leader.


*Around 5pm in Auguste's research centre*

"That means we will have to extract the power from about a hundred nimrods. But that's not going to be easy." Auguste sighed in disappointment to the situation. "Sir, what if we captured one person to gain all the power from him." Sofia said in quite an interesting tone. "How we gain that much power from just one person." Auguste said with quite a shocked voice.

"Haven't you heard the rumors of the awakened boy who gained his power directly fromt the stars. If I guess correctly,the divine name for the person is the wielder of the divine seiken. Thy said he finished evolving yeterday but he is still young and I guess he'll be weak. So why don't we take the chance to get him off guard."Sofia was sure they could take Axel without even conditions to deal with.

"Yeah,this is the main reason why I chose you to be my assistant, Sofia. You always think ahead of everything. Then send the assassins out let them track him and bring him back even if slightly alive." Auguste commanded.