
Star Wars: Skywalker

Reincarnated as Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One.

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274 Chs

V.3-C.56│Empyrean Victorious I│

Big battles, small skirmishes, long, drawn out and hard fought war was a subject that many didn't want to engage in.

Most liked peace, for it was a nice state of being, however, things were as nice like what people wanted it to be. Sometimes peace, or the concept of peace is a lie and cannot be sought after as conflict is necessary.

However, peace is still something achievable, but not forever sustainable. A cycle of sorts would be created, in which order and disorder may clash against each other again and again. Day turns to night, night turns to day as the sun casts shadows, but the dark exists even before said sun would dare brighten the world.

The universe that inhabited many of those within, the Force, its energy field projected all over, used at the whim of those born with exception amounts of predisposed genetic strength leads forth to conflict.

The very nature of the universe, or the Force that control's the universe was something that one could look at and feel fear, respect, maybe even a sense of love for.

The Force, known to the Kwa as the Power of Cosmos and referred to as the Breath of Gelgelar by the Gelgelar resident Wise Man of Kooroo, was a metaphysical, spiritual, binding, and ubiquitous power that held enormous importance for both the Jedi and Sith monastic orders.

Known as the Way in ancient times, the Force was viewed in many different aspects, including, but not limited to, the Light side of the Force, the Dark side of the Force, the Living Force, the Unifying Force, the Cosmic Force and the Physical Force.

The first two aspects were concerned with the moral compass of the Force, as manifested by the conduct and emotions of living creatures who were themselves part of the fabric of the Force.

The light side of the Force was the facet aligned with compassion, selflessness, self-knowledge and enlightenment, healing, mercy and benevolence, while the dark side of the Force was aligned with hatred, fear, covetousness, anger, aggression, jealousy and malevolence.

The latter four aspects were defined by prominent Jedi philosophies: The Living Force dealt with the energy of living things; the Unifying Force, with the entirety of time and space; the Cosmic Force, with life after death; and the Physical Force, with anything within one's surroundings.

Though the Force was categorized in this way, no specific abilities or powers were only usable by a follower of a particular path of the Force; the Force partially existed inside the life forms that used it, and drew energy from their emotions.

Some beings, particularly the Sith, believed that the dark side of the Force was more powerful than the light, though it was possible that the dark side was just more tempting to those who used it, or desired to use it.

Others thought of the Force as an entity capable of intelligent thought, almost as a sort of deity.

Anakin Skywalker, who was believed to have been conceived by the Force itself, sort of shared this belief which at least to him, was indeed the case, it would add credence towards the view of the Force as a sentient entity.

Though the Force was thought to flow through every living thing, its power could only be harnessed by beings described as 'Force-sensitive.'

This Force-sensitivity was correlated with, and sometimes attributed to, a high count of internal microorganisms called midi-chlorians that were found in a Force-sensitive's blood: the higher the count, the greater the being's potential Force ability, though there were some exceptions to this rule.

Force-sensitive beings were able to tap into the Force to perform acts of great skill and agility as well as control and shape the world around them. Sometimes this ability was described as having a strong Force 'aura.'

The grandiose nature of the Force made it difficult to study as a whole; a student could easily become lost in its depths or flounder in the shallows trying too eagerly to focus on a speck in the void.

To remedy this situation, the Force had long ago been broken down into four aspects: the Living, the Unifying, the Cosmic and the Physical Force.

In this way scholars might choose to focus on the tangible realities of the world and how the Force manifested itself in the lives of individuals and within the moment, or to delve deeper, reaching outside themselves to wonder at the mysteries of the universe on an infinite scale.

The idea of a Living Force reflects that aspect of the Force which connects all living beings. It represents the tangible Force: the Force as it exists in the present, which flows about all things to allow a Forceful being to sense life and death.

Scholars of the Living Force like Qui-Gon Jinn espoused a philosophy of 'living in the moment,' relying heavily on their instincts and concentrating more on a sensitivity to living things, rather than on fulfilling destiny or looking to the future.

They believed that the future's instabilities caused uncertainty, and that the present held the answers to near-future events.

The idea of a Unifying Force reflects that aspect of the Force which requires a significantly greater amount of understanding than the Living Force, for it manifests the Force as a single cosmic power that can reveal visions of the future that are of particular significance.

The idea of a Cosmic Force reflects that aspect of the Force which connects the Living Force to a unifying gestalt, allowing users to merge with, or to become 'one' with the Force, but also manifest themselves as Force ghosts.

The idea of a Physical Force reflects that aspect of the Force which allows one to manipulate objects within his or her surroundings.

Even still, the Force can be broken into two 'types,' which are the light and the dark. Present ideas that manifested themselves within the One's, the Father being the balance between his two children, the Son and the Daughter.

Even still, there was something more dangerous or deadly to the Force and all that is the Force, for it cannot exist in all forms, without having an anchor of sorts. The Force itself, at a basic level is just an energy with which it can be accessed.

Like all energy, the Force disperses, but to keep itself alive or to stay 'living' in a sense, it would have actual living beings become Force-sensitive through the Living Force. Midi-chlorians, allowing the Force to continue to exist.

However, even with this, the Force that is encompassed by the aspects of the Father, Son and Daughter, become under threat by the unknown, or more like known aspect known as the Mother.


For now however, she would not make her appearance just yet, and lay in wait for her time to shine, or to consume.


"Emperor." Grievous bowed towards Anakin, having grown his level of respect for him the more and more time passed. Not that he wouldn't already do alot for Anakin, as he looked towards the many others that were now becoming staples in Anakin's group of advisors.

Of course, a few were just some old people, an example being himself, but also Dooku, who seems to also have found a certain hope or light within Anakin for himself to follow.

"What brings you here, Grievous?" Anakin said, but Grievous knew that most of the time, if not all of the time, Anakin knew exactly why anyone approaches him. Whether that be for important matters or otherwise, and Grievous knows that he only does this to keep up appearances.

'I know better...' Grievous thought to himself. 'Anakin is more and more like a god. More and more like his people believe him to be, all-knowing in the grandest of sense.' Grievous thought before saying aloud. "The movements made by the Yuuzhan Vong are strange."

"For now they have backed off, knowing that their ally is no longer with them, and that a chunk of their forces has been destroyed. From reports sent in from various scouts and other intelligence officers, it seems like the Yuuzhan Vong are now taking advantage of the blockade that stops us from pursuing them." Grievous continued.

"They are smart enough to take advantage of whatever the dark nexus on Coruscant has done." Dooku nodded his head, as Yoda then walked into the room.

Yoda having gone through his own sort of self-reflection, having 'evolved' in a sense for his mind had been enlightened to many things. Of course, naturally this may have taken ages to get too still, and even after that Yoda would still be against the the very nature of the dark side still.

Now, Yoda is sort of different. Instead, he has decided to take on an advisory role the same way Dooku may present himself. The difference between Yoda and Dooku however, is that Dooku is still willing to get into combat, war and the sort.

Yoda still liked the idea of peace, but he knew better now, within the Force there was something different about the way this whole situation felt. "Sense a strange disturbance, like none other before, I do." Yoda said as he had walked in.

The relationship between Yoda and his former apprentice, Dooku, neutral, not quite having healed so to speak due to Sidious' influence. However, given time and actual communication, these two would at least be able to come to terms with each other.

"Yes. What Master Yoda speaks of is not only felt by himself, but by others as well." Mace Windu was also present, which may be strange but Anakin had decided to just take in and allow specific advisors onto this council that had some level of wisdom.

Even then, they may work better as generals within a battle, that is sure to come.

"What should we do then?" Grievous asked, looking towards Anakin, before Anakin proceeded to pull up a map of the known universe.

"Going by our territories, we are safe for now, but the ever increasing mass of whatever it is has started to expand more and more. If the people of the broken down Republic are struggling, even with our aid, then what does this mean for the Yuuzhan Vong?" Anakin said, pointing towards the systems infected.

Marked differently, one could see what are the projected results of every factor taking into consideration. "Planning to fight against this is probably dangerous for any Force-sensitive. However, I have acquired something that could be made into something to allow Force-sensitive's to go in and investigate."

Anakin was talking about the Sand's of Time collected from Mortis, now still. "This something? How much of this do you have and how many can be equipped?" Mace asked, having already accepted that he is now a part of the Empyrean.

Of course, the same level of loyalty like others is not present, just like for the rest of the Jedi that had been assimilated.

"... Well, I should have enough ready for at least one hundred people, in a few days time. Most importantly, I could make up to one thousand people, give or take." Anakin replied, as the people considered what they would do and their next moves.

While the government is mostly under Anakin's control and command, they are able to do things without his say as well. He held complete authority, but that power was not something for one being to manage, as it would be tired even with Anakin being very advanced or powerful physically and mentally.

Soon enough, plans were drawn up about what they would do, wanting to infiltrate and go past the whole corrupted zones under the protection of the special material collected from Mortis. Thankfully, Anakin had brought along as much as he could so that he and others could explore this area.

In fact, everyone of his wives or lovers wanted to come along with him. Something he didn't like, but would allow. Even Aayla wanted to come, supposedly feeling left out of the excitement of what they were doing while she was pregnant.

Even being advised against and staying with their firstborn child, their daughter, Aayla would come as their child may be looked after by Shmi. After all, Shmi was probably even more exited than Aayla or Anakin was over having the next generation be born.


In the Yuuzhan Vong, they were struggling against this unknown force, but there own military might was not to be underestimated. They were able to stay and hold their ground against this, even knowing that their people were also affected in a similar manner.

They may not be able to be sensed through the Force, but that doesn't mean that they can remain unaffected.