
Space Brotherhood

In a vast galaxy-spanning Confederacy that spans the depths of space, two young brothers, Zen Ford and Ry Ford, find themselves entwined in a grand cosmic struggle. "Space Brothers" is a thrilling sci-fi novel that combines elements of adventure, magic, and advanced technology to create an immersive tale of resilience and hope. Within the Confederacy, power and influence lie in the hands of a handful of elites who exploit the galaxy's resources for their own gain. As they come of age, Zen and Ry learn to harness their powers, using them not only to combat the confederacy's tyranny but also to protect the innocent and uncover the truth buried beneath layers of deceit. As they navigate the treacherous depths of space, the brothers encounter a diverse cast of characters: rebels fighting for freedom, enigmatic sages with enigmatic agendas, and formidable enemies determined to crush any opposition. Along the way, they encounter astonishing technological marvels, from advanced starships and weapons to mind-bending powers which can only be called magical. With their mystical powers and their unyielding determination, Zen and Ry Ford become beacons of hope in a galaxy shrouded in darkness, inspiring others to rise up and challenge the Confederacy that holds them all captive.

Nitin101 · Action
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7 Chs

Belongings : Chapter 2

After a good night's sleep, Uncle Spot makes a morning breakfast to start an amazing day for the kids….

Well, to describe Uncle Spot, he is a big tall guy who looks like his whole life, he was a hard-fighting man. His whole body is covered with spots he doesn't wanna talk about and scars which makes him feel like bearing a medal but he is a loving and humble person known throughout the outskirts.

He had to help Ry get dressed and puts some ointment on Zen's swollen face. The more he imagined Zen being ruthlessly punched by some guard just for playing, the angrier he felt, and that punch was not even for him but for Ry who is just 6.

'Uncle Spot is not hurting. I am fine. I can go to work, let's go Ry.'

Says Zen to Uncle Spot in a slow voice.

Then Ry touches the wound to check if Zen is telling the truth.

'Uncle Spot let me check '.

Says Ry and touches the wound very slightly.


Zen cried with a slight touch.

'OKAY!! That's enough Ry let it go. You don't have to lie Zen .... Who are you afraid of? That's it you both are not going to work from today onwards when I am around.'

'Yes.' says Ry.

'You both are coming with me, let's go.' Says Uncle Spot.

'Aye, aye captain.' Ry says happily

'But Uncle Spot you gave us Meat yesterday and it might have caused you a fortune and I would like to pay you back also not going to work today will be bad for our present credit.'

Says Zen with his eyes on the ground.

'What credit? Stop caring about that. If you just keep collecting scraps, you will never be able to leave your slave status. I have a much better way to increase your credits but before that let's get your parent's belongings from the Red Desert.'

'What belongings...…...they never talked about it with us??...….Right, Zen?? '.

Ry asks Zen.

'They used to have a pendant with them, with our family carved on it. They always used to say that's everything we have after this house. Dad always used to make and bring cravings but it was always incomplete or broken. '

Say's Zen with a smile and remembering his Father's wonderful moments.

'That was your father, always been like that .....huh ( sighs)'.

'He had made us one too with our face on it right I forgot where I kept it '.

Say's Zen.

'Don't worry I will find it'.

Says Ry with determination on his face.

'Come on do that later let's get ready '.

Say's Uncle Spot and stands up ready looking forward to an exciting day for All three of them on this ride.

Ry and Zen's parents were transferred to this planet to work as explorers in The Red Desert. Despite the oppressive conditions, they managed to hide a few precious belongings from both Uncle Spot and the children. They devised a plan to send a synchronized signal every month, and if they failed to respond, it would serve as a notification to Uncle Spot.

Unfortunately, the parents were unable to answer the signal because of the Black Hole Bomb incident, and it alerted Uncle Spot. The news came as a surprise, but it turned out to be an unfortunate turn of events for everyone, especially the children who were in desperate need of help and started working at a scrap yard collecting scraps in exchange for food just like their parents when they were transferred to the outskirts as slaves and sadly Zen and Ry.

Ry rushes to take the backpack that was given to him by his parents.

'Wait, let me take my backpack'.

This backpack was where his dad placed the carved stone of Ry and Zen's faces with the key chain. It had a little bit of a crack but it wasn't enough to destroy their smile.

Uncle Spot had kept a surprise for the kids to see in the garage covered in a sheet.

Ry say's shockingly

'Is that what I think it is? Is it that thing!!!! '.

Uncle spot says

'Yes it is, it's my third generation Atomus glider bike '.

Ry looks at Uncle and says

'Ooooh !....ooooh!...I can't wait to see it.'

'Why just see? We will travel a lot from now on, so I bought it.'

Spot removes the sheet of the bike. The glider has a sleek design at the front side then it becomes broader from the middle.

'I had a mechanic repurpose it for 3 people so that is the reason for its weird backside.'

Ry just stares blankly at the bike.

Uncle in nervousness and confusion asks,

'What happened? You didn't like it? Is it that bad?.…..!!! I didn't want to disappoint you ....Zen what happened to him?'

Zen replies,

'No Uncle Spot ...he is just surprised by the glider bike. He is a huge fan of stuff like this.'

'How does he know about this kind of thing ?'

Uncle Spot asks curiously.

'Mom found a book about stuff like this in the scrapyard some time back and brought it home for Ry, and he loved it .'

'Oh! Okay then let us get on the glider.'

Spot puts the unmoving Ry on the bike who has become a statue after seeing the glider and helps Zen climb on it. As soon as Spot starts the glider Ry stops being a statue and comes back to life.

The glider floats above the ground and Zen is shocked to see this and questions about it

'How are we flying?'

Just as Spot is about to answer Zen, Ry cuts in and says

'The bike engine uses repulsion properties of atoms. Every atom has two types of charges in them, positive and negative. The same charge attracts and opposite repulses, Simple right?'

'Ok..ok..' says Zen.

Zen's face was full of confusion but he blindly agreed to whatever explanation was provided by his brother. Even Spot's face was filled with confusion, Not to embarrass himself he diverted their attention elsewhere. Talking to each other made this journey short and fast enough they reached The Red Desert.

'Woah this place is not hot as I thought'.Surprised Ry was acclaimed.

'And the sand here is red but shines a with sliver glow with it … what can it be…it's ..just so unique…' says Zen with an amazed face.

The red Desert was a lifeless wasteland with the red dog covering the hopes of ever creating life it felt natural phenomenon

Spot goes deep into explaining why this place is the way it is.

'This desert has its own epic story too you know...or Myth… whatever it may be for people inside the wall… But for the people of the outskirts, it's the hope of justice. Because The UNDERTAKER was born from the dead taking the title of UNDEAD KING and defeating the evils of his time The Nastiks…. '.You wanna hear it ..….it's a long story?'. Say's Uncle Spot

But before he knew the kids were already interested in the story of CAIN THE UNDERTAKER. Thinking about the time it will take them to reach the center of the desert Uncle Spot starts with the story.

'Ok if you are ready the story goes …..

In a time long before the confederacy, when chaos ruled and civil codes, credits, and rules were nonexistent, a tale of extraordinary individuals unfolded. Among them was a common man named Cain Velastinite, who lived in an era when the law was dictated by the fearsome nine-headed serpent known as NauFangs and its ruthless followers, the Nastiks.

When the Revenants of Sols entered the territory claimed by the NauFangs, they sought to confront and defeat these formidable adversaries. However, fate took a grim turn, or perhaps it was a calculated move. The Nastiks not only emerged victorious, but they also savagely slaughtered their defeated foes. Among the fallen was not a member of the Sols, but rather Cain Velastinite, an ordinary family man who had a kid and wife and mother to take care of, and while he was going from the forests the Nastiks aligned him with the Revenants by mistake. He had been given over to the NauFangs to be devoured, a hapless victim of injustice. Shockingly, the Nastiks made no attempt to spare him from this gruesome fate.

But that day marked a turning point in Cain's story. Miraculously, he defied death itself and returned from the abyss. Driven by vengeance and armed with newfound purpose, Cain embarked on a perilous quest—to slay the colossal behemoth that reigned as the largest creature on the planet, the NauFangs, whose size rivaled that of the inner great walls.

The path he chose was treacherous, and his battles with the massive red serpent were grueling. It is said that Cain faced death multiple times during their clashes. Against overwhelming odds, his war transformed from a seemingly insurmountable struggle of one against ten thousand Nastiks and the nine-headed NauFangs, to a more balanced fight of one against ninety-six—a battle in which the fearsome creature's power was diminished to a mere two heads and three eyes.

Ten years of relentless determination passed before Cain emerged triumphant, earning himself the title of the Undead King of the Solus, forever known as Cain The Undertaker. His legend reverberates through the annals of history, a testament to the indomitable spirit that can rise even from the darkest depths of despair to defy destiny itself. It is rumored that he is still alive but has grown tired of the world but will come back if his people require his power.

Like all the reptile species, it is believed that Naufang was cold-blooded as well and during the battle between Cain and Naufang the blood that bled was so much that it first brought a flood of blood that temporarily transformed the desert into a red ocean.

After defeating Naufang, the UNDEAD KING transformed the revenants into the most brutal warriors with the best combat capabilities in the galaxy which even challenged the confederacy and pushed it to its limits. But the Revenant lost their pursuit of Justice and that's what forced The peace-loving Monks of Hao to become The Hao Rebellions and then they became Hao Supremes.'

After hearing this epic history the kids were awestruck as what Spot had told them was not possible at all. Making it clear why the story is not seen as real but as a myth by most people nowadays.

So Ry asks Spot if the revenants are still present or not.

'Well, It is said that all their combat techniques, war formulation, and relics were destroyed by revenants themselves as they were on the cusp of losing the war.'

'Will The undead king come back once again, Uncle Spot' asks Ry with his kindness and hope

'It's just a story. So don't dwell on this story anymore. Say's Zen

They had set off early in the morning and the journey took them nearly the whole day. They finally reached the place they wanted but now they needed to find the thing that their parents had hidden in the desert that too during the cold night.

And suddenly Uncle Spot says…

'Wait boys….. look over there'.

....Uncle Spot stood there, his finger outstretched, pointing towards the sun as it gracefully descended beneath the horizon of the majestic Red Desert. As the day bid its farewell, the sky became a canvas for a breathtaking display of nature's artistry. The radiant sunset cast its final golden rays upon the barren land, drenching everything in a warm, fiery glow. The once vibrant and colorful world transformed into a captivating, red-tinged wasteland, a sight so mesmerizing it could captivate and bewitch the soul, even to the point of driving a person to madness.

When the sun had finally settled, the starlight reluctantly took on the role of illuminating the desert, but its feeble glow seemed minuscule in comparison. With no moon gracing the night sky, the vast expanse of darkness felt both daunting and intriguing. The spectacle held everyone's gaze as if time itself stood still in this otherworldly landscape.

However, amidst the enchantment, a chilling coldness began to seep into the desert, reminding the family of the harsh reality around them. The beauty and wonder of the scene brought them a temporary escape from their thoughts, but the biting coldness brought them back to their senses, grounding them in the present moment.

While they were talking and enjoying the scene it already had been evening and they hadn't found their parents' belongings. Suddenly, plants and trees started to appear under the night sky.

But as soon as night arrived the cold fog started to disappear. It felt like the desert had transformed into a savana full of life. As the vegetation took over the desert, the fauna started to appear as well. Many critters and animals possessed the ability to be bioluminescent. The place could now put the nights in the city to shame with how bright and lively the dead desert has become.

Seeing this change in the ecosystem the kids were awestruck with confusion and wonder.

'Every time I see this, it still continues to mesmerize me' comments Uncle Spot.

Zen asks about the sudden change to Spot

'What just happened? How can this happen?'

Uncle Spot responds to the little boy's question with a resounding

'Don't know. Well, this is a mystery to me as well, and not many people know about this incident as it is in the middle of the desert.'

Seeing that even their uncle did not know about this phenomenon, the kids shut up and asked him what to do next.

'So, Now what Uncle Spot?'

'You can see that Big tree over there, We need to dig near its thickest root'

So they head towards something which could rival even the high-rise building in the capital. It was not hard to find the thickest root so they started to dig.

After digging 3 meters beneath the ground, they found a chest. The chest had a family portrait of a time when Ry had just been born and Zen was just two carved on it.

Seeing the portrait, Spot becomes teary-eyed as all this time he was hiding his pain appeared strong to support the kids but at this moment even he could not hold back himself from being emotional. To not show his tears he tells the kids to go keep the shovel in the glider storage.

'Do some work and put the shovel in the storage, I will take the chest out of the ground.'

'Ok Uncle Spot' the kids answered with a smile.

After the chest is put under the bright night sky, the kids are also able to see the portrait now that it's in the light and cleaned up.

'Wow! Did Dad make this?'Ry questions.

'Yes, your father made this,' answered Spot.'In fact, he used to be a really good artist but was really lazy at times.'

'So that is the reason why most of his work was unfinished. He was just being lazy.' Zen exclaimed

'Well, He also had other work to do as well.' Uncle Spot answered and started looking for ways to open the chest and found only one small opening and nothing else.

'So, Did your parents give you something that could fit here?' Spot says pointing at the small opening.

'No' was not the answer Spot was looking for but that was the only answer the kids could give him.

'Looks like I have to open this the hard way. Stay back boys.' After saying that, Spot pulled out a blaster and shot at the chest but there was not even a scratch on the chest.

'What the? What is this chest made up of? My grade 4 blaster could not even put a scratch on it so how the hell did he crave that portrait on it.' Uncle Spot was annoyed that his attack had no effect but after going to the glider to pull out something that could help him open the chest, He see the keychain on Rys' backpack and takes it.

'This might work I think' Thinking that he takes the keychain and puts it in Ry's hand.

'Ry put this in that opening, Okay'

'Ok' As soon as Ry puts in the Keychain in the opening the chest pops open.

Author's note:

I have changed some direction in the story moving forward and have also provided more details on Ry and Zen's parents in chapter 0 and some minor changes in chapter 1. So please reread it...

This is my first time writing a Wenovel. feel free to comment so that I can improve in the future.

Please don't be too harsh on me.

Nitin101creators' thoughts