
Star Wars: The Golden Age

Heather is dying and he is granted three wishes by the gods. Reincarnation into Star Wars, powerful force sensitivity, and a system to help her on her new journey. Will she create her legacy or die trying? None of the characters in this novel belongs to me, other than the MC. I don't know how long I will keep updating, this is also my first serious try at anything like this so it might be a bit cringe at the start, but hopefully, I can improve my writing over time.

Hyperma · Movies
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4 Chs

Attack - pt. 2

Plo'Koon looked down upon the little Ahne, deeply worried about the young togruta. There was so much power in such a young body. He looked around at the surrounding debris and he saw that some of the debris was either slightly melted or disintegrated. He looked down at himself and saw that his robes were now singed... 'This is too much' he thought. Surely not.

Plo got up off of his knees, still carrying Ahne bridal style who was now peacefully sleeping in his arms. Using the force to brush off the dust from his robes, he strode on over to the young Ahsoka and the mother who was still sobbing over the corpse of her husband.

He was reminded of the reason that the Jedi tried to cut themselves off from attachments. It was fear, the reason that they cut themselves off from attachments. The Jedi feared losing anything that they could possibly love. How ironic. (I should probably take this out because it's literally just me realising this.)

He shook his head dispelling himself of such as silly notion. He placed the girl down carefully beside the mother, who when noticing her sleeping daughter cries out, fearing the worst.

"Do not worry, she is merely asleep." Plo comforts the mother, placing his hand on the woman's shoulder, who strokes the face of her child, tears falling onto Ahne's face. "I will leave her here with you, there is something I must take care of." Plo removes his hand and makes his way to the outskirts of the village.

On the outskirts of the Village:

The devil's friends as it were, were getting ready to surround the village in their ship. The remaining 4 of them around the table. They had seen the demise of their comrade, and while they were sad, it was another reminder of their master who had obviously been watching to initiate the bomb.

As they were planning to capture the children all together now, alarms started blaring on the ship. They rushed to the screens displaying the intrusion, and found that the jedi was approaching their cloaked ship. The leader rushed to activate the cannons and the others grabbed their modified beskar vibroblades. These vibroblades were especially designed to combat jedi since you would rarely be able to get a shot past their defences.

The cannons activated, disengaging from the hull of the ship, appearing and began to fire at the jedi who was steadily approaching. "Haha, foolish jedi, should've attacked while you had the element of surprise." While he was mocking the jedi, Plo was thinking out how to approach the cloaked ship. There were two turrets of blasters now aiming at him, thankfully not turbolasers, they were obviously underestimating him.

Igniting the blade, Plo suddenly rushed towards the ship that was suddenly visible after having fired the first round of blasters. Being unable to parry the bolts effectively because of their power, Plo dodged. He used force 'Rush', dashing across a ten foot distance in near an instant. The turrets struggled to keep up with the master jedi firing more and more rounds in bursts of fire to try and disrupt the jedi's rhythm. Plo held out his fingertips and initiated force 'Judgement'. Trying to fry the ships circuits. However, the ship seemed to be insulated and the turrets kept trying to fire at the jedi.

Within 10 seconds of evading Plo had arrived under the ship and tried to cut open a hole in the ship after swinging a lightsaber and destroying both the turrets. The second Plo cut into the ship, he felt the force crying out for him to dodge. He moved and in the next instant, a vibroblade pierced the air where he had just been.

He had let himself get too engrossed in the task of getting into the ship. He backed off quickly to get an assessment of his opponent. But he quickly realised he was surrounded. 4 Individuals all wrapped in a black cloak and body armor. They had combat masks on to supply them extra oxygen and give them better perception. (Imagine darth malgus' mask just a lot simpler.)

Everyone was silent, Plo sizing up his opponents who were all around him now preparing to attack. One of them nodded and two of the men dashed forwards...

To Be Continued...

So you may notice that this is a bit more realistic than normal Star wars, so I think this'll be classified as a realistic AU. Super short chapter today, setting up a fight that'll hopefully come out tomorrow.

Hypermacreators' thoughts