
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Part 27

- ... R... Please... soon... -

I heard someone talking to me, but I was in a daze, so I barely understood what they said to me. I tried opening my eyes, and everything was blurry. I found myself looking at a white ceiling, soon I managed to sit up. My head hurt terribly, I was dizzy, and I could feel sharp pain whenever I moved it. I didn't know what happened, I couldn't remember anything at all. I put my hand to my head, and let my memories flow in. Suddenly a Doctor, no to be precise it was a mere Nurse, came in. She was surprised to see me awaken, she walked away. I was annoyed, she didn't even bother telling me what was happening. Well I didn't ask, but still, she could have at least told me where I am, without me needing to ask. A few minutes later, a Doctor came in, with a different Nurse.

- Good Morning, sleeping Prince. -

I saw he didn't take me seriously, it took my quite a while to realize he was the Royal Doctor, that was nice but often made fun of me.

- Where am I? -

He waved his hand at the Nurse, and she left. It made me wonder why he even brought her with him. He sat down next to me on the bed. He took a deep breath. At first, he mainly told me about what presumably happened the day I was attacked, then he told me about my injuries, and that I was in a coma.

- Oh, and that girl, that came with you. I think her name was Kiyo? Kira? Maybe it was Kayla? -

- Just go to the point already. -

- Chill, Mr. Prince Bryan. -

- It's Ryan. -

- Whatever Ayren. -

I was disappointed in the Royal Doctor, he was always bad with names. Well, he wasn't bad with them, when it became serious.

- Ok, so whatever, that girl, she woke up just 34 days before you. -

- JUST 34 DAYS?! -

- Well, yeah, you've slept way longer than that. Her recovery was extremely quick. -

I guessed he must have been talking about Chiyo.

- What about my parents? And what about my engagement? -

- Well... About that, it's better for you to not know. -

Out of nowhere the Royal Butler Charlotte came out, she was a Lady in her 40s and served the Royal Family, Clement. She was a wise, gentle, and nice Lady, but could be also horrifying, so people dared not oppose her.

- You should tell him, it's better for him to find it out this way than any other way. -

The Doctor, his name was Harold, turned to Charlotte and nodded in return.

- Well, His Majesty Chioke Clement, and Her Majesty Mila Clement, both passed while you were asleep. -

I was incredibly shocked.

- What? -

- Your parents, they, they're dead! -

I looked down, it meant none other than I needed to marry now and take the throne.

- How? -

- They were on their way in a Carriage to you, on their way their servants were killed by one assassin. The Royal Guards got killed too, in the end the assassin killed your Parents. -

I was upset, despite not getting along well with my Father, I adored my Mother very much. I could feel my tears running down my cheeks, as I remembered how much she adored me, too. Unlike my Father, she wanted me to marry someone I love, and not someone I need to marry for the political things.

- But, no assassin would have dared to attack the Royal Family! -

- Well, it's true, but she... -

- She? It was a woman? -

- Yes, the only known things are that she's a woman, has short black hair, and she seems to be around your age, Prince. -

At this moment, realization struck me, the person was the one trying to destroy Chiyo's life, and now mine. Krasomila Ivanov, or Alcina Ivanov, it was one of them definitely.