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Alice: "Lin, you are my hero!"   Captain America: "Lin, are you really human?"   Sun Wukong: "What do I want this iron rod for?"   Transformers, Journey to the West, Marvel World... ... No. 1   in the world, Mr. Zombie, Super God World...   Lin Yu: "Don't make trouble, I'm just a passer-by, why do you always introduce me girlfriends?" Not my novel just translating for master he tu

Shadow_Kid978 · Movies
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92 Chs

Chapter 44

  Seeing this scene, Dong, the disciple of Priest Qianhe, picked up his sword and stabbed straight at the zombie with no fear on his face.

  It can be said that after just a face-to-face meeting, Dong's chest was pierced by sharp nails, and the zombie pulled him closer to the golden coffin, and then the golden coffin was turned upside down, submerging the figures of the two of them.


  Qianhe yelled, and the three disciples from the south, the north, and the northwest stepped forward to rescue them, trying to lift the golden coffin together. However, things didn't go as expected, after the zombie sucked Dong's blood, he stretched out his arms and sent the golden coffin flying out.

  Seeing this, Taoist Master Qianhe pulled Dong out of the zombie, kicked it flying, and shouted: "The rope for binding the corpse!" The

  south, the north and the north were separated into three sides, standing in a triangle, and three At the same time, the man rang the bell in his hand, threw the corpse ropes over, and locked them on the zombies.

  Daoist Qianhe pinched a sword formula and wiped it on the mahogany sword. The sword body immediately emitted a bright yellow-golden light and stabbed toward the zombie.

  With one blow, it penetrated the zombie's abdomen.

  "Roar~" The

  zombie's beast-like voice came out, and his hands clawed onto the arms of Daoist Qianhe, and the blood instantly stained Qianhe's clothes red.

  Daoist Qianhe endured the pain, straightened his right foot and kicked at the zombie's chin, and fell accurately. The zombie was forced and tilted in mid-air, almost parallel to the ground.

  "Roar!" The

  zombie roared, and bounced straight up, ejecting Daoist Qianhe instantly, and smashed it hard on the muddy ground.

  The three disciples in the south, the north, and the north watched their master fall, tightened the rope to bind the corpse again, and relentlessly pulled the infinitely powerful zombie.

  Qianhe was in pain and opened the broken sleeve, and three deep fingerprints appeared on the snow-white arm below. He immediately took out glutinous rice and spread it on it.

  "Nan, use some strength!"

  Bei said to Nan while gritting his teeth as he kept sliding forward while holding on to the body-binding rope.

  "I think so too..."

  Nan also slid on the muddy ground, unable to deal with the evolved zombies at all.

  As he said that, the zombie turned around abruptly, grabbed the corpse rope tightly with both hands, and then exerted force with his feet, violently throwing out the three people who were holding the rope.

  "Bang, bang, bang!"

  The three people from the South, North, and North crashed into the tree trunk and the top of the tent and were seriously injured.

  Hearing the movement, Manager Wu opened the door curtain, cursing and saying: "What are you doing, why is there such a big commotion?"

  However, when he raised his head and looked forward, his face paled with fright, and he yelled loudly. Follow the seventy-one elder brother to run.

  "Brother Seventy-one, the prince has become a zombie, let's run!" I have to say that the eunuch is still very loyal to his master.

  Seventy-one elder brother shook his little head: "No, he is my uncle, I can't let him go, we can't leave."

  Although the little prince is young, he knows royal affairs by heart.

  However, isn't this a kind of restraint on children's thinking? Do you think you have good luck? Ridiculous, luck has long since declined!

  "Clang, clang, clang!"

  Outside, the fierce sound of metal fighting began to be heard, and the leading guard led his men to slash and slash at the zombies.

  "How could it be?" The leading guards were shocked, their special weapons that cut iron like mud were at this moment, and they couldn't even break through the skin of zombies!


  The zombie exuded an astonishing hostility, and he jumped to the front of the leading guard. Before the leading guard could react, the zombie bit his neck.

  After a while, the zombie threw away the lead guard who had been drained dry, and continued to move towards the others, just like a little guard at a time!

  "Brother Seventy-one, we..."

  Inside the tent, Wu Guanshi was still trying to persuade the little prince, when suddenly there was a sound of the door curtain being torn, and when he turned his head, he saw the zombie.

  "Ah~" Wu Guanshi screamed, twisting his buttocks and hiding behind the little prince.

  Seeing the zombie, the little prince showed no fear on his immature face, pulled out the special small sword pinned to his waist, and said softly: "Uncle Emperor, I'm sorry!" While

  speaking, the little prince stabbed at the zombie.

  "Don't, don't!" Wu Guanshi hid behind the chair, his face had already paled, and shouted.

  "Clang, clang, clang!" The

  the little sword pierced the zombie's body, but did not penetrate at all, but made the sound of metal colliding. The zombie knocked off the little sword and then grabbed the little prince in the air.

  The little prince is the close relative of the zombie, and the blood of his close relative is what he desires and needs the most!

  Seeing that sharp teeth were about to pierce the little prince's neck!

  "Ah, Brother Seventy-one!" The

  loyal Wu Guanshi hurried over with his handkerchief twisted, snatched the little prince away from the wounded zombie,

The upturned butt pushed back hard!

  "Roar~" The

  zombie roared, grabbing Guanshi Wu's shoulder, poking his head down, and was about to move towards his neck.

  "Naughty animal!" Daoist Qianhe, who had

  recuperated some strength, suddenly appeared, took out glutinous rice and directly blocked the eyes of the zombie, and fell to the ground with the zombie in his arms.

  "I'll hold him back, you guys go!"

  Daoist Qianhe shouted, sweat dripping down his face.

  "Help, help!" Wu Guanshi rushed out with the little prince in his arms, yelling constantly, and his footsteps hurried.

  Daoist Qianhe has regained some strength and fought with the zombies. After ten moves, Daoist Qianhe obviously felt powerless.

  "A person of the righteous way should die for the righteous way!"

  Although Daoist Qianhe was defeated, he had the will to die, and he tried his best to fight the zombies, to buy time for Wu Guanshi and the little prince to escape!

  In the distance, Lin Yu just arrived. Seeing this scene, his heart was touched for a while, and he was infected by the pure spirit of Taoist Qianhe.

  His eyes were bare, his body instantly petrified, and he went straight to the zombie.

  "Roar~" The

  zombie grabbed Daoist Qianhe and dropped him into the air. The sharp nails pierced deeply into his arm, making him worse and more injured. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  "Evil animal, die!"

  Lin Yu suddenly appeared in front of the zombie and hit it in the chest. The zombie was forced, to let go of Taoist Qianhe, and staggered back.

  And Daoist Qianhe was also caught by Lin Yu and put on the ground firmly.

  "Lin Xiaoyou..." Daoist

  Qianhe's consciousness was a little fuzzy. Seeing Lin Yu's appearance, he thought he was hallucinating, so he murmured.

  "Daoist Qianhe, put the glutinous rice on it quickly."

  Lin Yu handed the glutinous rice he had prepared before to Taoist Qianhe, looked at the royal zombies, and his fighting spirit burst out in an instant, and said, "Let me deal with it Him." With

  that said, he strode forward.

  Daoist Qianhe woke up when he saw Lin Yu's advancing figure, and immediately applied the glutinous rice Lin Yu gave to the wounds on his two arms.

  "It is detected that the host has arrived at the sign-in location. Do you want to sign in?"

  Lin Yu who was walking suddenly stopped and said, "Sign in   !


The understanding of the "Petrochemical Technique" has become more thorough. At this moment, he has been able to petrify others!