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Alice: "Lin, you are my hero!"   Captain America: "Lin, are you really human?"   Sun Wukong: "What do I want this iron rod for?"   Transformers, Journey to the West, Marvel World... ... No. 1   in the world, Mr. Zombie, Super God World...   Lin Yu: "Don't make trouble, I'm just a passer-by, why do you always introduce me girlfriends?" Not my novel just translating for master he tu

Shadow_Kid978 · Movies
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92 Chs

Chapter 46

  "What's going on?"

  Master Yixiu looked at Guanshi Wu and asked.

  "Aiyo... this... ouch... ah..." Wu Guanshi said weepingly, shaking the white handkerchief in his hand, and touching his tears.

  Even Master Yixiu, who is determined and kind to others, is extremely bored in the face of Wu Guanshi's seductive posture.

  Getting up, Master Ikkyu began to pour tea.

  At this time, Wu Guanshi explained:

  "The thing is like this, we are walking on the road, there is a bang, thunder and lightning, and heavy rain, then we will set up camp!

  Who knows that just as we walked in, the zombie came out from there Oh, oh, it's so scary, it scared me to death!" As

  she spoke, she still did not forget to raise her beautiful orchid fingers.

  "Let's make a long story short!"

  Master Yixiu handed him a cup of tea and said with a frown.

  "It's all killed, dead!"

  "My junior?"

  Taoists Simu and Jia Le walked in and hurriedly asked after hearing Wu Guanshi's words.

  "When I left, he and the zombie were hugging each other and fighting." Manager Wu said while shaking his handkerchief.

  Thinking of the faces of zombies, he felt terrible!

  "Where is it?" Four Eyes asked.

  "In the high woods!"

  Wu Guanshi said while pinching the orchid.

  "Let's go!"

  Si Mu had already taken the good guy, got up, and walked out with Jia Le.

  "Qingqing, bandage his wound and boil water for him with Chuanbei lotus seed heart. Daoist Priest and I will go out and have a look." Master Yixiu couldn't let go and hurried to the inner room to get the guy who relieved the stiffness.

  Outside, Simu suddenly stopped, handed Jiale a mahogany sword, and ordered, "Jiale, you stay."

  "Why?" Jiale didn't understand.

  "The child has been poisoned by the corpse and will turn into a zombie at any time. Then you will kill it!" With four eyes and one life, he slays demons and demons and naturally understands the danger of turning into a corpse.

  Jia Le was taken aback, and said: "Oh."

  "Go!" He couldn't take care of that much and hurried in the direction of Gao Shulin, Taoist Qianhe was still there.

  Looking at Master's back, Jia Le also walked towards the house. At this time, Master Yixiu also rushed out.

  The two seemed to have a tacit understanding, without any words, without any pause, each went to complete the tasks they were supposed to do!

  At the same time, Lin Yu and Taoist Qianhe are also coming to Simu's residence.

  "Mr. Lin, let them go." Daoist Qianhe said to Lin Yu with a pale face.

  Along the way, Lin Yu shocked him too much, and his powerful strength left him with an extremely deep impression.

  However, no matter who the three disciples were, who carried almost 400 catties on their backs, they would feel tired, not to mention that there was still a long way to go to the home of Taoist Master Simu.

  Lin Yu shook his head. Although he was sweating on his forehead, he didn't feel tired at all. He said, "Don't worry about me, Daoist Qianhe. The most urgent thing is to go to the house of Taoist Simu."

  Daoist Qianhe knew Wu Guanshi can only take the little prince to Brother Simu. The little prince is a close relative of the zombie, so it must be the most dangerous place.

  "Then there is Lord Laurin."

  Daoist Qianhe clasped his fists and continued on his way with Lin Yu.

  On the other side, Daoist Simu and Master Yixiu who came towards this side ran, while running, "Simu, can you see that Mr. Lin?"

  Mr. Lin?

  A word awakened the dreamer, and his four eyes were puzzled: "I didn't seem to see him just now!"

  "It's impossible for him not to hear such a big movement, right?" Master Yixiu recalled Lin Yu's visit to his residence at night and said softly.

  "Then there is only one possibility."

  With four eyes running with all their strength, their thoughts constantly running, they said lightly, "Mr. Lin, he is out tonight!"

  Thinking of this, the two of them quickened their pace and kept flashing through the forest. Pass.


  Master Yixiu's residence.

  While peeling the lotus seed heart, Jiale looked at Qingqing who was carefully applying the medicine for the little prince.

  "Little brother, with my sister here, you will be fine!" Qingqing kissed the little prince and said softly.

  The voice fell into Jiale's ears, and his heart melted.

  "Wow, I'm so kind to him, I want to be sick too." Jia Le stared at Qingqing's movements and suddenly had a plan.

  Putting down the lotus root in his hand, Jia Le took advantage of Qingqing's inattention, wiped some hot water on his forehead, then sat down on the bed, and shouted: "Oh, I seem to have a fever!"

  "How can I have a fever for no reason?" ?" Qingqing immediately touched Jiale's forehead, shook her head, and said, "No."

  "My hands are so hot!" Jiale grabbed Qingqing's hand, pressed it to his chest, and said, "Your chest is so hot!"


No? Qingqing looked helpless.

  Suddenly Jia Le fell on the bed and said hurriedly: "Ah... I'm so hypoxic, hypoxic!" "

  "Then what should I do?" "Qingqing was simple-minded and was immediately deceived by Jiale's poor acting skills.

  Jiale pointed to her lips.

  "Artificial respiration?" "Qingqing hesitated, after all, this was her first kiss.

  "Girl, it seems that she is shy. " Jiale looked at the hesitant Qingqing, thought in his heart, and closed his eyes.

  At this moment, Wu Guanshi, who heard the movement, also came in. Looking at Jiale who was pouting, his eyes suddenly shone with the same light.

  "Let me come! "Wu Guanshi looked at Qing Qing.

  Qing Qing hummed and looked at Jia Le nervously.

  "Well..." After taking

  a bite, Jia Le stuck out his tongue happily, and Wu Guan Shi let him go, winking like silk "Ah ...

  not enough! I'm still out of breath! "Jia Le felt the aftertaste in his mouth and sucked it happily.

  Seeing this, Wu Guanshi lowered his head again.

  Qingqing stood aside and watched silently.


  Jia Le was in a very comfortable mood, opened his eyes, and looked at That touching figure made me confused all of a sudden.

  Why? It was him!

  "How could it be you?"

  Jia Le pushed Wu Guanshi away.

  Wu Guanshi said aggrievedly: "Little brother, why are you so ruthless? I saved your life! UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

  "Bah, bah, bah!"

  Jia Le spit turned around, and walked directly outside, feeling particularly upset.

  He was kissed by Wu Guanshi!

  Seeing this scene, Qingqing covered her mouth and let out a chuckle. I didn't expect Jiale to be able to act and show off. Fortunately, the "villain" has his own troubles!

  Wu Guanshi snorted coldly and chased after Jia Le with his upturned buttocks. At the same time, the corpse poison in his body began to spread gradually!

  Time flies, half an hour later.

  "You don't want to come here, what do you want?"

  Jia Le protected Qingqing, holding a mahogany sword, and confronted Wu Guanshi in front of him.

  Ugly has turned into a zombie!


  Wu Guanshi opened his small mouth, revealing two sharp fangs, and walked towards Jia Le wretchedly.