
Sign in from resident evil

Alice: "Lin, you are my hero!"   Captain America: "Lin, are you really human?"   Sun Wukong: "What do I want this iron rod for?"   Transformers, Journey to the West, Marvel World... ... No. 1   in the world, Mr. Zombie, Super God World...   Lin Yu: "Don't make trouble, I'm just a passer-by, why do you always introduce me girlfriends?" Not my novel just translating for master he tu

Shadow_Kid978 · Movies
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92 Chs

New Mission

  "A new check-in task is released, will the host accept it?" The system's notification sounded again.

  "Accept!" Lin Yu nodded.

  [Task: Open the sixth sign-in of Uncle Nine's World]

  [Location: Master Yixiu's residence after killing the royal zombies]

  [Time: Within a day]

  [Reward: The third-generation steel armor]

  [Please start your performance]

  Watch When he arrived at the location, Lin Yu was taken aback, but when he saw the reward, Lin Yu's eyes lit up, it turned out to be the third generation of steel armor!

  Steel battle armor, but his dream!

  The reward for this mission is also the gift he wants to get the most, he must get it!

  All this happened in the blink of an eye, and Lin Yu turned back his thoughts, and looked at the royal zombie.


  At this moment, the zombie roared and ran toward Lin Yu!

  "It seems that now is not the time to kill you!" Lin Yu also sprinted towards the zombie, punching out straight with a pure punch.


  A punch hit the zombie's face, like two peerless sharp swords colliding, making a metal-like deafening sound.

  The zombie took three steps back and stared straight at Lin Yu. He was enlightened and in the process of continuous evolution, he faintly became the existence of the half-corpse king.

  The feeling Lin Yu gave him was not simple.

  "Palm Thunder!"

  Thunder gathered in Lin Yu's palm and suddenly blasted toward the zombie's chest. If the zombie didn't pay attention, the clothes in front of his chest were torn, and there were traces of black blood oozing faintly.

  Stepping forward, Lin Yu continued to fight the zombies with flesh and blood, and they were evenly matched.

  "Stab~" The

  zombie showed its power fiercely, grabbed Lin Yu's arm, and tore off his sleeve directly, revealing his gray complexion.

  "Fortunately, "Petrochemical Technique" has advanced and grown, otherwise this blow will cause bleeding!" Lin Yu said to himself that he was lucky and hurriedly withdrew his arm.


  Lin Yuhui hit the zombie's right arm with a blow of petrification, and the zombie's right arm gradually petrified, and finally couldn't move at all.

  "Unfortunately, I can't kill you yet!"

  Lin Yu shook his head, kicked him flying, and fell hard on the muddy ground in the distance. The zombie noticed that his right arm was petrified, and knowing that he was no match for the man in front of him, he turned around and ran away.

  Lin Yu didn't chase after him. He walked up to Daoist Qianhe and asked, "Daoist Qianhe, are you better?"

  Although Qianhe was poisoned by the corpse, he only needed to apply glutinous rice in time to take care of him If so, it will recover soon.

  "Thank you Mr. Lin for saving me!"

  Daoist Qianhe thanked Lin Yu, admiring Lin Yu's strength, and said, "But why did you let him go, Mr. Lin?"

  "Let him go?"

  Lin Yu shook with a smile Shaking his head, he continued: "Daoist Qianhe, don't worry, he will not escape, I'd better send you back to Taoist Simu for treatment first!"

  Naturally, Lin Yu would not let the zombie go, but The task issued by the system is to kill him in Master Yixiu's residence before he can sign in, so he has to be let go for the time being.

  Hearing Lin Yu's words, Daoist Qianhe expressed his gratitude to Lin Yu again and thanked him: "Mr. Lin's kindness, Qianhe has remembered it in his heart. If there is something useful for Qianhe in the future, just ask!"

  "Daoist Qianhe, you don't have to be polite. Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu are friends with me, that is, your friends. It's a trivial matter. It's nothing to worry about." Lin Yu said with a smile.

  "Yeah." Qianhe nodded without being pretentious.

  "Okay, let's see if there are any survivors?" Lin Yu looked at the guards lying on the ground, and Qianhe's four disciples, and then walked over.

  Taoist Master Qianhe covered the wound with glutinous rice, tore off two pieces of clothes and tied them to the wound, and then went to search for survivors.

  In his impression, apart from Dong who was bitten by the zombies and the guards, his other three disciples, Nanxixi, should still have hope of being alive.

  After a while, the two finished searchings.

  "Daoist Qianhe, it seems that only your three disciples are still alive." After searching, Lin Yu found that the south, west, and north were seriously injured, but they were still conscious and could be revived.

  Daoist Qianhe sighed, then moved the body of the bodyguard and his disciple Dong together, and sighed: "Mr. Lin, cremate them on the spot!"

  If not cremated, they will turn into walking corpses and come out to harm people.

  Lin Yu nodded, pinched his fingers, pointed at the corpses, and suddenly a flame burst into flames, and with a bang, the fire became bigger.

  "Let's go, Daoist Qianhe."

  After finishing all this, Lin Yu hugged the three apprentices of Daoist Qianhe and put them on the ground.

  "The three of them?" Daoist Qianhe looked at the three injured people and asked worriedly.

  He was injured now, and it was difficult for him to walk on his own. If he brought the three of them along, the journey would become even longer and more difficult.


The vehicle carrying the bronze-horned and golden coffin was destroyed!

  "Don't worry, Daoist Qianhe, just leave it to me." Then, Lin Yu held the two people in the northwest under his armpit and lifted them.

  Immediately afterward, he cast his eyes on Qianhe and said with a faint smile: "Master Qianhe, please put this last disciple on my back. There is a rope over there, just tie it up."

  Looking at Lin Yu's movements, Listening to his words, Daoist Qianhe was stunned for a while. The three people in the south, the northwest, and the northwest weigh at least four hundred catties. Lin Yu is alone, okay?

  "Mr. Lin, if it doesn't work, I'll carry Nan on my back." Daoist Qianhe persuaded, wanting to share the burden for Lin Yu.

  Lin Yu shrugged his shoulders and said to himself: "Daoist Qianhe, please don't worry, I never do things that force myself."

  Now that Lin Yu said so, Taoist Qianhe felt relieved, took the rope, and put Nan tied to Lin Yu's back.

  After finishing all this, Lin Yu turned his head to look at the burning corpse and then headed towards Simu's residence with Taoist Qianhe.

  There is no wind tonight, and the flames burning the corpses will automatically extinguish without affecting the surrounding environment.


  At the same time, the residence of Master Simu and Yixiu.

  "Help, help!"

  Wu Guanshi screams like a pig being slaughtered seemed to be around, and he staggered, and both himself and the little prince fell to the ground.

  Hearing the sound, Master Yixiu came out first. While lifting his trousers, he walked toward Guanshi Wu, followed by female disciple Qingqing.

  "What happened?"

  UU read www. uukanshu.com Master Yixiu put on his clothes and asked immediately.

  Si Mu and Jia Le also heard the movement, walked out of the room, and stared in Wu Guanshi's direction.

  "There are zombies, master!"

  Wu Guanshi hugged the little prince to Master Yixiu, while he pinched an orchid finger, alluring and charming.

  "Jia Le, get the tools!" Hearing these words, Si Mu immediately thought of today's copper-horned and golden coffin, and immediately ran into the room with Jia Le.

  On the other side, Master Yixiu carried the little prince into the door and began to check the little prince's injuries. He tore off his sleeves, and at a glance, he could see that the wound caused by the zombie's nails was emitting a faint black air at this moment.

  "Qingqing, go get the snake medicine."

  Master Yixiu frowned and ordered.

  "Don't you want to use glutinous rice?"

  Qingqing didn't understand, so she asked back.

  "The glutinous rice is no longer effective!"

  Master Yixiu looked serious, looked at the wound of the young prince, and said,

  "The corpse poison has already spread all over the body, so we must use snake medicine to attract it to the wound, and find a way to suck it out again. That's the way to go. Get it quickly!"

  "Okay, Master!"

  Qingqing nodded and turned to get the snake medicine.