
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Part 30

The Royal Wedding Ball happened, almost 4 weeks ago. Yet my hair still stayed black, it didn't change its color back into blonde. My friends and teachers were shocked, but I told them, I wanted to try out something new with my hair. Luckily they all fell for that lie, everyone fell for it, everyone but Krasomila, Beatrice, and Alcina. They knew the truth, that my hair turns black in my Vampire form. The strangest thing was that my teeth, and eyes stayed normal, it was like an incomplete transformation, I couldn't escape from. Up until tomorrow I wondered why this happened, and I still don't know, but there's one things I came to realize yesterday. Krasomila, and Alcina have a book that contains all answers to all my questions. But I don't have a way to get hold of it, and they seem to know it.

'' Ugh... My head feels like it's about to explode, I should be sleeping, and yet I don't feel tired. It has been 5 days, since I last slept, but I'm not tired in the slightest. ''

It was 2 AM in the morning, and instead of sleeping, I was carelessly brushing my hair in front of the mirror. With a gentle smile on my face, I let my thoughts wander through my head. Usually in my human form I am tired, but the fact that I didn't sleep for 5 night, and I am still not sleepy, is just prove that my body has undergone another transformation into my Vampire self. Even though this one was slightly less remarkable, some people still seem to notice that I didn't sleep. Frequently they theorize that this was just the only night, I didn't sleep, while it's actually the Fifth. I put my Brush, back, on the table.

'' It's time. ''

I wandered from one end of the room, to another. I slightly opened the door, making sure no one is there. After making sure I was all alone, I left my room. Another transformation in my body, was that my steps now were soundless. So it wasn't a big deal to creep through halls, without being heard. After quite some time, I left The Ariadne House, and made my way to The Elegua House. Mr. Sanz was the head teacher there, both Iñigo, and Beatrice, had rooms in The Elegua House. Even though I forgave Iñigo publicly, I still hated him for poisoning me, but it wasn't he who I was after tonight.

'' I'm so excited. ''

With a smile on my face, I walked into The Elegua House. I was walking through the first floor, reading the signs with names next to every door. If there were some people I disliked, I would send a shadow in there. The shadow would get to my Victim, and kill it brutally. From under some of the doors, even blood began flowing out. Yet, I kept walking gracefully, with a smile on my face. Finally, I reached the room, where the names on the sign were "Beatrice Belmont & Avery Jones" but I didn't care about Avery. I slowly entered their room, Avery was sleeping deeply, and I wasn't planning on waking her up. I walked up to the bed, Beatrice was sleeping on, I looked down on her, she looked so innocent. A big creepy grin took place on my face, I was about to stab her using my shadow that transformed into a sharp weapon. Suddenly I heard a loud movement, it came from Avery's bed, she was standing there dumbfounded. And I was shocked she woke up.