
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Part 2



A loud voice echoed in the halls.

- We are sorry, Miss, but this as good as impossible to do -

- No, it's not nothing's impossible, whatever if you guys can't do it then I do it myself! -

The guards walked away without even looking back at the Miss. Ryan walked by the place the annoyed Miss was and noticed that she was trying to do something but couldn't seem to do it. He knew he should help her, but just couldn't bring himself to help her. So, Ryan was just standing there and looked at her with a curious look. The annoyed Miss must have noticed him staring because she just turned around with a sour and mad look on her face. She had a red girl school uniform which would represent The Xiwangmu House. Her eyes are green, but they were mixed with orange. She has blonde hair with some light orange stripes in it. She has a lot of Accessories on. Ryan breathed deeply in and out, he took one step in her direction with closed eyes and his mouth stretched in something like a disappointed smile. As he walked closely, he opened his eyes and stopped smiling, he looked now desperate. Any girl that walked by and saw him with that look on his face, started blushing, well that was quite common, Ryan has always been the popular type because of his handsome looks. He was standing now right in front of the annoyed Miss, breathed in and out and spoke.

- Hello there, my name is Ryan, I saw from afar that you need help in something! -

The annoyed Miss looked up on him and then looked down and up the whole time as if she was analyzing him. After she was done with it, she snarled and said.

- Well, you aren't blind because you noticed it right, RyAn~. I do need help with something, but I don't need YOUR help. Let me explain it to you this evening, there is being a ball thrown like every year when we welcome new students to this school and the others to a new year of studying. This ball was never perfect enough, and this year I'm planning to do the most perfect ball. For it, I would need a lot of help from people, but a friend of mine didn't show up yet. And I can't wait until he shows up, so I asked the guards to help me and. They're like the only people that could help, and they said they can't so if they can't, no one can and based on your looks it doesn't look like you can help me either! -

After this speech, Ryan and the annoyed Miss just stayed silent. Ryan's face formed now something like in disbelief, while the annoyed Miss was just standing there with her arms crossed on her chest and a judging look on her face. The annoyed Miss noticed that he just wanted to say something, but she was just tired, so she growled so that Ryan won't get to say anything. After another long time of silence again, Ryan decided to break the silence.

- Well then let me try to help you, who knows, maybe I'll be some help after all! -

That got the annoyed Miss shocked, so she didn't say anything and showed him to come with her. Ryan just followed her silently until they stood in front of a gigantic cake and a lot of big decorations. The annoyed Miss explained to Ryan where everything should be placed, how it should be placed and that if something's wrong he'll need to start all over again. After half an hour Ryan was done with everything, the annoyed Miss had shock as good as written on her face. Ryan walked up to her with a gentle smile, and she smiled back at him with relief. When he was in front of her, he stretched his hand.

- Well then now that I helped you, I think we can be friends let me introduce myself again; Hello my name is Ryan what's yours? -

The annoyed Miss was shocked at first, but soon enough she also pulled out her hand, blushed in embarrassment and shook his.

- Yes, you indeed helped me and did a great job I guess we can be friends; my name is Feng Xia, I can't speak English that well because I'm from China, but I guess we'll understand each other. Also, I'm related to the Chinese Deity Xīhé, so u got to respect me! Even though I don't have a single blood drop of her blood in mine after such a long time but oh well. Anyway I need to go now there is still a lot to do, Goodbye! -

After that she waved to him and run-away leaving Ryan shocked, he waved back after some time. Right when Ryan turned on his heel and wanted to leave, a boy came running to him.

- Wait! Don't leave! -

After hearing these words, Ryan breathed in and out, smiled even though this was more like an annoyed smile and looked in the boy's direction. The boy wasn't very fast, so Ryan needed to wait quite some time. After the boy ran up to him, he stopped in front of Ryan, bow in the middle and put his hands on his knees while breathing deeply and fast. He has a green boy's uniform on, which represents The Uzume House. His hair is dark brown, and his skin is dark. On his trousers around his waist, he has a few decorative chains. The boy finally regained his strength and looked up at Ryan, the boys' eyes are dark, but they had something like a spark in them. The boy still breathed deeply but a little slower now, Ryan decided to give the boy some time to calm down. But as time passed, Ryan got a little bored by waiting, he put his arms on his chest and started to tap with his foot on the ground in an inpatient gesture. After another few seconds, Ryan rolled his eyes, bowed down and stretched his hand out in a helping gesture. The boy took Ryan's hand and Ryan helped him to stand up. After the boy calmed down, his face formed something like a worried look.

- Have you seen a blonde, small girl with a red uniform on?! -

While the boy was talking, Ryan noticed his sharp, small teeth and a very small pair of wolf ears. Ryan knew who the boy was talking about, so he just responded, even though he was shocked about what he noticed right now.

- You mean Feng? If yes, I did see her I actually helped her a bit, she ran in this direction. -

Ryan pointed in the direction that Feng actually ran to. The boy looked at where Ryan was pointing and ran in this direction without even saying thank you, which got Ryan annoyed a bit.