
Sith Ascension

In the echoing silence of the void, a soul was reborn. Ripped from the clutches of a mortal existence, a young man found himself cast into the ethereal realm of the Sith. With eyes that burned with newfound power and a heart pulsating with unyielding darkness, he embarked on an epic odyssey that would forever etch his name into the annals of galactic legend. From the desolate wastelands of Korriban to the towering spires of Exegol, his journey would be fraught with peril, seduction, and the ultimate test of his allegiance. Beware, for this tale weaves threads of forbidden love and erotic encounters that will ignite your senses and leave you craving for more. Let the adventure begin, but tread carefully, for the path you tread is treacherous, and the temptations that await you are as intoxicating as they are dangerous.(NUDITY AND SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING)

Darkhorse99 · Movies
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18 Chs

Final Bounty

The wind howled across the wind-battered ramparts of the Ord Mantell outpost, carrying with it the acrid scent of burnt flesh and the chilling echo of blaster fire. Darth Krayt, young and fueled by the dark side's intoxicating power, stood atop the crumbling wall, the obsidian gleam of his double-bladed lightsaber reflecting the crimson glow of the setting sun. Below him, the Jedi Consular Yadira stood firm, her golden lightsaber humming with a vibrant energy that seemed to defy the encroaching darkness.

'You cling to a fading light, Jedi,' Krayt snarled, his voice a rasping growl that echoed across the battlefield. 'Embrace the darkness, and you will find power beyond your wildest dreams.'

Yadira's face remained impassive, her purple eyes unwavering. 'You are consumed by darkness, Krayt. You think power is the answer, but it only leads to destruction.'

Their words were mere whispers in the face of the raging battle that raged below. Sith troopers, clad in black armor, clashed with Jedi Knights, their lightsabers a blur of emerald and blue against the backdrop of the fiery sky. The air crackled with the energy of Force lightning, wielded by both sides with deadly precision.

Krayt, impatient with the verbal sparring, ignited his lightsaber, the twin blades extending with a hiss of energy. 'Words are useless,' he said, his crimson gaze burning with a cold fury. 'The only language you understand is the language of pain.'

He leaped from the wall, his jet-boots roaring as he flew towards Yadira. She met his attack with a swiftness that belied her calm demeanor. Her golden lightsaber danced through the air, deflecting his blades with a metallic clang that resonated through the battlefield. They clashed, a whirlwind of light and sound, their duel a display of raw power and honed skill.

Yadira, a skilled practitioner of the Force, used her connection to the light side to enhance her attacks. Force judgement, a potent blast of righteous energy, struck Krayt, sending him reeling back. He gritted his teeth, the pain a searing agony that intensified the rage coursing through his veins.

He responded with a torrent of Force lightning, the crackling energy striking Yadira with brutal force. She stumbled, her golden lightsaber faltering, but she remained defiant. She lunged forward, her lightsaber flashing, and a thin line of crimson appeared on Krayt's cheek, a testament to her resistance and the price of his arrogance.

Krayt, enraged by the wound, unleashed his full fury. He pushed Yadira back, his double-bladed lightsaber a whirlwind of death, each swing heavy with the dark side's malevolent power. Her defense faltered, and he pressed his advantage, his blades whispering a song of destruction.

Yadira, sensing her weakness, used a swift burst of the Force to push Krayt back. She stumbled, her breath coming in ragged gasps, but she managed to find her footing. She reached out with her mind, drawing on the latent power of the Force, and commanded a section of the crumbling wall to collapse upon Krayt.

He barely dodged the falling stone, the near miss a chilling reminder of his own vulnerability. In that moment of vulnerability, Yadira struck. Her golden lightsaber sliced through the air, aimed at his chest. He parried, the blades clashing with a jarring snap that echoed through the air. But her attack was not simply a physical one. She channeled the Force, launching a powerful psychic assault that weakened his resolve.

Krayt staggered, the dark side's hold on him momentarily slipping, his vision blurring. He felt a surge of weakness, a strange sense of fear he had never known before. Yadira, seeing her opportunity, pressed her attack. She moved with a lightning-fast grace, her lightsaber a blur of golden light, and landed a blow on his arm, sending a jolt of pain through his body.

He cried out in pain, momentarily blinded by the searing agony. Yadira, her golden lightsaber still humming with energy, kept her guard up, ready to strike again. But before she could deliver the final blow, Krayt, fueled by the burning rage that was his only solace, gathered the last of his strength and threw Yadira back.

Her flight was short, ending with a sickening thud as she fell into the gaping chasm that had been gouged into the ground by the ongoing battle. Krayt, his body still throbbing with pain, looked down into the pit, his crimson eyes narrowed. He sensed a faint echo of her life, a flicker of light that refused to be extinguished.

He raised his lightsaber, the twin blades humming with a deadly energy. He knew she would survive, her connection to the Force too strong to be broken by a mere fall. He would find her, he would face her again. He would finish what he had started.He spotted a flicker of movement through the dust and debris. A figure emerged from the wreckage, his cybernetic legs clicking on the cracked asphalt. Zer'vel, his armor scarred and battered, a testament to their previous encounter. He had a new ally at his side: a woman with sleek red hair and cold, calculating eyes, her body augmented with cybernetic enhancements. Vex. Krayt recognized her from their last encounter. Vex had been the one to repair Zer'vel, a skilled mechanic with a knack for manipulating technology.

'Well, well, well,' Krayt purred, his voice like a rasping echo in the ruined city. 'If it isn't the cybernetic duo. I thought I'd put a stop to your little game.'

'You underestimated us, Krayt,' Zer'vel snarled, his voice amplified by a device that echoed through the ruins. 'You think you can just erase us? We are not so easily extinguished.'

'We'll see about that,' Krayt snarled, igniting his double-bladed lightsaber. The crimson blades hummed with power, illuminating the dusty wasteland in an eerie red glow.

Vex stepped forward, her fingers crackling with the energy of her cybernetic implants. 'We're done with your games, Krayt,' she said, her voice a chillingly composed monotone. 'We're going to finish what we started.'

Krayt felt a sudden surge of lust as Vex's cybernetic implants pulsed with energy. It was a strange mix of attraction and disgust, the forbidden allure of augmented flesh. He had to focus.

The battle was a whirlwind of fury and light. Krayt, with his enhanced strength, moved with the speed and agility of a predator. His double-bladed lightsaber slashed and thrashed, carving through the air with deadly precision. Zer'vel, despite his cybernetic enhancements, was slower, heavier, his movements more deliberate.

Vex, however, was a blur of motion, her cybernetic implants granting her superhuman strength and reflexes. She weaved through Krayt's attacks, her fingers firing beams of energy that sizzled against his armor.

'I'm going for the brain,' Krayt said, his voice a low growl. 'You're nothing without her, Zer'vel.'

With a sudden burst of speed, Krayt disarmed Zer'vel, tossing his blaster aside. He focused on Vex, her cybernetic implants a tempting target.

Krayt saw Vex's eyes widen with a mixture of fear and anger as he lunged forward.

The fight became a desperate struggle, Krayt relentlessly pressing his attack, determined to eliminate the threat she posed. He disarmed her, his lightsaber cutting off her cybernetic arms with a sickening hiss. Then, he raised his lightsaber, the crimson blades poised to strike the final blow.

But just as he moved to cut her head off, a voice filled his mind, the voice of Darth Jadus, his master. 'I need the cyborg's brain,' the voice boomed. 'Bring me her head!'

Krayt, his mind now focused on Jadus's command, ignored Vex's screams of pain and cut her head from her body. He was horrified to see that she was still alive, her severed head twitching.

He tore open her skull, ignoring her screams. He pulled out her flesh-and-metal brain, the pulsing organ still alive and flickering with power.

Zer'vel, his face contorted with rage, lunged at him, screaming for revenge. But Krayt was too quick. He grabbed Vex's severed arm, activating the beskar blades that were embedded in her forearm.

He threw the arm at Zer'vel, the blades spinning with a deadly whir. The blades pierced Zer'vel's chest, silencing his screams. He crumpled to the ground, his cybernetic legs failing him.

Krayt stood over the fallen bounty hunter, the wind whipping through the ruins. He felt a strange mixture of emotions: satisfaction, disgust, and a thrill of power. He had won, but at what cost?

He looked down at Vex's severed head, still twitching. He couldn't bring himself to leave her like that, so he picked it up, cradling it in his hands.

He felt a surge of dark energy as the brain pulsed in his hands. He felt Darth Jadus's voice whispering in his mind, 'Good work, Krayt. I have plans for this.'

Krayt felt the dark side swirling within him, filling him with a sense of power. He was a weapon, and he was being used. But he was also a Sith, and he had a hunger for power. And this power was his.