
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Part 28

After I was told about my parent's accident, I was forced to take over the Throne. In other words, I was forced to marry the Japanese Princess, and become the Emperor of the Earth. The wedding preparations were hard, and I didn't get the chance anymore to meet Chiyo, and talk with her. The Announcement of my wedding, has been publicly announced, so Chiyo probably already heard of it. I get to choose who I invite to my Wedding, and so I decided to invite the entire Academy, and many other people.




Wedding Day

The Guests were slowly coming, all of them dressed nicely, but of course simple as possible so that they don't outshine the couple. Even the Academy came, I was watching the guests gather, from the Church balcony, on the front entrance. I managed to find Chiyo in the big crowd, the dress she was wearing was one of the dresses I once gave her. Despite the dress looking so elegant and happy, she seemed sad, I was looking at her with clearly sadness in my eyes. The longer I kept looking, the more tears formed in my eyes, so I left. Inside the Church the Priest was waiting, upon seeing me he smiled. I kept forgetting he was the Royal Priest too, so we knew each other well.

- Ah! Young Ryan! Congrats on your big day! -

- Thank You, Edmund, but I'm not happy at all. -

- Why, Young Ryan? -

I walked closer to Edmund, in my eyes were tears, and I couldn't bring myself to smile. Edmund looked concerned at me.

- *Sigh* -

I sat down on the seat next to Edmund, and held my head with my hand.

- I just, don't want to marry her, I want to marry someone else. -

Edmund put his hand on my back and smiled.

- I'm sure you'll marry once, someone you love, but for now you need to concentrate on this wedding. -

- You're right. -

I stood up and went upstairs, in the dressing room, I looked on the clock.

'' Only 10 more minutes, until the wedding begins. ''

I sat down and took the chance to settle my thoughts, and rest.




30 Minutes Later, after the Arrival of the Bride, and the beginning.

- I Prince Ryan Clement, take you Princess Aiko Yamato to be my Wife and my Empress, to rule with me over this World, for the sake of peace and prosperity. I promise to respect you, to protect you, and to honor you as my partner in power. I may not love you as you deserve, but I will always be faithful to you and to our alliance. I hope that in time, we can find friendship and understanding in each other. This is my vow to you. -

I looked around the Church, most people were shocked because no one knew it was an arranged marriage. Of course, the ones that noticed there was something between me and Chiyo, didn't look shocked.

- I Princess Aiko Yamato take you Prince Ryan Clement to be my Husband and my Emperor, to stand by your side as you lead this world, for the sake of harmony and happiness. I promise to love you, to support you, and to cherish you as my partner in life. I know that you do not love me as I love you, but I will always be loyal to you and to our union. I hope that in time, you can find warmth and kindness in me. This is my vow to you. -

People looked shocked again. The Rings have been brought to us by a young girl, she was probably hired by Aiko. I took one ring, Aiko the other, as she gently smiled. We placed the rings on our fingers, while the Priest made us swear some things.

- You may now kiss the Bride. -

We looked at each other, and slowly walked closer to each other, I looked her deep in the eyes, as I leaned in for the kiss, she whispered something into my ear. After she was done, I kissed her, and put my hand around her waist. I pulled her closer to make the kiss, look as passionate as possible. She closed her eyes, and I slowly opened mine, and caught a glance of Chiyo crying.

'' I'm going to talk to her on the ball. ''