
Space Brotherhood

In a vast galaxy-spanning Confederacy that spans the depths of space, two young brothers, Zen Ford and Ry Ford, find themselves entwined in a grand cosmic struggle. "Space Brothers" is a thrilling sci-fi novel that combines elements of adventure, magic, and advanced technology to create an immersive tale of resilience and hope. Within the Confederacy, power and influence lie in the hands of a handful of elites who exploit the galaxy's resources for their own gain. As they come of age, Zen and Ry learn to harness their powers, using them not only to combat the confederacy's tyranny but also to protect the innocent and uncover the truth buried beneath layers of deceit. As they navigate the treacherous depths of space, the brothers encounter a diverse cast of characters: rebels fighting for freedom, enigmatic sages with enigmatic agendas, and formidable enemies determined to crush any opposition. Along the way, they encounter astonishing technological marvels, from advanced starships and weapons to mind-bending powers which can only be called magical. With their mystical powers and their unyielding determination, Zen and Ry Ford become beacons of hope in a galaxy shrouded in darkness, inspiring others to rise up and challenge the Confederacy that holds them all captive.

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7 Chs

Lost Forever: Chapter 1

On a scorching day under the merciless sun, Ry Ford played near the riverbed, relishing a rare moment of respite. His older brother, Zen Ford, seized the opportunity to tease him, shoving Ry playfully into the river.

Ry's clothes became drenched and soiled, evoking his frustration. He confronted Zen with an accusing tone, lamenting the state of his freshly washed attire. Zen chuckled mischievously, defending his actions.

"You should be working instead of playing, leaving me to sort the scrap on my own," Zen retorted, his laughter filling the air.

Ry scowled, his anger brewing. "I don't want to work today. Look at the sun, can't you understand why I sought solace by the river, you dummy?"

The brothers, aged six and eight, bore the burdens of being born on the fringes of the galaxy, destined to inherit their parents' plight as slaves. The absence of their parents only compounded their challenges, leaving them adrift in a harsh existence.

Zen sighed, aware of Ry's innocence regarding their circumstances. He knew it was time for Ry to comprehend their place in the world. With a heavy heart, he spoke, striving to impart the harsh realities they faced.

"Ry, we were born as slaves, and on a planet like Dhas, that makes us the lowest of the low," Zen explained. "Life isn't fair, and it's why we struggle while our neighbor Paul feasts on meat, while we scrape by on stale bread."

A guard suddenly materialized, his presence interrupting the brothers' conversation. Pushing Zen into the river, the guard callously marred his clothes as well. Zen questioned the guard's actions, his anger simmering.

"Why did you push me into the river?" Zen demanded.

The guard sneered. "Because you slaves should know your goddamn place."

Ry, unable to contain his indignation, lashed out at the guard. "You're an idiot!"

In response, the guard struck Ry with a powerful blow. In a split second, Zen shielded his younger brother, taking the punch meant for Ry, his cheek stinging with pain. He quickly defused the situation, offering an apology on Ry's behalf.

"My brother is young and doesn't know right from wrong," Zen pleaded. "Please overlook his words."

The guard spat a final insult before departing, leaving the brothers alone in the aftermath. Seeing Zen's bruised face, Ry was overcome with guilt, blaming himself for his brother's pain.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that" Ry expressed, his voice filled with regret.

Zen placed a comforting hand on Ry's head, his voice tender. "Why do you feel responsible? I should thank you for your bravery."

Ry's face brightened at his brother's words, a sense of relief washing over him. He couldn't resist boasting, his confidence restored.

"Hmph! You can thank me by letting me play more, okay?"

Zen grinned, amused by Ry's spirited response. He playfully dragged Ry towards the scrapyard, teasing him about the additional workload that awaited him.

"You think you're so brave and powerful, huh? Let's see if you can handle more work."

Meanwhile, a man with peculiar spots on his hands observed the pair from a distance. Intrigued, he approached the brothers, his eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"What happened? Why are you both so dirty and wet? And Zen, why are you dragging Ry like that?" the man inquired.

"Hello, Uncle Spot," Zen greeted, offering a half-hearted explanation. "Ry didn't want to work, so I had to drag him to the scrapyard."

Ry protested, eager to set the record straight. "Uncle Spot, he's lying! He pushed me into the river while I was on my way to work."

Uncle Spot attempted to calm the escalating tension. "Alright, stop fighting now. I have something important to tell you."

The gravity of Uncle Spot's words hung heavy in the air. He glanced at Zen's bruised face, his concern deepening.

"What happened to your face, Zen? Who did this to you?" Uncle Spot asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Zen hesitated, contemplating whether to fabricate a story. However, Ry, unable to keep the truth at bay, interjected.

"It was the guard who did it," Ry admitted, his voice quivering.

Uncle Spot's anger flared, demanding to know the identity of the guard responsible. Though Zen was uncertain, Ry possessed an unwavering determination.

"I can recognize him, Uncle Spot. If I see him again, I'll know," Ry declared with unwavering conviction.

Pleased by Ry's confidence, Uncle Spot nodded appreciatively. Yet, before delving deeper into the matter, he insisted on cleaning the boys up and tending to their well-being.

"First, let's get you both cleaned up," Uncle Spot suggested. "Afterward, we can have something to eat."

Eagerly, the boys followed Uncle Spot home. Their modest dwelling, consisting of two rooms and a bathroom, radiated warmth and familiarity. It may not have been grand, but it was a sanctuary they cherished.

"Go take a bath first, and then we'll have a meal," Uncle Spot instructed, guiding them to the bathroom.

Emerging from their refreshing baths, Zen and Ry caught sight of meat on the table. Their eyes widened with astonishment and hunger.

"No way! Is that meat?" Zen exclaimed in disbelief.

Uncle Spot grinned, his eyes twinkling. "Yes, it is."

Curiosity piqued, Zen inquired about the origin of such a precious commodity. Uncle Spot revealed that he had purchased it during a trip to the city.

Uncertain of their right to indulge in such luxury, Zen suggested that Uncle Spot sell the meat or keep it for himself. However, Uncle Spot dismissed the idea, determined to share this special treat with the boys.

"I bought this for us to enjoy together. Don't worry about it," Uncle Spot reassured them. "Besides, Ry seems to be drooling just from the aroma."

Unable to resist, Ry's mouth watered at the tantalizing scent, prompting Uncle Spot's laughter. He refused to spoil their joy, relishing the sight of the boys savoring their meal.

Laughter and contentment filled the room as the trio relished the rare taste of succulent meat. Yet, amidst their fleeting happiness, Uncle Spot carried a burden—the knowledge he possessed about their parents.

After the meal, Uncle Spot encouraged the boys to play outside while he attended to the cleaning. However, he couldn't escape the weight of his revelation any longer.

"Earlier today, I wanted to talk to you about your parents. I have some information," Uncle Spot admitted, his voice tinged with sadness.

Startled, Ry and Zen froze, their exhaustion momentarily forgotten. Spot's grave expression betrayed the gravity of his words, sending chills down their spines.

"What?" they exclaimed simultaneously, their voices trembling with hope and fear.

Uncle Spot, his heart heavy, embraced the boys tightly, seeking to provide comfort in the face of a shattered reality.

"According to official records, your parents are no longer with us," Uncle Spot revealed, the truth hanging in the air.

Zen's world

shattered, tears streaming down his face, while Ry, still struggling to comprehend, sought an explanation.

Spot held them both close, struggling to find the right words. "Ry, your parents went to work on another planet called RE-422. But a group of terrorists attacked the planet, not only seeking to kill its people but to annihilate the entire planet with a black hole bomb. Your parents... they didn't survive."

Ry's eyes welled up with tears, fighting against his own emotions to ask the painful question. "So... our parents won't come back?"

Uncle Spot nodded solemnly, his voice laden with sorrow. "I'm afraid not, my dear. They're gone."

The weight of the truth pressed down on them, a heavy burden too great for their young shoulders. Spot continued to hold them tightly, comforting them through their tears, understanding that no words could truly alleviate their pain.

Gazing upon their innocent faces, Spot clung to a sliver of hope. "But remember, being lost doesn't mean they can't be found. They might still be out there, searching for a way back to you."

As exhaustion finally overcame them, the boys cried themselves to sleep, their dreams colored by longing and prayers for their parents' safe return. Spot tucked them into bed, a surge of determination coursing through his veins.

"I promise, Ry and Zen, I will protect you both with my life," Spot whispered to himself, his resolve firm. but thinks about not being able to be forgiven by his brother, Zen, and Ry's Father.

'I have wronged you brother and I can't be forgiven for the sin I have committed. My only way to atone now is to pull kids out of slave status and take care of them till my last breath.'

With that unspoken vow, the room fell into silence, save for the gentle sound of their breathing, a tender lullaby accompanying them into the realm of dreams.