
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 1 Part 1

Chapter Ι

Deadly Beginnings


Ryan a boy from a rich family, he has green eyes like emeralds that shine with gold to just prove how kind Ryan is. His brown as wood hair just contrasted his eyes which makes him look stunning and even though he is just 15 his height is around 68.7''. He also usually wears suits but on this special day, he's wearing a blue schoolboy's uniform representing his Academy house, The Ariadne House. He was very excited about his first day at the Academix Academy, so excited that he carried his own things, which made his servants think he went crazy.

- It's my first day~~~~ -

- Yes, we know master Ryan please keep it down, we're in front of the Academy and master doesn't want to make others think that master is a singing little girl in the body of a boy. -

Even though the voice came from behind, Ryan knew who the voice belonged to. Aria his sweet yet rough tonged servant that has such a sweet voice, her beautiful pink hair and blue eyes always make her look like candy in a human form. Ryan was sure that his parents must have favored her, she was also practically following him 24/7. Well after all she was his loyal as death personal servant. Ryan definitely didn't like the fact that she was ordered to come with him, so he just ran off and yelled.

- Aria, don't call me Master! -

Afterward, he kept singing, which annoyed Aria pretty much. Aria was in disbelief that he didn't listen to her and even told her to not call him master.

'' What a stubborn little kid ''

After a few seconds, she remembered that she isn't his mom or his older sister, so she pushed her thoughts away, pinching herself.

'' Ouch ''

Suddenly to her surprise Ryan, who was running around in excitement, bumped into someone and they both fell down.

- Master Ryan! -

Aria ran up to him and stretched her hand out to help him get up.

- Master Ryan, are you alright? -

She looked at him with a worried look in her face.

- Foremost, I told you not to call me Master! Second of all, yes, I'm alright, but we should help the girl get up. -

It was only then that Aria released that it was a girl Ryan bumped into.

- Right -

Aria's face was now tomato red; she was embarrassed because of Ryan just bumping into people. Ryan noticed her embarrassment, so he turned on his heel, walked up to the girl on the floor that was picking up her things from the floor and surprisingly calmly told her.

- Here, let me help you! -

After they both picked up all her things, they stood up and stared at each other for around 10 seconds.

- My name's Ryan, what's yours? -

The girl was shocked at first, but then her face went pale and looked very stressed.

- It's nice to meet you Ryan, but I'm afraid that I can't stay here and have a talk with you, but I'm sure that we'll meet again just soon enough to continue this…. Eh, how do I call it…. Undone conversation -

After that long statement, the girl just ran off without even looking at him and even though Ryan couldn't see her face fully, he knew that she was tomato red right now. Ryan didn't mind it, so he just told Aria that she can go home now, and Aria just shook her head and went back. After he lost sight of Aria, he breathed deeply but calmly and looked at the school. With a desperate look on his face, he went in the direction of the school, knowing that there's no turning back now.

Meanings of Words 1

Edo Period - The Edo period (also known as the Tokugawa period) refers to a period in Japanese history where Japan was governed by the Edo shogunate government.

Chiyo - A fitting name for any child born during a blood moon. Chi means blood and, Ya means night.

Kimono - The kimono is a traditional Japanese garment and the national dress of Japan.

Tokugawa Shoguns - The Tokugawa shogunate was established by Tokugawa Ieyasu after victory at the Battle of Sekigahara, ending the civil wars of the Sengoku period following the collapse of the Ashikaga shogunate.

Aya - Aya means simply ''colorful''

Chisaka - The meaning of this Japanese surname is ''one thousand hills''. Chi means ''thousand''. Saka means ''slope''.

Academix Academy - An Academy in this story, this academy doesn't exist in real life.

Ryan - Ryan means "little king" in Gaelic. However, some believe it might also mean "illustrious." The

Ariadne House - A house in the Academy for children. Ariadne means ''most holy''. People that get into this house are usually calm or really energetic, nice, gentle, formal, and positive. Named after the Wife of the Greek God Dionysus. The only house in the Academix Academy, that has changed meanings so many times, that now the house's students don't represent Ariadne at all. The color of this house is Blue.

Aria - Aria means "song" or "air" in Italian. It also means "lion of God" in Hebrew or "lioness" in Greek. In Persian, it means "noble."