
Star Wars: The Golden Age

Heather is dying and he is granted three wishes by the gods. Reincarnation into Star Wars, powerful force sensitivity, and a system to help her on her new journey. Will she create her legacy or die trying? None of the characters in this novel belongs to me, other than the MC. I don't know how long I will keep updating, this is also my first serious try at anything like this so it might be a bit cringe at the start, but hopefully, I can improve my writing over time.

Hyperma · Movies
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Chapter 3 - Attack (Part 1)

Plo rounded the corner the second the blaster bolt found its way into Rei's chest. For a while, there was complete silence.

Many women had their hands over their mouths in shock at the events transpiring. Their village had lived in harmony for decades, and now this man, this foreigner. Dared to come here and Kill!?

Everyone was livid and scared. Plo could feel the air grow cold as the family at the, or what was left of it, watched on in abject horror. Rei, raggedly gasping for breath.

Reeling in shock. Rei staggered back, the cavern in the front of his chest now perfectly evident for all to see.

As if only now his body accepted what was happening, he started toppling to the ground. Ahne all the while still screaming, couldn't tell what was going on. Perhaps for the best, the agony she was feeling now was probably better than what she would feel seeing her father dying.

His body finally hit the ground with a thud. And the women panicked, stealing their children away from the scene. Fearing that perhaps, the devil would come for them and their children next.

Meanwhile, the devil, still grabbing the struggling child, looking for an escape route from the throng of angry male carnivores. He almost lost his cool, looking at the bared fangs of the men as they snarled at him almost akin to an angry predator.

Rei was rather popular among the community and well known for being an upbeat guy who would help any of those who needed it. Be it helping them tend to their cattle or even occasionally looking after their children while they worked.

Memories flooded through them as they felt ready to avenge their friend while tearing this fucker limb from limb.

The man looked down to his wrist where his comlink was, but he had his hands full with two squirming children, one which was writhing in pain and the other trying to bite into his hand viciously with tears streaming down her face.

While he was calculating what to do, but at that moment, everything was fucked. Plo Koon walked through the throng of men, moving them to either side swiftly.

The devil immediately recognised the Jedi and immediately gave up on thoughts of sorting this out by himself. He released the girls and contacted his associates by tapping the emergency button on his comlink. Sending a signal to his team.

While he was doing this, he turned and ran into the family's residence, blasting the other side of the house and slamming through it as quickly as possible. Breaching the other side of the house and nearly tripping on the rubble.

Just as he felt that he was going to make a break for freedom, he felt an immense pressure on his body as he began to float above the ground. 'These damn meddling, fucking Jedi.' He struggled in a vain attempt at freedom. Trying to level his blaster at the Jedi. He got off a shot, but Plo easily managed to block it using 'tutaminis'.

The Jedi was walking towards him, almost as if he was gliding. "How many of your friends are there, bounty hunter?" Plo asked sagely as he tried to interrogate using the force ability of 'influence'.

Veins popped on the man's throat and forehead as he tried to resist, but eventually, his eyes glazed over and he began to say, "There are..." His head exploded. Shielding himself from the blast with quick usage of tutaminis to absorb the concussive blast.

'It seems that they are unable to say anything that would compromise their mission', thought Plo Koon. He didn't think too much of it, these days, with all sorts of sensitive information being passed around, people would go to some extreme methods to keep their secrets safe.

Retreating from his thoughts, Plo realised that the screaming of that young girl had finally stopped. He had no idea what caused it because there was no trace of anything in the force.

[Force System has been altered by god level entities. Prime directives altered.] Ahne recoiled in fear, disregarding the contents of the notification, believing another wave of pain to come with yet another one of these strange blue boxes. Her eyes scrunched up so much, so that bright stars began swimming around in her eyes.

As her headache subsided and the dizzy feeling went away, she opened her eyes. What met her filled her with grief and pain. Ahsoka was kneeling along with her mother over a body, to be more precise, her father's body. With a dark hole in his chest, smoke still rising and the smell of burnt flesh tingled in her nose.

Tears began to flow down her face, and the sounds of her mother begging and sobbing faded out into a strange buzzing.

[Immense grief detected, suppressing. Consequences deemed to be negative for the host's health] A strange feeling of calmness flooded over her feelings of grief. All that was left behind was pure shock.

[Force system has detected the use of many abilities. Due to the age of host comprehension of these abilities is limited. Detected force abilities and level comprehension being shown below:

Sense: 100% (Innate)

Aura: 100% (Innate)

Telekinesis 100% (Innate)

Grip: 12.3%

Speed: 9.8%

Influence: 3%

Tutaminis: 0.5%

(AN: As the force abilities become more complicated, it becomes harder to comprehend and use them. Please note that she has passively sensed this through her own force ability and not through study.)

Despite the system's assistance, her childish brain could barely cope with the grief and her aura grew in size and became a little darker. Debris began rising off the ground as her aura seemed to mutate and blend with her telekinetic power.

Plo seeing this, rushed over and tried to calm the girl himself by using the force to calm her mind. Upon seeing that this had very little effect on the three-year-old girl, he forcefully overloaded her young mind and knocked her unconscious.

(AN: Sorry for the short chapter, I fear it will be characteristic with these two or three-part chapters but I will try and compensate tomorrow with two. But no promises.)

Sorry for not updating yesterday, I got bullied into Halloween with my family. On that note I hope everyone had a good and spooky day. I considered doing a scary side story but ultimately decided against it. Let me know if you'd like to see anything like that in the future though.

We'll see how long I can keep this going. I tend to get bored of rather quickly and have a low attention span but this will be an interesting experiment.

Hypermacreators' thoughts