
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Part 29

The Ball was in the Royal Ball Room, in the Castle that I rule from now on. Most Guests came here after the wedding, for the Party, but some went home too. Aiko went to talk with some guests she invited, but I just sat down somewhere. I told the Waiter to bring me a glass of champagne. After I was done drinking it, I stood up and left, using the secret passage behind curtains. The passage was a way to a big Hallway, with 3 Bathrooms, 2 toilets, and 2 Bedrooms. I never knew who owned this part of the Castle, but my parents never knew of it. Only I and Chiyo knew about it, because once when she was visiting us, we found it by accident. I walked down the Hallway until I reached the first Room, which was the first Bedroom. I remembered how Chiyo would always hide in there, she also decorated it once behind my back. I stood in front of the door, for quite a while, before I knocked. When no answer came, I opened the door and walked in. On the floor, leaning against the bed, was seating Chiyo. She was crying and silently sobbing. Her eyes were red from tears, and the skin under her eyes became dry, from rubbing the skin under her eyes from tears with her hands. I walked closer, when she heard my steps, she turned her head around shocked. A tear was running down her cheek, so I crouched down next to her, I put my right hand under her right cheek and rubbed the tear away using my thumb. Chiyo was sitting there startled, she wasn't moving, only suddenly realization hit her, and she pushed my hand away.

- What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be with your wife! -

I looked carelessly at her, her expression was dumb, and she was looking at me dumbfounded. So I put my hand under my cheek, turned my head around, and closed my eyes. I looked funny, like a spoiled girl that was trying to act sad.

- Well, it's so boring there that guests began leaving. -

- Yeah, that's definitely a lie. -

I stopped messing with her, and put on my actual expression, a sad one. She relaxed herself and looked at the floor, I hugged her. At first Chiyo was shocked, but soon enough, she put her face against my chest, and began crying.

- I'm sorry, but you know I need to do this for the country. -

- Y-yes. -

- Actually, I came here because I thought it would be good to talk with you for the last time. -

For the next five minutes we talked about our many memories, suddenly we heard a loud announcement, that reached us even here.

- And now it's time for the vows of The Royal Majesties! -

I looked in the direction of where it came.

- Well then, I guess it's time for me to go. -

I looked at Chiyo, and her face was the definition of heartbroken.

- No... Please, don't leave! -

- I'm sorry. You can stay here until the Ball is over. -

I stood up despite Chiyo clinging on to me, and begging me to stay. I turned around to not need to look at her, and walked away.


Change of POV


I watched Ryan walk away, not being able to do anything, I reached out to him with my hand. It was not like it would work. He left, and I was left here crying, I put my face in my hands, and kept sobbing. My beautiful blonde hair, began turning black. I wasn't aware of turning into a Vampire, so I didn't know why my hair turned black. I took a strand of my hair into my hands, and looked at it closely. I tried turning my hair back into blonde, but it didn't work.

'' Sh't! Why isn't this working?! ''

I tried again, but upon realizing it didn't work, I was stunned it would always work.

'' What's going on with me? ''