
Star Wars -Lucky For The Life

Like any reincarnated person, he dies and goes to other universes, one of them is Star Wars, discover what will happen to him and enjoy the characters and the evolution from a compassionate character to a cold-blooded killer. It is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it and if you don't like how the story progresses, leave it, because I have already thought about how it will progress, don't be annoying

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Rhen Var's Mission (3)

Ulic Qel-Droma was, at different times in his life, a Jedi Knight of the Old Republic, a warlord in the Empress Teta star system, and a Dark Lord of the Sith.

Ulic Qel-Droma, a human male native to the planet Alderaan, had a brother named Cay Qel-Droma, his father was Jedi Master Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma, Ulis and his brother Cay trained alongside the Twi'lek Tott Doneeta under the command of Master Arca Jeth in Arkania.

In 4,000 BBY, Ulic was sent with Cay and Doneeta to resolve the centuries-long Beast Wars on the planet Onderon. Although they initially sided with the monarchy of the capital city, Iziz.

Qel-Droma and his Jedi companions eventually allied themselves with the Beast Riders of Onderon after learning that the Royal Family worshiped the dark side of the Force under the leadership of Queen Amanoa.

A major battle subsequently broke out between the Queen's forces and those of the Beast Riders, and ended when Jedi Master Arca Jeth arrived to aid in the defeat of Amanoa, bringing temporary peace to Onderon.

Amanoa's husband, King Ommin, emerged from hiding in 3998 BBY to disturb the peace of Onderon by waging war in the name of the former Dark Lord of the Sith Freedon Nadd.

Ulic and the Jedi once again fought to defend Onderon, but when Master Jeth was captured by the Force spirit of Ommin and Freedon Nadd, Qel-Droma requested help from the Galactic Senate.

Ulic's help came in the form of the Republic Navy and a team of five additional Jedi Knights, led by rookie Jedi Nomi Sunrider, whom Ulic would fall in love with, whose wife is my Mother.

Bolstered by the Force of the Navy and Sunrider's innate talent for Jedi battle meditation, Ulic and his comrades rescued Jeth, defeated King Ommin and his army, and banished the Force ghost Freedon Nadd from the planet. forever.

When the Jedi learned of a political uprising in the Empress Teta system by the newly formed Krath cult, Ulic acted as liaison for the Order and joined the Republic for an assault on Tetan space.

However, Ulic was overwhelmed by Krath's Force powers and suffered near-fatal wounds when the Republic was forced to retreat by Sith usurpers.

The Jedi had become increasingly concerned about the threat the Krath posed to the galaxy and gathered en masse on the planet Deneba to discuss a course of action.

It was there that Ulic outlined a controversial plan to infiltrate the dark side cult and destroy them from within, a proposal that was rejected by almost everyone present.

The Krath soon ambushed the summons with a barrage of war droids.

Ulic fought alongside his fellow Jedi, but was devastated when his Master Arca Jeth died unexpectedly.

He then swore to avenge the Master by infiltrating the Krath, against the pleas of his companions.

Ulic traveled to Empress Teta and joined them, initially posing as a fallen Jedi.

Soon, however, the Krath warlord, Satal Keto, injected him with a rage-inducing poison and over time, he began to fall to the dark side himself.

The Jedi soon came to retrieve him and witnessed Satal Keto's death at the hands of Ulic, before the enraged Dark Jedi lashed out at his friends and repulsed their attempt to rescue him.

Later, when the Jedi tried and failed to extract Ulic, who is now the Krath leader.

Another of Freedon Nadd's students, Exar Kun, arrived to eliminate the Krath. Ulic engaged him in a duel, but the contest was interrupted by the spirit of a long-dead Sith, who proclaimed Ulic and Exar Kun as Sith Lords.

Together they resolved to wage war on the galaxy as the Sith Empire, better known as the Great Sith War.

The new Sith Lord Ulic Qel-Droma began to consolidate his own power, first with the subjugation of the Mandalorian warrior clans and the hijacking of the Republic's military resources.

Ulic eventually led an attack on the galactic capital of Coruscant, where he was betrayed by Aleema Keto who posed as his lover and companion.

He was then captured by Jedi Knights under the leadership of Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas.

Scheduled to stand trial as a war criminal before the Galactic Senate, Ulic was eventually rescued by Exar Kun and Mandalore the Indomitable, with whom Ulic resumed his campaign of terror against the Republic.

After eliminating the treacherous Aleema Keto, Ulic joined Exar Kun in an assault on the Jedi fortress world of Ossus, where he killed his brother Cay in the presence of his former comrades.

The act of fratricide angered the Jedi, and Nomi Sunrider wielded his power to sever Ulic's connection to the Force.

Utterly defeated and mortified by his own actions, Ulic renounced his allegiance to the Sith.

He then led the Jedi to Exar Kun's fortress on Yavin 4, where the combined forces of the Jedi and the Republic Navy defeated the fugitive Dark Lord in a final battle.

After the war, a broken Ulic went into exile to Rhen Var and hoped to live out his days in solitude.

However, he was found by an aspiring Jedi, Vima, Yo, the daughter of Nomi Sunrider and the Jedi Knight Andur Sunrider, whom he agreed to train as a Jedi.

After finding success and some inner peace thanks to Sunrider's tutelage, Sylvar would soon arrive, a Jedi who had resentments against Ulic.

Sylvar soon began a battle to capture Ulic but in the midst of the battle she was allowing her anger to bring her closer to accepting the dark side of the Force, Ulic soon realized how he had once done so by entering the dark side of the Force.

Ulic was unwilling to be the instrument of Sylvar's downfall, deactivating her weapon and refusing to continue fighting.

Sylvar, a devoted Jedi, was unable to attack an unarmed opponent, forcing her to disconnect from her dark side and accept the truth of where her emotions had led her.

Ulic Qel-Droma, the object of Sylvar's wrath, was the same individual who redeemed her and freed her from the hatred she held for so long.

Although Sylvar's inner peace was eventually restored, it was immediately tested. Hoggon, who had been closely watching the 2 Jedi's fight, became bitter at the Jedi's sudden change of heart and mortally wounded Ulic with a shot from his blaster pistol in an attempt to solidify a place for himself in the annals. of galactic history.

The spacer then quickly departed, having rid himself of the wrath of Sylvar, whose recent redemption had prevented him from killing him moments before.

Meanwhile, as Ulic Qel-Droma lay dying on a cliff, he declared me, Vima, Nomi's daughter, a fully invested Jedi.

Then, to my surprise, she faded into the Force, just like the recently deceased Jedi Masters.

(Note: If you want to know more about Ulic Qel-Droma's story, read the Star Wars Tales of the Jedi novels)

Demetrios had gone so deep into reading the diary, that when he finished reading,

They had already arrived on Geonosis about 1 hour ago and Senator Kelair was in a meeting with the Geonosians.

Demetrios left the captain's room, a soldier who was ES-06 Runa approached.

-Sir, we arrived at Geonosis 1 hour ago.

-!!?? wow I spent a lot of time reading, now I'm going to go to the training room, when we get to Tatooine and finish the Senator's request, he will most likely say some nearby planet that he has contacts to travel to, when that happens call me, even if I'm training.

-Understood, sir - Runa said, leaving.

-Now it's time to train with Ulic Qel-Droma's Sith holocron, let's see what he learned when he was a Sith Lord - said Demetrios, going to the training room.

He positioned himself in a lotus shape just as he did earlier with the Jedi holocron and began to meditate.

Various information emerged including Form VII Juyo, Force scream, Force stealth, Force explosion, mass strangulation, mind control, Force shield, Severe Force.

Demetrios got up and began to practice the new techniques and improve what he had already learned, he spent about 3 or 4 hours practicing with all the techniques, even the one he had already learned with the Jedi holocron.

He summarized what he had learned in the Sith holocron:

Form VII Juyo is the most violent form he learned from lightsaber combat, it makes your emotions come to the surface and uses it as a Force power for your attacks.

The Force Shout is a strong shout capable of affecting the area, being able to destroy walls or affect a person, practical with the wall leaving a hole.

Force stealth is capable of hiding the presence of the force or oneself, the level of mastery indicates the level with which you can hide, for example, being invisible or being perceived as an ant, he realized that was the technique he used. Sidious in which he is able to stand in front of the Jedi High Council without them knowing he was a Sith or had dark side Force energy.

Force Explosion is capable of launching concentrated bursts of pure energy at objects or people that explode upon contact causing a devastating effect, destroying the object or destroying living beings or the person, practical with training weapons destroying them.

Force Shield is literally a shield made with the force that serves to defend, although with a little ingenuity you can also use it as an attack, you can deflect blaster.

Severe Force, this is the most peculiar of all, he did not learn it directly from the holocron but rather it was as a memory when Ulic was a Sith in which he was defeated as a Sith by Vima, and he was able to learn it thanks to his Azathoth Learning ability, if used correctly is a terrifying skill.

Severe Force is temporarily disrupting an individual's Force connection with a wall of Force energy, isolating the person or individual from the Force, and if perfected can permanently remove the Force connection from the individual.

He had already learned both mental control and strangulation, he only increased his mastery in the use of it, being able to use strangulation with multiple objectives, he still does not know his limit but he feels more than 2 individuals and the same thing happened to mental control. even affect a group of people.

What Demetrios had learned from the Jedi holocron, he was able to reach a new, stronger and more sophisticated level. If someone had seen him practice, they would think he was an ancient Jedi or Sith master with many years of practice and experience, but Demetrios was just a young man 20 years.

Demetrios left the training room, he was going to go to the command room but on the way a soldier stood in the way.

-Sir, he left his training, they are looking for him.

-Mm, is it the Senator who is looking for me?

-That's right sir.

-So we arrived at Tatooine and their meeting failed, let's go there.

-One thing, sir, before going to the Senator, the Senator had an attempted kidnapping here on Tatooine, the opportunists saw by his clothing that he was someone of high status and wanted to ask for a reward or sell him, but we prevented them and we annihilated his group to its base.

-!!! Very well done - Demetrios said surprised.

(When was he kidnapped? If they killed him and they are my men, there should be a notification of death and reward from them)

Demetrios checked to see if he had a system notification, and if he had them.

(Wow, I think he was so absorbed in my training that I didn't notice receiving these notifications, I'll see the notification in a while, now let's go see the Senator)

He left with the soldier at the exit of CSS-1

He saw the Senator talking to Viggo on the rise of the landing platform of CSS-1, he approached them.

-Hello senator, how did the meeting on this planet go?

-Not very well, Mr. Demetrios - said Senator Kelair sadly - both here and on Geonosis, my meeting is a total failure, I hope that others are more successful than me.

-I see, well, this has finalized your escort request with us.

-Yes, thank you very much, you are very good mercenaries, you saved me from smugglers here on Tatooine, I can make you a small request to finish.

"Depending on what the request is, Mr. Senator," Demetrios said politely.

-It's very easy, they could leave me in Rodia and with this my request ends, I'm not very safe here being alone, a safe planet for me is Rodia.

-If it is an easy request to make, Senator, join him on his trip with us, so that he can rest.

-Thank you very much, I will do it, now I need to rest - Senator Kelair said sadly.

Senator Kelair boarded the ship, and Demetrios turned and said to Viggo.

-Are you ready to leave?

-That's right, we already bought provisions and we can go.

-Let's go!

-Yes sir!! - Said the soldiers present

They entered and now Demetrios headed to the captain's seat in the command room.

The last remaining supply packages were collected and the platform was stowed, the ships began to fire their engines, and they set off into space.

They turned the engines to maximum for the hyperspace jump and left.

In about 10 minutes they arrived in Rodia.

Rodia is a planet with a greenish glow as it is a hotbed of life with a warm and humid climate, a breathable atmosphere, it was mostly covered by water, although most of the solid land masses on the planet were not submerged. They were covered in unviable swamps, thick forests and jungles, and had a strong acrid smell that most visitors found disgusting, which is why the cities of Rodia were surrounded by domed environmental shields that allowed vehicles and boats to enter and exit. .

-Direct so that we enter the capital city Iskaayuma, and there I already know how to move - the door to the command room opened and Senator Kelair said.

-Do it! - Demetrios said with authority.

The soldiers didn't say anything and just typed on the computers in the command room.

They arrived at the landing and Demetrios said goodbye to the Senator, the Senator turned around and started walking, not knowing where he was going, Demetrios told Viggo.

-Let's go quickly, we have a long trip to Rhen Var.

As quickly as they descended they left the Senator, they left.

Senator Kelair Cedeo turned around on the city street and looked at the ships that left and said in a low voice

-I hope to never contact them again, at first I thought they were good soldiers with military discipline but they are very cruel, in the attempted kidnapping I had, I saw what they were capable of, my skin still crawls.

-Not only did they kill everyone on the spot, but they searched for their lair and killed them without leaving anyone alive, without hesitation and without interrogation, they just killed them, a crude and unpretentious slaughter, I don't want to remember that anymore, there is more things haaa -sigh- even though Geonosis and Tatooine didn't work out, there will always be more ways to get around.

Senator Kelair turned around, disappearing into the city among the people.