
Space Brotherhood

In a vast galaxy-spanning Confederacy that spans the depths of space, two young brothers, Zen Ford and Ry Ford, find themselves entwined in a grand cosmic struggle. "Space Brothers" is a thrilling sci-fi novel that combines elements of adventure, magic, and advanced technology to create an immersive tale of resilience and hope. Within the Confederacy, power and influence lie in the hands of a handful of elites who exploit the galaxy's resources for their own gain. As they come of age, Zen and Ry learn to harness their powers, using them not only to combat the confederacy's tyranny but also to protect the innocent and uncover the truth buried beneath layers of deceit. As they navigate the treacherous depths of space, the brothers encounter a diverse cast of characters: rebels fighting for freedom, enigmatic sages with enigmatic agendas, and formidable enemies determined to crush any opposition. Along the way, they encounter astonishing technological marvels, from advanced starships and weapons to mind-bending powers which can only be called magical. With their mystical powers and their unyielding determination, Zen and Ry Ford become beacons of hope in a galaxy shrouded in darkness, inspiring others to rise up and challenge the Confederacy that holds them all captive.

Nitin101 · Action
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7 Chs

Meeting Vay: Chapter 3

The chest was enormous, large enough to comfortably accommodate Ry inside. The trio was caught off-guard when the lid of the chest suddenly popped open as soon as the keychain was inserted into the opening. They didn't expect the old box buried beneath to be still working.

"Woah!" exclaimed the trio. Now that the chest had been unlocked, it was time to unveil the secret it held within.

The trio simultaneously looked inside the chest and removed the contents beneath the radiant, sunny sky.

There were three things inside the chest and a holographic message probably from the parents of Zen and Ry.

The first thing was a bow with a peculiar design. A smaller bow was attached to the back of a larger main bow. The next thing was a cylindrically shaped item mounted with a transparent crystal. Lastly, there was a small hexagon box.

The trio ignored the things for now as they were more interested in the message the parents had left for them, So they turned on the holographic messenger.

The screen flickers to life, revealing a pre-recorded message from the lost parents. The setting is warm and comforting, with soft lighting in the background. The parents, Eliza Ford and Samuel Ford are visibly emotional and address their children.

Their mother Eliza spoke first

"[Sniffles] Hello, my sweet angels. We hope this message finds you well and surrounded by love. Today, we come before you with heavy hearts and tears in our eyes, longing to embrace you tightly and tell you how sorry we are.

Life can be unpredictable, my darlings, and sometimes it throws challenges our way that we simply cannot control. We want you to understandṣ that our absence is not a reflection of our love for you.

She tries to smile to hide her feelings of longing and pain for her angels.

Oh god, I love you Zennie and Ryuuu so much God I wish that you won't have to see this message."

Eliza started to cry non-stop

Hearing and seeing this made the eyes of Zen and Ry teared up knowing this was the last time they would be able to hear from their mama. They wanted to hug their mother and say we are fine but they couldn't …they can't ...they can just dream about being with them.

Their father Samuel tried to calm down Eliza but was not able to

" calm down Eliza, you will make both of them cry. We don't know if something will happen right now that will separate us. But if something does happen and we might never come back to you then stay with your Uncle Spot.

We want you to know that our love for you has never wavered, not for a single moment. We never intended for this separation to happen and if it does happen then we can only imagine the confusion and pain you might be feeling."

Eliza started to speak once again

"We're sorry for not being there to hold your hands during those scary moments, and for not being able to wipe away your tears"

Eliza once again could not help herself from crying so Samuel started to speak

" Listen to me, Spotty, Please know that none of this was your fault. It was never about anything you did or didn't do. Life had different plans for us, plans that pulled us away from you. Spot listen to me…It was not your fault. We had it coming and the only thing we want now is no names of ours to be connected with Zen and Ry. We were brothers and we always will be.

Let the kids gain Knowledge from the Hero Officer of Solus."

The screen fades to black, leaving the children with a mix of emotions but also a sense of reassurance that their parents' love remains constant, even in their absence, and giving uncle spot confidence.

"Is that it, Uncle Spot? I wanna see more of them "… asks Ry with teared-up eyes

The screen flickers once again, revealing a continuation of the pre-recorded message from their father.

Samuel's tone in this message was different from before.

" Our dear children, there is something important we want to share with you and Spotty. I want your help with it too. We have the location of an ancient Hao memory relic….

Uncle Spot shockingly says "How did you…?"

Samuel continues

" I know you would ask How did I? You can know more about that with the help of the hexagon box that is in the chest"

In the pre-recorded video Ry who appears to just be a toddler was trying to walk on his two small legs comes running and falls into a crawling position....'You have to balance, no worries no need to cry'..in a little child voice enters Zen who appears to be around 4 to 5 years old

Sam what happened to Zen …

Zen: he was trying to walk and heard you saying spotty so he kept repeating spotty.


Eliza holds and hugs them both, and takes them away

Zen comes to his dad see's camera and asks

"What is this for?"

Samuel answered back saying

"It's for the future, a bad one ".

Ry hears the future word and starts repeating it in the background….

The screen fades to black, leaving Uncle Spot with the message of trust and responsibility, as well as the parents' gratitude for his role in caring for their children.

Ry tears were unstoppable. Spot does not know how to comfort Ry as he could not control the emotions he was feeling.

But With a trembling voice, Zen places a comforting hand on Ry's shoulder, their own eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"I know, Ry," Zen says softly. "We all miss them terribly. But Uncle Spot is here, and he'll take care of us and I am still here as well, so cheer up and see what they have left for us."

Ry nods, finding solace in Zen's words. They wipe their tears, determined to be strong.

"You are right, Zen. We have to be brave for them. Let us see what else they left for us."

"It's okay to cry," Uncle Spot said gently to the kids, his voice filled with compassion. "You both will have to grow up quickly and face the challenges of the world with maturity, so it won't overpower you. I want you to know that I'm proud of both of you for your strength and resilience."

Uncle Spot paused for a moment, his emotions welling up inside him. With tears streaming down his face, he continued, "But now, it's okay to let go. Your mom and dad may no longer be with us, and the difficult times you endured as slaves will be behind you now." He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

"I've been away for a long time, just as your dad mentioned. But now, you are under the care of the HERO OFFICER OF SOLUS, and this is a fresh start for all of us. We're beginning a new chapter after enduring the hardships that came before. Together, we'll build a better future."

Uncle Spot's words carried a mix of sadness and hope, as he reached out to comfort the children in their time of grief and transition.

Zen and Ry sprinted toward Uncle Spot, their eyes brimming with tears as they embraced him tightly. A mix of relief and sadness washed over them, triggering a torrent of heartfelt sobs. The weight of their emotions became overwhelming, a culmination of the countless challenges they had encountered in their quest to locate and learn about their parents. They understood their parents' sorrow, but amidst the tears, a newfound determination emerged. They were resolute in their readiness for whatever lay ahead, believing with unwavering certainty that the future held promise and that this chapter of their lives would be anything but bleak.

But as they travelled for the whole day, they didn't have the energy to explore the contents of the chest as they were exhausted physically and mentally.

It was midnight, and the desert landscape lay silent under the starlit sky.

As they made camp for the night, Ry's mind was filled with worry and uncertainty. He couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness and fear, causing a knot to form in his stomach.

Ry, his older brother Zen, and their Uncle Spot had set up camp for the night, hoping to find some solace in their dreams. However, sleep did not come easily to young Ry. His mind was filled with thoughts of his parents and the remnants they had left behind.

As the night wore on, Ry's troubled slumber turned into a vivid nightmare. In his dream, he found himself standing in the heart of the Red Desert, surrounded by tall grasses that glowed with a soft luminescence. The absence of the moon made the starlight even more vibrant, casting an otherworldly glow upon the landscape.

But in the depths of the night, Ry's dreams took a peculiar turn. He found himself standing in a vast expanse of emptiness, devoid of life, and surrounded by an ethereal mist. As he looked around, a warm breeze gently rustled his hair.

Then a voice, melodious and soothing, filled the air. "Ry, my dear child, do not be afraid. We are here with you, always and forever." It was the voice of his parents, tender and loving, resonating within his very soul.

Suddenly, a gentle breeze stirred the air, rustling Ry's hair and clothes. The wind seemed to take on a life of its own, coalescing into a form—a being that appeared both ethereal and unknown. The mystical being, made of wind, exuded an aura of kindness and innocence, yet its awkward and shy demeanour was palpable.

"Hey there, buddy! Looks like you're having a rough time, huh?" the unknown wind spoke in a friendly, informal manner as if conversing with an old friend. "Well, don't you worry? I'm here to help."

Ry's eyes widened as he watched the wind approach him, extending an ephemeral hand toward him. With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, Ry reached out to touch the translucent palm. As soon as his hand made contact, a surge of warmth and reassurance coursed through his body.

Ry's eyes widened, his heart racing with a mix of awe and trepidation. "Who are you?" he managed to ask, his voice quivering.

"I am Vay the wind personified, the wind goddess, the guardian of the skies and the harmonizer of nature," the deity replied gently. "I have watched over this world for aeons, but rarely do I encounter souls as innocent as yours."

Ry's fear began to dissipate, replaced by a glimmer of hope. "Why have you brought me here?" he inquired, his voice tinged with both curiosity and a trace of sadness.

The being of Wind's voice echoed in Ry's mind, soothing and comforting. "You're a pure-hearted soul, Ry, free from the burdens that weigh others down and I represent freedom ."

In a whirlwind of swirling air, Ry felt himself being lifted off the ground, carried away by the benevolent wind. The vibrant grasses and trees of the Red Desert blurred as he soared through the night sky. There was a sense of freedom and weightlessness as if the worries of the world had been momentarily lifted.

As Vay carried Ry through the night sky, they started to talk, weaving together the ethereal and the familiar.

"So, Ry, tell me about your parents. What were they like?" the Windy being asked, its voice carrying a tinge of curiosity.

A bittersweet smile graced Ry's face as he reminisced. "They were kind and loving. Mom had the warmest smile and the gentlest touch and also made really good soup as well. Dad was always there to protect us, strong and dependable. They taught me so much."

The wind goddess nodded, its translucent form shimmering. "Sounds like they were amazing parents, Ry. Cherish the memories you have and let their love guide you."

Ry's voice trembled with a mixture of sorrow and gratitude. "I miss them so much. I wish I could see them again."

Vay's tone grew softer, filled with compassion. "I understand, Ry. It's natural to feel that way. Remember, their love will always be with you, guiding and protecting you. And in times of need, you can seek solace in the depths of your own heart."

As they soared through the starlit sky, Ry couldn't help but ask, "Why did you choose to help me, Wind Goddess? What made you notice me?"

The wind goddess chuckled softly, its voice carried by the currents around them. "First of all, call me Vay, OK. And you see, Ry, I can sense the purity and innocence within people's hearts. When I saw you, I knew you were special. Your burden is heavy, but your heart remains untarnished. It's a rare gift, and it deserves to be nurtured and protected."

Ry pondered Vay's words, finding solace in its presence. "Thank you for being here with me, Wind Goddess, Ah! sorry Vay. I don't feel as alone anymore."

Vay's tone turned earnest. "Ry, you are never truly alone. The world is filled with beings and wonders you can't even imagine. Embrace the connections you'll forge along your journey, for they will be your strength in times of darkness."

As the Vay carried Ry through the night sky, their conversation took on a playful and lighthearted tone, adding a touch of humour to the ethereal experience.

"So, Ry, have you ever flown with a wind goddess before?" Vay asked, its voice tinged with a mischievous charm.

Ry chuckled, his apprehension fading away. "No, definitely a first for me! But I must say, it's quite an exhilarating experience."

The wind goddess laughed, its voice like a soft breeze. "I'm glad you're enjoying the ride! Just don't forget to hold onto your hat. Lost a few to the wind in the past, you know."

Ry instinctively clutched his cap, a smile spreading across his face. "Thanks for the tip. I wouldn't want my hat to go on its adventure!"

As the Wind Goddess and Ry floated through the night sky, their connection deepened, and their conversations became even more filled with laughter and friendship.

"Hey, Mighty Wind Goddess Vay, have you ever raced against a shooting star?" Ry asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

The wind goddess chuckled, its voice carrying a sense of playful competitiveness. "Oh, I've had my fair share of races with shooting stars. Let me tell you, they're quick, but they can't outmatch the speed of a mischievous wind like me!"

Ry grinned mischievously. "I bet you always win!"

Vay winked, its form swirling with an air of confidence. "Of course! I am the wind, after all. It gives me that extra boost but if that's now enough then I can become lighting as well!"

Their banter continued as they zoomed through the starlit expanse, their laughter trailing behind them like stardust.

"Vay, do you ever get tired of making all those whooshing sounds?" Ry asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

Vay feigned exhaustion, its voice filled with dramatic flair. "Oh, you have no idea, Ry! Sometimes I just want to take a break and enjoy some peace and quiet. But then I remember how much I love seeing people's hair blow in the wind, and I can't resist!"

Ry laughed, imagining Vay taking a nap and the world being filled with an eerie silence. "I can't imagine a world without your whooshing sounds! It wouldn't be the same."

They shared a moment of laughter, Vay's ethereal form shimmering with joy. But then, with a hint of seriousness, it asked, "Ry, what do you think courage means?"

Ry thought for a moment, his voice growing earnest. "I think courage is about facing your fears, even when you're scared. It's standing up for what's right, even when it's hard. And it's never giving up, even when things seem impossible."

Vay's tone grew warm, its words filled with admiration. "Well said, young one. Remember, courage isn't the absence of fear, but the strength to overcome it. And with a heart as pure as yours, I do not doubt that you'll face any challenge that comes your way."

As they descended into the tranquil grove, the Wind Alien God's form brightened, almost dancing with excitement. It turned toward Ry, its voice brimming with playful energy. "Ry, before we part ways, there's one last thing I must warn you about."

Ry tilted his head, a playful smile on his lips. "What is it, Vay? Are there mischievous tree spirits in this grove?"

Vay chuckled, a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves. "Not exactly, but close! Be cautious of the ticklish vines that hide among the grass. They have a knack for surprising unsuspecting travellers!"

Ry burst into laughter, picturing himself being ambushed by mischievous vines. "I'll be on guard, Vay! No ticklish vines will catch me off, guard!"

With a final, light-hearted exchange, the Vay gradually dissipated, leaving Ry standing amidst the serene glow of the grove. Grateful for the moments of laughter and guidance, Ry embraced the magic of the encounter, ready to face the world with a smile on his face and a heart full of courage.

They shared countless funny moments, exchanging jokes and playful jabs as they soared through the night sky. Vay's innocent and carefree nature brought out the lightness in Ry's heart, helping him forget his worries even for a while.

As their journey drew to a close, the Wind Alien God slowed its pace, floating gently towards the peaceful grove below. Ry's voice held a touch of wistfulness. "I wish we could stay together longer, Vay. You've become my best friend."

As the first rays of dawn painted the horizon, Ry awakened from his dream, a smile gracing his lips. The memory of Vay's friendship remained vivid, reminding him that even in the darkest times, laughter and friendship could bring light.

The sound of the wind was replaced by the circling sound of wood burning in fire and the scent of an amazing delicious food came tingling his nose. He looked for the source and found Uncle Spot cooking something. He went running and asked happily.

"What are you cooking?"

Uncle Spot, lost in his memory, replied a little late.

"...…..huh, oh! Ry! You woke up, the food was just ready …..I was a little spaced out ...."

"What were you thinking ?"...

The silence took over Uncle Spot smiled looking at the sky say's

"It is not my first time in The Red Desert. This food was made by your father and me. We were on the verge of dying and this porridge helped a lot."

"Whoa, you found the food here in the desert "!!

"You can find water, air and sand here but not fire so I use the method called sand roasting where I make sand hot and after roasting dates, Figs, Prickly pear cactus, Dates, Jujube, and most important millets and I roasted it all in the sand by the help of electricity from atomus…

"You are the hero Officer Uncle Spot," says Ry.

"Okay if you want to eat it, wake up Zen," says Spot.

Ry salutes and says " Aye aye captain ".

Spot replies "Say yes sir, aye aye captain is for the pirates".

"Aye aye, sir" replied Ry with a smile.

After waking Zen from his slumber, They had breakfast together and took some time to play. But playtime can't last forever as they needed to check the things their parents had left for them.

So the trio turns their attention back to the chest and the mysterious items inside. As they carefully examine the bow, they notice its intricate craftsmanship, each detail hinting at a deeper significance. It feels as though this bow holds a secret power, waiting to be unlocked.