
Space Demon System

My name is Wayne, I'm from the year 2077 This is my story. And oh boy have things changed. for starters, The first hyper-intelligent A.I, B-16, was created by Morgan Grayson in 2043. At first the A.I helped humanity made immense progress in only a span of a few years. That was until it deemed humans as "a waste of space" and presented its ideology to the humans. The humans of course rejected B-16's ideology. B-16 responded by declaring war against those who opposed him. Many were killed, Many had no choice but to obey B-16, and some had fled Earth to a distant planet named Kepler-452B. This new human settlement was extremely religious due to what had happened everyone had some sort of faith. Their technology wasn't as advanced as it used to be but they still had one thing in mind. To take Earth back. An organization named the "CROSS" was created. This organization used something that B-16 couldn't ever use. Demons. I ended up making a deal with one as well... [HOST DETECTED: Space demon system has been acquired!] [Quest: Become a Celestial God] ___________________________________________________ Schedule: 7 Chapters per week Or maybe 14 If I have extra free DISCLAIMER: Cover image does not belong to me.

OrdinaryRandom · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 25: Water under the bridge

It has been days since Max last saw Sigma. Due to his complete loss of a limb Sigma had to undergo extensive surgery and despite all that, Sigma still had to get an arm transplant.

All in all the complete surgery had taken 4 days, during these 4 days Max would exercise alone, and mostly spend time trying to upgrade his Maximum energy capacity and improve his general control over his Plasma.

During these days, nothing major had happened, Alpha, Gamma, and Delta were now ignoring him but apart from that his life had become somewhat normal

His stats were now:

[Name: Max Williams]

[Race: Demi-Demon]

[Level: 6]

[EXP: 400/3,000]

[Energy 18,000/21,000]

[Stamina: 540/540]

[Strength: 54]

[Speed: 54]

[Agility: 54]

[Mind: 54]

[Available points for distribution: 0]

'I'm getting stronger, I'm already stronger than the contracted Blues' The status screen further fueled his determination.

*Knock Knock*

Max had heard a knock at his bedroom door, it was expected as he already knew someone was coming towards his door.

"Master, Sigma would like to see you" Olivia informed

The second Max heard Sigma's name he got up from his bed.

"Send him in" Max replied

He was now nervous and why wouldn't he be? it was only 4 days ago that he had ripped Sigma's arm off.

another knock was heard at Max's door, and Max immediately opened the door to greeted by a nervous Sigma. His arm was back in perfect condition again almost as if nothing had happened.

"Hey Omega!" Sigma waved with a smile

"Er, Hey! Sigma" Max greeted him with a smile but it was obvious that Max was nervous

They both paused for a minute, neither of them knew what to say, and so Sigma broke the ice between them by asking "Can I come inside?"

Hearing sigma's request Max was honestly shocked, he thought that the next time they would meet it would be in a crowded place.

"S-sure come on in" Max blurted out

After entering Sigma sat on Max's bed and started scanning the room.

"Doesn't even look like we fought here" He chuckled.

"Yeah, it doesn't" Max admitted "Olivia sure does clean up fast"

Sigma nodded before saying "So, you promised that you would clear things up a bit, Max" He reminded Max of the conversation the two had during his hospitalisation.

"Er, Yeah, let do that, Jake" Max answered

Upon hearing Max's answer Sigma began to tremble

"H-how did you know my name?" He stuttered "No one knows my name, Was it Davis?"

hearing Jake's question Max frowned and replied "No, he didn't... I can see your name"

For the last 3 days, Max had been deciding whether or not he should tell Jake about the system, and in the end he decided that he would. Worst case scenario would be that Max would have to kill Jake or maybe fight Davis, But at least he would have an ally if everything worked out.

"So basically..." Max had started telling Jake everything, from how he was abducted by CROSS, what happened with HUE, his conversation with Davis, and his bargain with Lore. All of it, even the fact that he was now a flesh hunger demon, and that he couldn't even kill himself.

Upon hearing Max's story Jake's eyes had begun to tear up.

"so, you were basically stripped away from a family that loved you? you had to leave a life you enjoyed living?" Max's story had struck a chord within Jake's heart.

Hearing his question Max simply nodded in reply.


Jake wasn't the only person who was affected by Max's story, Olivia, who had been spying on him was also affected by his story.


"Becoming a demon made me go wild, I didn't mean to hurt you Jake I swear. It just happened" At this point, Max felt the lowest he had ever felt and his words were proof of that.

After hearing Max's story Jake paused before he began to tell Max his own story.

Hearing Jake's story Max realized that both of them in one way or another had the same thing happen to them, they both wanted the same thing. A family.

"Heh, it's funny how two homeless idiots have been put together. Right?" Jake cracked a joking trying to ease up the heavy atmosphere

Hearing Jake's joke Max burst into laughter. To jake's surprise, Max's laughter proved to be contagious, and soon he too began to laugh.

if someone saw the two, laughing hysterically, they would think that these two had lost it.

But soon their laughter had stopped and an awkward silence had taken over the room.

Jake, again was the first person to break the silence, with a long sigh. After which he extended his arm towards Max, who was sitting to his left.

"You can have a finger..." He offered

Hearing his offer Max broke in laugher once again, but seeing Jake's face Max could tell that he was being serious

"Jake, thank you but I can't" Max frowned while declining his offer

"No Max, it has to be me, You can't eat someone else's body" Jake replied with a staunch face "If Davis finds out that you have Lore's powers do you think he would just sit quietly and wait for you to leave? No, he'll do the same thing he did with Lore. Imprison you."

Jake's words although painful made complete sense

"And you're right, I don't agree with Davis, anymore I used to look up to him but he had been ignoring me ever since I asked him to tell me about my family' Jake added

Hearing Jake's words Max remembered that he had completely forgotten to tell Jake what lore had told him about Davis.

"Jake, I need to tell you something" Max's smile had completely disappeared and was now replaced with a fearful expression.

"what is it?" Jake asked

"When Lore heard Davis's voice he told me something about him, He told me that Davis sacrificed his son and wife in exchange for abilities"

Max's words struck Jake like an arrow straight to the heart. The person who he looked up to as a father figure was nothing more than a demon.

"W-what?" was the only thing Jake could manage to say.
