
Space Demon System

My name is Wayne, I'm from the year 2077 This is my story. And oh boy have things changed. for starters, The first hyper-intelligent A.I, B-16, was created by Morgan Grayson in 2043. At first the A.I helped humanity made immense progress in only a span of a few years. That was until it deemed humans as "a waste of space" and presented its ideology to the humans. The humans of course rejected B-16's ideology. B-16 responded by declaring war against those who opposed him. Many were killed, Many had no choice but to obey B-16, and some had fled Earth to a distant planet named Kepler-452B. This new human settlement was extremely religious due to what had happened everyone had some sort of faith. Their technology wasn't as advanced as it used to be but they still had one thing in mind. To take Earth back. An organization named the "CROSS" was created. This organization used something that B-16 couldn't ever use. Demons. I ended up making a deal with one as well... [HOST DETECTED: Space demon system has been acquired!] [Quest: Become a Celestial God] ___________________________________________________ Schedule: 7 Chapters per week Or maybe 14 If I have extra free DISCLAIMER: Cover image does not belong to me.

OrdinaryRandom · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 24: Apology


After mildly interrogating Max, Davis's got in the elevator.

"Courteney, take me to Max's floor" Davis ordered

Davis suspended that Max was up to something, so, he had a little spy in Max's apartment.

Upon reaching Max's floor he walked straight into Max's apartment.

"Look's good as a new" He muttered as he couldn't find any signs of a fight, wasting no time he quickly climbed upstairs, only to see that the corridor that led to Max's bedroom was in ruins.

It was covered in blood, and one of the walls had a Ketal door embedded inside of it.

Midst, the ruins stood a cute maid drenched in sweat.

"Olivia! Are you cleaning up already?" Davis knew that the maid's he had employed were quick but the speed at which she had cleaned the living room spotless.

*huff* "Yes, Vice-general" It was obvious that Olivia was exhausted, she was huffing and puffing all over the place.

"Take a break, you'll pass out" Davis smirked

"Do not worry, I shall not pass out, I'm a blue after all" She gave a gentle smile, and immediately got back to mopping the floor.

"What happened here?" Davis got straight to the point

Hearing Davis's question Olivia paused. She knew that the reason she was employed was to keep an eye on Max and report any suspicious activity to Davis, yet she still hadn't quite found out why Max had beaten up Sigma, and why he had consumed his arm.

"Come on Olivia I don't need another daydreamer" By his expression and tone it was obvious that Davis was getting annoyed.

"R-right" she stuttered

"Those two fought, and Omega injured Sigma. That's all" She gave a simple answer not adding any extra detail

"That's it? You're telling me that Omega's plasma is stronger than Sigma's flames? Give me more details Olivia" Davis's desire of wanting to know more had gotten the best of him, and unknowingly he had told Olivia exactly what she needed to craft her own tale of what happened

"Yes, sorry, I apologise," she said while giving Davis a little bow,

"you see, the two had a bit of a tussle, and Max indeed did use his Plasma, And much to my surprise his plasma was hotter than Sigma's flames" This was a lie, Max hadn't even used his Plasma abilities he beat sigma by sheer strength alone.

"And why did Sigma's body looked so mangled then? It looked like a wild beast had torn him to shreds, there wasn't a single burn mark on him"

"Er, That's because he did just that, Max turned into a wild beast and kept attacking Sigma, I don't know why. I had to dispose of Sigma's torn limb" she added, while still trying to hide as much detail as possible.

"Right" hearing the explanation Davis seemed quite content "why didn't you just tell me everything in one go? Why break it into pieces?"

His final question startled Olivia, she hadn't prepared herself for a question like that.

"I'm, sorry, I thought those details wouldn't be necessary"

Hearing Olivia response Davis's eyes turned pitch back and within a second he grabbed her neck and lifted her in the air

The atmosphere turned dark around the two, as a weird mist started to envelop them.

"I-I'm s-sorry V-vice g-general" Being chocked made it difficult for her to speak

"Right.." Davis uttered as he let go of her

And as quickly as the mist surrounded them it disappeared and Davis's attitude had changed

As well.

"Alright then, I'll be going, Good luck Olivia" Davis spoke as he left the floor

'Maybe... I should just leave while I can' Olivia thought as she rubbed her neck, but the marks wouldn't go away.

'No, I just need a bit more information' she affirmed her resolution


Meanwhile Alpha, Gamma, and Delta were busy making their own schemes.

"You better have a reason for stopping me Gamma" Alpha roared "I had his neck in my hands, I could've killed him right there and then"

"You're an idiot you know that?" Gamma shot back "He went up against Sigma, The strongest among us, he didn't even look hurt, he only had blood on his clothes and that was it" she added

"Omega is not a normal person, Alpha" Delta spoke

"Remember when he defeated me without using his ability? and when he bit his own tongue, I saw the look in his eyes he knew exactly what he was going to do and I couldn't do anything about it" Delta shuddered as he remembered what happened when they fought

"Exactly" Gamma emphasised "We need to be careful, Sigma wouldn't just let Omega beat the crap out of him... Like it or not, Omega is strong. And if Omega is strong, he's likely close to our other suspect, Davis"

The three never got along with Davis neither did they plan to. Sigma was a special person to them because of how well he treated them, but they couldn't trust him as he would always stick around Davis as if he was his father.

"So, you're saying we should do nothing? Just let him go around beating the crap out of people?" Alpha asked

"No, we need to find out more about him, like his ability, we can't just go in blindfolded" Gamma reiterated

Alpha let out a sigh and nodded, to which the others nodded back as well.


Hours passed and Max had been waiting for Sigma to wake up, He sat on a chair, alone waiting for a doctor or nurse to stop by and tell him about Sigma's condition. At first, he felt like staying around would bring him nothing but trouble, but he had no choice, he needed to somehow convince Sigma to keep his secret a secret.

After all his plans of committing suicide had been ruined by the system.

'If all else fails, I'll just have to kill him.' Was Max's last bet

After a while, a Nurse came to Max and spoke

"Mister O-omega" was the same nurse that had been operating on him every time he got hurt, she, for some reason had started to fear Max as well.

"Your friend is awake" she blurted out before turning around and quickly left

Hearing her words made Max feel a bit better, Luckily he hadn't killed Sigma.

Max entered Sigma's room only to be greeted by a person decked out in hospital attire, a ventilator attached to his mouth and multiple IV and blood drips coming out of his body.

There was even a heart monitor attached to him, as soon as Sigma saw Max his heart rate spiked

Seeing the monitor spike Max immediately tried to calm him down by saying "Sigma I swear I won't hurt you, I just want to talk, I promise I'll leave if you want me to"

Hearing Max's words Sigma had calmed down a bit

Max walked up to Sigma and sat on a chair next to him

"First of all, I would like to apologise, I don't know what happened. I didn't want to attack you I swear"

Max begged while holding his hand

"I... I never wanted any of this, all I wanted was to go home" Tears began to flow from Max's eyes as he poured his heart into his apology.

Hearing Max's sorrow-filled apology Sigma too had started to cry.

"It's *INHALE* fine *EXHALE*" since he was on a ventilator every breathe could be heard

"Sigma I, I never meant for this to happen, please don't tell anyone what happened. I need to go back to my family." Max cried

"Why *INHALE* did you *EXHALE* do this?"

"I can't explain... Not now, Not here, please just give me some time, I swear I'll explain once you get better" Max begged

"..." Sigma didn't reply, he didn't know what to say

"Sigma please" Max begged even louder

"Fine *INHALE*... now leave *EXHALE*"

"Thank you Sigma, Thank you" Max clenched his hand even tighter as he begged him

Max about to leave but sigma interrupted him

"Omega *INHALE* what's your name? *EXHALE*"

"It's Max, Max Williams"

Hearing Max's name Sigma simply closed his eye and nodded.


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