
Star Wars: The Son of Tarkin

This story was inspired by The Reclaimer by Trojan Prince and The Inquisitive Inquisitor by Balerion The Drake. I'm a Pro Imperial and always will be until my dying day, and of course I didn't agree with some of the methods used by the empire when it was at it's height of power but otherwise from that, the empire brought stability , discipline and order throughout most of the galaxy it was safer than it was during the waning days of the old republic, the employment rates were far higher as well and living conditions were far better within the empire. All those who hated the empire's constituency are those that are not apart of it. For the empire! Pls Note: All license of this story belongs to the original Owners of Star wars (Disney) , and neither is the cover page mine.

Gs9Gosohard · Movies
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26 Chs

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March 20,19 BBY

Tarkin Palace

"Be quiet william, I won't listen to your nonsense any longer!"

"Brother please believe me , i've seen your death, i've seen the deaths of many , I can feel your pain , the guilt you feel , it haunts you doesn't it ? , but I can help you . Believe me , trust me , the force has shown me many things brother. You have seen my gift, so have faith in me and its power, trust me and we can rise beyond anything within the galaxy , we will make our own destiny , no longer shall the tarkins become servants to others. Join me brother and we shall bring about a new age of peace , order and prosperity throughout the galaxy".I pleaded trying not to sound childish as best as i could.

His facial features softened from the hard stern look he had on earlier, but it was clear he was still somewhat skeptical about my words.

"Fine, if you're still skeptical then I'll give you proof. In about a months time Admiral Gentis will try to assassinate the emperor , something he came very close to doing but failed in the end."

"What!" Garoche uttered in disbelief

"Be careful of your words william , speaking of the emperor in such a blasphemous way will get our family in trouble" he stated sternly.

I shrugged him off.

"But still Brother you need to believe me, garoche you know me very well , you know i would never joke about something as serious as predicting your death , what I speak of is the truth I've seen your death on Atoa"

"Atoa, but how? , not even mother knows of my deployment, did father tell you?" he muttered in disbelief.

"You know that father would never tell me any thing that relates to imperial matters. I've seen it in the force. I've seen your defection to the side of the rebellion, you must be careful brother, we are tarkin's, but we must never dishonor our family name . You are an imperial admiral yes , but remember you are a human first and not a monster , do things for the empire that shall bring about peace and order to the galaxy , and not things for the pleasure of one man sitting on a throne millions of light years away."

It seems my words were reaching out to him more than i thought, his mind now seemed to be at ease.

"I can't believe i'm being lectured by a nine year old" garoche remarked.

"A smart one brother, a very smart one. Now come, I shall help you to deal with your nightmares."

"You can help me deal with my nightmares?" he questioned in disbelief . "Of course I can brother, nightmares and bad dreams are products of the mind, but in your case a product of your guilt, don't feel guilty for those that died at your orders , for there is no death, but only the force."

May 23,19 BBY

"It's as you predicted william, reports are coming in from Coruscant of Gentis's treason and attempted assassination of the emperor , his loyalist were killed and put down by vader with help from a group of unknown mercenaries . It's even said that when the emperor arrived back on coruscant he personally killed Gentis himself ." Said garoche his blue holographic image slightly flickering .

"Do you see now ?, the power of the force can never be underestimated" I stated

"Indeed it shouldn't" said garoche

" Where are you currently brother?"

"I'm enroute to coruscant , father has recalled the most trusted imperial officers back to capital to protect the emperor, until ISB can pinpoint the remainder of the treasonous elements that worked with Gentis." Garoche reported.

" I doubt they'll find anymore supporters of the former admiral, It's either they've been killed by vader or they fled the planet, staying on coruscant after collaborating to kill the emperor was a very stupid move but alas some of those power hungry fools deserve to die and a step closer towards our goal and total domination of the galaxy. The victory against the rebels on Atoa a month back has obviously caught the attention of the emperor and vader. The way you've dealt with the terrorist scum with such little casualties on your side was most impressive , but be careful brother, your merits shall bring you closer to the sith lords than you'll like; but it'll also let you have the emperor's ear just as father does"

"Don't worry about me william, i'm the one who should be worrying about you, I heard you've been skipping your lessons again, I doubt mother would take kindly to that again." garoche quipped

"Very funny brother, but you know well as I do that i'm far ahead of what mentor ronan is teaching even after mother ordered more subjects to be taught. "

"Yes I do William, but mother doesn't know that" said garoche mockingly.

"No she doesn't , but i've no doubt she'll find out soon enough and then she'll increase my studies once more"

"Always trying to outsmart mother but…

garoche was interrupted when his personal hologram projector Started vibrating.

Pulling it out of his pocket , a small blue image of a stern faced imperial officer popped up

"Admiral were arriving at coruscant in 5 minutes" reported captain shale.

"Prepare my shuttle in the meantime captain , I'll be making for the surface once we arrive." garoche ordered as the image of captain shale now disappeared.

" It seems that duty calls william , we'll talk tomorrow" said garoche as his blue holographic image now fading away out of sight

"Goodbye brother".

Only through fear , can respect be gained.

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