
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Part 4


- Oh my! -

- What is it Krasomila? -

- My Roommate is a Korean Princess! -

Krasomila turned to Iñigo with a happy look on her face.

- What's up with that happy look? I wouldn't be excited, she will probably command you around thinking you are a maid or some! -

Krasomilas smile disappeared, she became serious and the mixed look between serious and disappointed on her face looked hilarious. Iñigo was confused why she looked like that, so a grin entered his face. Krasomila put her arms on her chest and was just standing there with her arms on her chest, while Iñigo was laughing his ass off and rolling on the ground out of laughter. When he finally stopped laughing, he stood up with tears in his eyes and holding his stomach with his arms, while Krasomila was still standing there and watching him unhappily.

- Haha…. ~ Sorry! Sorry… It's just your face looked so hilarious! I'll stop laughing soon, just wait a second or two! -

- Ugh, just Shut Up! How dare you talk like this about such a pretty girl!? -

- Woah, sorry! -

- Tch… It's alright, I guess. -

Krasomila is a very pretty girl. She has straight black short hair and beautiful brown eyes. She has a purple messy girl uniform on, which represents The Oshun House. Iñigo is Krasomilas best friend. He wears a black boy's uniform, which represents The Elegua House. His hair color is brown kind of orangish, his hair is also unusually long for a boy and messy.

- Anyway, who's your roommate? -

Krasomila asked Iñigo.

- A girl, it seems she's Japanese but her name Beatrice, which is a French name.-

Krasomila looked at Iñigo shocked, but soon she calmed down and looked bored, so she just walked away. Iñigo followed her without a word, knowing she wants to show him something. They both walked into the main school building, which was the only entry to the school grounds, it was also The Oshun House. Students aren't usually allowed to walk in the houses in which they aren't supposed to be in, but on the first and last day of a half semester. Each half semester ends with a vacation break, the first whole semester vacation break is the longest one. The students of Oshun House aren't allowed to use the entry/exit doors while in the school year. Students that do will get a warning, the second warning ends with expulsion of the student. Students are only allowed to use the backyard door while school year. The backyard is also the only place where students from different houses can meet. Both Krasomila and Iñigo walked down the entire hallway to the backyard door and went to the backyard. In the backyard, Iñigo kept stopping to take a close look at everything because of his curiosity, but every time he noticed Krasomila didn't wait for him, he stopped adoring and tried to catch up with her. They stopped after they reached a big rock, on which was written in Latin:

"Quae curiosa custodiunt, necesse est pati iram saxi, et momentum servare omnia petrarum secreta."

Which means:

"The ones which keep being curious will need to suffer the wrath of the rock, and the importance to keep all the rock's secrets."

Krasomila then clicked on the text two times with her left hand and two times with her right hand. Suddenly the rock went up and opened itself. Iñigo was shocked, and so he looked at Krasomila to see if she's perhaps also shocked, but she just seemed to be satisfied and stayed calm. He guessed she must have done it before, but then again, she wanted to show him this, right? So, it's not a big surprise she's done it in the past before. Krasomila just walked down the stairs, so Iñigo decided to do the same, but just as soon as he walked in, the rock closed behind him with a loud thud. Behind the rock there were tons of stairs, but it was terribly dark in there. In order to see anything, Krasomila lighted up the lights that were hanging on the walls. Soon enough the whole room was lighted up and it was no longer dark in there. After walking down, the big number of stairs, they found themselves in a sweet, decorated room. Iñigo was looking around the room curiously while Krasomila only chuckled, smiled and turned around to face Iñigo. She smiled brightly, stretched out her arms and jumped whilst yelling.


Iñigo only covered his ears and closed his eyes.

- Let me guess, this was you that decorated this room! -

- WAAAA?! How did you know?! -

- It was quite easy to tell, you know? -

Krasomila then let her head down with a disappointed look on her face. Iñigo scratched the back of his head while giving an innocent look to Krasomila. Soon after that, they stayed down there and talked with each other about their Roommates.

- Well, my Roommate is a pretty princess! -

Said Krasomila whilst standing up and doing a showoff pose, if you can call it like this.

- Krasomila, you know it's not only about looks! -

Answered Iñigo, still sitting but with his head resting on his hand and his face with a disappointed look.

- Not true, Looks are important too! -

- Well, not really… -

- Shut up, someone as ugly as you know nothing about it! -

While they both were arguing, about if looks are the most essential things, the school bell ringed so loud even they could hear it in the undergrounds. They looked at each other confused.

- HUHHHH?!?! Weren't we supposed to have free today?! -

Iñigo looked at his clock while Krasomila was getting mad.

- Well, we spent good 3 hours in here, we also came late to get our welcome cards. By now it's evening, so this bell must mean…. -


Screamed Krasomila without letting Iñigo finish his sentence.

- Well, you're right! -

Answered Iñigo to her outburst of energy.


And so, they left their underground place, before leaving Krasomila made sure that the place is closed. After she made sure it's properly locked, she dragged Iñigo throughout The Oshun House into the Backyard. In the Backyard everything was settled up and all the students were going up on the big podium with a big number of seats. While everyone was picking sits next to their best friends, Krasomila decided to ask a stranger to sit next to her. Suddenly she noticed the first 2 rows are for the new students, so she dragged Iñigo behind her and asked a girl with blonde long curly hair and blue eyes.

- Hello there! Would you mind if my friend and I sat next to you? -

Krasomila pulled Iñigo from behind her back, who was tired from all the running and was panting really loud, to show the girl that she didn't come by herself.

- Shut Up! -

Whispered Krasomila to Iñigo while trying to smile. The girl with blonde hair smiled gently and gave Krasomila an answer.

- Sure, I don't mind! -

Krasomila smiled brightly and took a place right next to the girl with blonde hair. Iñigo just followed Krasomila and took a place next to Krasomila. Suddenly, a head of a boy popped out from the right of the girl with blonde hair.

- Hello! -

Said the boy.

- Hello! -

Answered Krasomila a little confused, and so she asked right away.

- Are you guys' friends? -

The girl with blonde hair gave again only a gentle smile.

- I guess you can call it like this, we met only today, and it turned out we are roommates. Also, we get along pretty good. -

Answered the girl as the boy was giving Krasomila and Iñigo an energetic smile.

- Well then let us introduce ourselves, my name is Krasomila, and I'm from Macedonia! -

- Nice to meet you Krasomila! -

Said the boy, while the girl nodded in an agreeing gesture.

- Well, I am Iñigo, and I'm from the Philippines! -

Said, as you already know, Iñigo, while stretching out his head in the direction of the girl with blonde hair. The other boy noticed thus, and so he gave Iñigo a mad look, so that he won't try to come any closer to the girl. Iñigo noticed this and took back his head. The other boy looked proudly at everyone and introduced himself.

- Well, I'm Ryan, and I'm from Canada! -

Krasomila looked excited, then at Ryan.


- Well, yes, I am, wait… How did you know?! -

- I've got my way to find these types of things out! -

Said Krasomila proudly, while Ryan was starting to feel weird and hid behind the blonde girl's back. The girl with blonde hair smiled gently, while looking with one angle of her eye at Ryan. Soon after, she concentrated again on Krasomila and Iñigo.

- Well then, I guess it's my turn to introduce myself! My name is Chiyo, Chiyo Chisaka, and I'm from Japan! -