
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Part 5


- Everyone please listen! I'm your school director for this year! My name is Yanko Dutton but please call me Mr. Dutton! -

Yelled the school director, he was just a typical old school director. Or was he?

- I used to be a director already at one school, but it didn't turn out so well! So, I hope in this school I'll see something else! -

Right, he wasn't a typical school director, in the school he used to be the director once, there was a girl which murdered 12 students. Now you might think wait what's going on? That's not important, since you'll probably never see me again in this book, I shall leave now.

- Here are the most important rules EVERY student needs to follow them! -

Upon hearing this Chiyo took out her notebook, to note the rules down.

- The first rule is the most important to students from The Oshun House! In The Oshun House you can find an exit door, which you can use to exit the school and go somewhere! The rule is that while the school year no one is allowed to use that door! While the school year the door is kept being closed, but anyone that dares to use it will get the first warning, the second warning is an expulsion, so Oshun students please follow this rule! -

While Chiyo was writing the first rule down, she looked really peaceful. Krasomila which had great memory looked shocked at Chiyo and made a mean comment.

- Are you seriously writing this down?! Are you an old woman with a bad memory or what?! -

Whispered Krasomila to Chiyo in a sharp tone. Chiyo looked up from her notebook and gave Krasomila a gentle smile again, it's just that it was a sad smile.

- I know that you know, but I still deserve some respect. -

Krasomila got red and mad, so she just turned to the front.

- The second rule is more like a dress code; everyone must wear a school uniform! The school uniform can be customized according to your taste! The customizations can be done from today evening until Sunday evening! -

As Chiyo heard this she grinned Krasomila, which looked at her, realized that Chiyo was grinning because she probably already had an idea.

- The third rule is students need to show up in classes at least 2 minutes before the bell rings! Fourth rule phones or any other electrical devices need to be given at the beginning of the year to me, I will keep those in a safe, it's not allowed to use those on the school ground. Fifth rule no one is allowed to visit anyone while class. Sixth rule everyone needs to speak English with each other. Seventh rule the school needs to be kept clean! At 5pm after school every day, everyone will need to help clean the school grounds! Eight rule eating and drinking isn't allowed while class. Ninth rule no one is allowed to use any tobacco products, drugs, alcohol or any other substances. Tenth rule everyone needs to behave, students which are not disciplined enough, will be getting strict discipline lessons and a strict nanny! -

Chiyo kept writing every rule down, but it was getting darker with every second, so it was also harder to see for her.

- Of course, you're writing down the tenth rule. -

Whispered Krasomila to Chiyo in a mockery tone.

- I'm sorry but what did you say? -

Answered Ryan which got both, Krasomila and Chiyo, shocked.

- I don't know what you both are fighting about but I don't like it so try to get along alright? -

That's when Krasomila noticed Ryan was mad, so she got mad herself.

- Oh, only if you knew who she is! You want to know?! Well, she is- -

- Alright! -

Chiyo interrupted Krasomila before she could finish her sentence and sent a nervous look. Krasomila, who has some empathy, added.

- Alright fine! -

Upon hearing this Ryan smiled and turned back to the stage. Chiyo breathed and smiled to Krasomila.

- Thank You! -

- Whatever let's just keep listening! -

- Eleventh rule, which theoretically almost the same as the tenth one, no bullying. Anyone that dares to break this rule might get expelled. Those are all the rules there aren't many so we hope all of you will follow them. And now I'll introduce all your teachers, this is Mrs. Ang she will be the house teacher of The Xiwangmu House. Next, we have Mr. Insigne he will be the house teacher of The Ariadne House. Ms. Xiuying will be the house teacher of The Uzume House. Mrs. Kovaleva is now the house teacher of The Oshun House. -

All the teachers, which Mr. Dutton called stepped forward, bowed and went back.

- Mr. Sanz will be the house teacher of The Elegua House. The house teacher of The Sancus House will be Ms. Inci. Mr. Nist will be taking care of the students from The Euphrosyne House. Ms. Fabien will now be the house teacher for the students from The Nusku House. And last, we have Ms. Khatri, which will be in The Freyja House. By now I think we discussed everything, more information's stand in your welcome card. -

Everything that the Mr. Dutton said until now, has Chiyo been writing in her Notebook.

- Now before the Fireworks will start all of you have some time to talk with each other. After the Fireworks you can go change and come back in the ball room, which is in The Uzume House. There we'll be holding a big party, which was being organized by Feng Xia! A big Applause for her! -

Ryan then remembered how he helped Feng Xia in, moving big decorations.

- Thank You all for this Applause, but I couldn't have done it without some people. A big Shout out to them, and an Applause for them too! -

Ryan smiled a little after hearing this. After another speech from someone, everyone started talking to each other.

- Ok so how about we become friends? -

Asked Ryan the other 3.

- Sure! -

Answered Iñigo while looking at Krasomila, like if he expects her to say the same. Chiyo just smiled gently.

- Alright. -

After everyone agreed, but Krasomila, they're eyes were concentrated on Krasomila. Krasomila still didn't give in.

- Please Krasomila! -

Begged Iñigo while looking at her expectingly.

- FINE! -

- Yay! Thank You! -

And so, they all started to talk about many different things, for example: Their interests. As they were talking, a Girl and a Boy came to them. In this moment, Krasomila saw them and screamed in excitement.


The other 3 looked at the boy and the girl coming, due to the scream of Krasomila's.

- Well, yes that's me, I just wanted to Thank Ryan for helping me out today. -

She smiled gently and looked at Ryan, who was red like a tomato. The boy just began to laugh like wild, until Feng hit him on his back. Ryan looked at the boy and he immediately recognized the boy. The boy was the same boy who asked him before if he saw Feng. The only difference was that the boy from before had wolf ears, this one didn't have them. That was, what Ryan thought until he noticed, the ears were just simply brushed down to look like a part of his hairstyle. The boy noticed Ryan staring at him and sticked out his tongue, which got Ryan flustered.

- Please introduce yourself! -

Said Feng while looking at the boy with an inpatient look.

- Wait chill alright. My name is Luan and I'm from Brazil! -

Said Luan, but then one firework flew up to the sky and exploded. The loud noise got Luan scared, he jumped up and gave out of himself a little scream.

- Calm down it's just a firework! -

Screamed Krasomila at him. After getting Luan to calm down, both Feng Xia and Luan, sat down next to Ryan. Every student looked up to the sky, while fireworks were flying up and exploding. The scenery was very beautiful and the whole night sky was filled up with colorful lights, fireworks. From out of the pack of the friends it probably amazed Chiyo the most. She was staring up the sky with big eyes, like a little kid who saw fireworks for the first time in their life. The only difference was the fact that Chiyo wasn't a little kid. Ryan, who saw such a scenery often, looked to Chiyo and was shocked by the fact, how amazed Chiyo was by the fireworks. This only made Ryan want to stay her friend forever and ever ❤. The truth was that Ryan could always have whatever he wanted, but there was nothing he truly wanted. Those things, that no one got to see every day and amazed everyone, never amazed him. He never met anyone in his whole life, who was poor and got amazed by everything. So, seeing Chiyo get so amazed, gave him the feeling that she was something special. And special things were the ones he truly wanted, all for himself. He smiled and looked back up to the sky.

" I have a weird feeling the next 5 years, are going to be the best years of my life! "

Thought Ryan while biting the bottom of his lips.

Meaning of Words Part 3

Iñigo - Means "fiery one" and is a Filipino boy name.

The Elegua House - Elegua is a Deity of roads. Students in this house are usually silent, gentle, positive, dumb, optimistic and confident. The house color is black.

Beatrice - Means "joyful one" and is a French girls name.

The Sancus House - Is a Roman God of trust, oath and honesty. Students in this house are usually honest, trustful, protective, smart, trustworthy but sometimes aggressive. The color of this house is white.

The Euphrosyne House - Is a Goddess of good cheer, joy and mirth in the Greek religion and mythology. Students in this house are usually happy, joyful, creative, smart and they usually shine with pride. The color of this house is yellow.

The Nusku House - A Mesopotamian God of fire and light. The students in this house are usually protective, flamboyant, determined, optimistic, fierce, hot (pretty) and kind.

The Freyja House - A Norse Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold and seiðr. Students in this house are usually lovely, sensitive, immature, playful, dirty minded, prideful, egoistic and confident.

Seiðr - Magic in Norse Mythology, that is used to see and influence the future.

Luan - It's a Brazil name for boys and means both lion and son of the moon.

Character Cards 1/14

Name: Ryan | Last Name: Clement | Nickname: Ran

Gender: Male | Age: 15 Years Old | Weight: 45kg | Height: 162cm

Date of Birth (Birthday): 02.26

Race: Human | Hair: Brown | Eyes: Green Blood | Type: A- | MBTI: ISFJ | Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: Canadian | Title and Rank: Prince Ryan, Prince | Social Status: A very popular and loved prince

Occupation: Prince | Clothing: Comfy but Formal

Likes: Saskatoon Berry Pie, Cats, Color Orange | Dislikes: Butter Tarts, Snakes, Color Blue

Family: Queen Mila (Mother)

King Chioke (Father)