
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Part 3


Ji Ah was walking through a very deep hallway. Ji Ah was a very short girl but that's what makes her cute, at least it's what Ji Ah thinks. She has a purple girls uniform on which represents The Oshun House. Her uniform suits her hair pretty much, her hair is light blonde, and she Pinwheel Colored her hair in all the color pink shades and blonde, she has long but curly hair. Her eyes are small, but they have an orange shade. She loves to pin in her hair a lot of accessories, currently she has a pink-reddish big bow on. Has two rings and necklaces on. Next to Ji Ah was walking her personal guard that was a young boy himself, he is around the age of Ji Ah. The boy's name is Min Joon and even though he was a few months younger than Ji Ah, he was around 11.8 inches (30 cm) taller than Ji Ah which still isn't very tall. He has a blue boy's uniform just like Ryan on. Unlike Ji Ahs hair his hair is dark, and his eyes are in a very dark yellow color. Min Joon also has a lot of accessories like Ji Ah, but he wears only one of them usually, which is a diamond pin, in the middle it has a green-bluish flower with blue strips coming from behind of it. The whole pin is made out of diamonds. He is usually graceful, nice, silent and gentle but he turns to the exact opposite of what he usually is when the princess needs to be protected. He is 63.7 inches tall and 15 years old. Even though Ji Ah and Min Joon were walking next to each other they barely talked at all with each other. They both were on the way to the Academix Academy, since the princess didn't want to study at home, and Min Joon as her guard needs to stay by her side and make sure she's safe. These guards are called partisans. As time passed it was getting awkward, when none of them were talking so Ji Ah decided to break the silence first. She looked down on the floor with something like a guilty look on her face.

- Min Joon.... I- I have a question. -

Min Joon looked at her surprised.

- What is it? -

- Why did you become my partisan? Like you're so young you should be living now a life far away from me! -

Min Joon looked at her even more surprised than before.

- First of all, Ji many times did we talk about this? I have my life here so stop bla-... I mean saying those stuff like I could live a life far away from you because that's not true and we both know it. Second of all I became your partisan because I wanted to. -

That was a lie but kind of the truth, Min Joon knew that he shouldn't lie to Ji Ah, but he didn't want to make her worry or some. Min Joon never wanted to become Ji Ahs partisan, but he was the son of one of the maidens in the castle. His mother died when Min Joon was a little boy, and she still had a lot to do for queen and the king of Korea. The queen and the king or just Ji Ahs parents, made then Min Joon Ji Ahs partisan so that he can pay his mother's debts. At first, he didn't like the idea but now that he's friends with Ji Ah, could help Ji Ahs parents in a lot of things and has payed off all his mother's debts, he is proud and happy to be Ji Ahs partisan, so he decided to make this his life until he dies. Now that he even saved the kingdom almost 2 times, he got the allowance to marry Ji Ah in the future since he was deeply in love with her. Ji Ah doesn't know about it though, that Min Joon likes her and has the allowance to marry her in the future.

- Well then if you say so I shall stop this thinking. -

Ji Ah looked up to Min Joon with a dull smile and Min Joon that was still looking at her with a shocked expression, softened his gaze and smiled back.

- Anyways, don't forget that you still owe me those 1,351,040.00 ₩ (1000 €)! -

- Ji... Aren't you like... rich?! Why do you need that money? -

- Well, I don't need it but thus was you that lost the bet and not me... So even though I don't need the money, I still want it. -

Min Joon sighed, looked at Ji Ah with a disappointed look on his face and said with an annoyed voice.

- Fine I'll give it to you... -

- YAY thank you Min -

The rest of the way they stayed silent. It didn't take long until they reached the Academy, it took them around 10 minutes. Once they were in front of the Academy, they went through the Academy gates and went to the backyard of the Academy, there were every student gets welcomed. In the backyard there was a big tent-stand in front of which there was a long queue of students. Both Ji Ah and Min Joon went to the queue and stood at the whole end of it. It took quite a while until it was their turn and the queue got longer with every second passing. After 15 minutes of waiting Ji Ah slowly got inpatient and started annoying Min Joon, by telling him every second how bored she is and that he should get her something to do. Min Joon would go every 5 minutes to get something for Ji Ah and always came back with something, for example books, magazines, magazines about Top Models and newspapers. The more often Ji Ah would send him for something then more often he would bring less useful things like food, clothes, accessories, groceries, nail polish and pencils. When Ji Ah asked him about those things, he said that he himself got bored bringing things to her, so he decided to get things that are usually helpful at home so that, she (Ji Ah) won't need to be bored in her dorm. After another 30 minutes it was finally Ji Ahs turn. She went up to the woman that was sitting behind the table with her hands around her chest. The woman introduced herself as the guardian of The Xiwangmu House and the Archaeology teacher. The woman also mentioned that her full name is Mai Ang but the students from The Xiwangmu House just call her Mai only when the lessons are done, the students from other houses should call her Mrs. Ang no matter the circumstances. After Mrs. Ang's introduction Ji Ah was ordered to tell Mrs. Ang her name and her last name. Ji Ah did this and after a few seconds she received a folder with all information's that she needs to know. It took quite a while after Mrs. Ang explained everything to her. After Mrs. Ang explained everything to Ji Ah, she said a small invite line.

- Welcome to the Academix Academy Ms. Yuanwang, We are delighted to have you here. We hope you will have a good time here and also that you'll learn a lot! -

Mai Ang seemed to Ji Ah not like a very old person. She seems around the age of 27 and is really pretty for a teacher. Her skin is light, looks very soft and smooth. She has a high-bridged nose and a small and slim face. She also looks pretty thin, but it doesn't seem unhealthy, her eyelashes are also pretty long and curly. Her eyes seem big which has probably something to do with her double eyelid. She's also pretty tall probably around 6ft 2in. She has a standard red woman uniform on, even though she's quite calm, well can't blame her because the teachers change their house every 5th year, no matter if they represent it or not. Her hair is quite long and curly, her hair color is brownish blonde. She also is and looks gentle and calm. She doesn't have any makeup on, but the lip gloss. She smiles the whole time; her smile is very gentle thanks to it it's easy to tell that she's nice. Her eyes are greenish-turquoise and very bright. Ji Ah only thanked Mrs. Ang after welcoming her and went somewhere on the side to wait for Min Joon. While she was waiting, she decided to open the folder. In it there were 2 papers one of them was her identity paper, which was less important to her. The other document was the information that Mrs. Ang explained to her before. On this document was written that Ji Ahs dorm number is 123 in The Oshun House, on the second floor, in the right wing of the building. While Mrs. Ang was explaining this document on an example before, she mentioned that it just happens often that boys need to share rooms with girls. Normally this isn't allowed, but in the Academy it's important that boys and girls have a good relationship. The reason it's important is because almost everyone is in an important family, you end the academy after the 5th year. Most of the students are 20 by then some 21, it's important in important families that the children can take care of everything after the parents die. The thing is you never know when someone will die and so that the children can marry another important person, take care of everything as fast and soon possible and have a family and heirs that will once take care of everything, good relationships between boys and girls are needed so that perhaps you'll marry in the future your roommate as plan B, because you guys would have already a good relationship. To be honest Ji Ah didn't want to be roommates with a boy, unless it would've been Min Joon, he's the only boy she's comfortable around, but Min Joon was in other house than she. That's why when reading through the dorm information's she was praying to be roommates with a girl. Ji Ahs face looked funny probably now due to her stress, but she didn't care. She closed her eyes took, a deep breath, opened her eyes and read the part where it was written who she shares her room with. It was written that Ji Ahs roommate is a girl, Ji Ah was relieved, the girls name is Krasomila and she's from Macedonia. There were also a few more information's about Krasomila for example that she's a mortal and the daughter of the owner of a candy factory, there was also a small picture of Krasomila.

'' What a pretty girl ''

It was only after a few seconds that Ji Ah realized that she was jealous of Krasomila's beauty. Now Ji Ah's face was nothing more but a pitiful look, while the paper that she was holding got crumpled under her hands, she was really holding it tight almost tearing the paper in 2 pieces. In her eyes there were now tears.

- I'm so ugly, no one would want to marry me, maybe if I was born as pretty as Krasomila my parents would have loved me... I'm a mistake mom and dad are right if it weren't for me Eun Jung would have been still alive, I'm a monster, I don't deserve to live, Min Joon should leave me and this family or else he'll end up dead himself because of me.... -

Ji Ah whispered those things to herself in a muffled voice and sniffed.

'' Ughh.. I'm so hopeless I'm a princess, princesses don't get jealous and don't blame themselves, I'm a princess, I'm a princess, I'm a.... ''

She didn't want to cry so she kept telling herself that she's a princess to stop herself from crying, but then on the paper suddenly there appeared a drop of water, a fat big drop of water and another one and a third one. She softened her grief on the paper and tried to wipe away the tears using her sleeves. Ji Ah didn't know that Min Joon had already came and was there the whole time, until he hugged and pressed her closely to his chest.

- You aren't a monster, nor useless, nor you don't deserve to live, I won't die anytime soon and definitely not because of you Ji.... -

Min Joon whispered those words to Ji Ah and they both hugged for a while longer, then Ji Ah pushed Min Joon away with a blush on her face.

- Anyways.... Let's get going... -

Meaning of Words Part 2

The Xiwangmu House - The Xinwangmu House name refers to the Queen Mother of the West in the Chinese mythology. Xiwangmu means in chinese Queen Mother of the West. Queen Mother of the West is one of the most ancient and powerful goddesses in the Chinese pantheon. Anyone going to The Xiwangmu House is at first sight usually mean, terrifying, dark, evil, wild and they destroy many things. As soon as you get to know them better and get closer to them, they become nice, sweet, light, loyal, calm, royal, still sometimes wild and mean but they don't destroy then many things either. The color of this house is red.

Feng Xia - Feng is in China a common boy name, in this story the name is unisex. Feng means: '' Sharp blade; wind; summit '' and refers in this story to Fengs sharp tongue and her being fast. Xia means summer, in this story it refers to the Chinese Sun Goddess Xihe; Mother of the Ten Suns.

Xīhé - Is in the Chinese mythology the Goddess of Sun and the mother of the Ten Suns. Xīhé means the sun. Feng says she's related with Xīhé she also says that after such a long time there isn't a single blood drop of hers left in Feng's. Feng means with this that so many years and generations have passed that even though she's related with the Sun Goddess, they're nothing alike.

The Uzume House - Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto is the goddess of dawn, mirth, meditation, revelry and the arts in the Shinto religion of Japan. Students from this house are usually smart, clever, overprotective, helping, caring, energetic and perfect. The color of this house is green.

Ji Ah - Ji means Wisdom, Intellect, Perceive, Comprehend, Will and Ambition, Ah means Beautiful, Bud, Sprout, Elegant and Graceful.

The Oshun House - She is the goddess of divinity, femininity, fertility, beauty and love. She is connected to destiny and divination. Students in The Oshun House are usually beautiful, loveable, kind, generous, happy, sweet, good at cooking, bring joy, free and kind of dumb. The color of this house is purple.

Pinwheel Color Hair - When Pinwheel coloring your hair it looks like a pinwheel that's where the name comes from too.

Min Joon - Is a Korean name that means clever and talented.

Partisans - In this book the word partisan is used for personal guards for very important people, they're age depends on the age of the person that needs a partisan ex. A princess needs a partisan so that he'll protect her everywhere and she's 13, the partisan that she'll receive will be around the age 12 - 14, in order to be able to look just like a friend and accomplish her really everywhere even school.

Ji - Min Joon gave Ji Ah this nickname.

Min - Ji Ah gave Min Joon this nickname.

Mai Ang - Mai is a Vietnamese name with the meaning plum and apricot.

Yuanwang - Wang means King, the meaning of Yuan doesn't exist.

Krasomila - Krasomila means Lover of beauty. It has a Macedonian origin.

Eun Jung - Eun Jung means "grace and affection".