
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Part 26

I slowly opened my eyes, everything was white. I could hear people talking, as everything became sharper, I recognized a few doctors and Mr. Dutton. Which got me wondering what was he doing here? The doctors walked away, and Mr. Dutton came closer.

- Good Morning, Lady Chisaka. I'll leave you to rest, a Patient Companion will tell you more later. -

He left, and I was dumb founded, I just woke up, and he doesn't even want to tell me what was going on? I didn't care either way, I tried to focus, to remember what happened, but I only remembered the part when I was stabbed. I noticed that Mr. Dutton said Patient Companion before, I was sure Ryan told me once about them, but I couldn't remember what. That was when I remembered that Ryan was also there, in that forest. I suddenly got worried, I sat straight up, trying to sort out my thoughts. While thinking, I noticed a book on the counter next to my bed. I took the book, the title was: 'Hospitals: Everything you need to know', I decided to read a little in it, because I was bored. Upon reading the few first pages, I found an article titled 'Jobs', I got interested, so I read further. Further I found information on those Patient Companions, I read it.

Job Name: Patient Companion

Job Description: A person who works in a hospital and provides emotional and physical support to patients who are lonely, isolated or in need of company. They are assigned to one patient at a time and spend most of their time with them, doing activities such as talking, playing games, eating, helping with daily tasks, bringing gifts and comforting them. They are usually matched with patients of the same gender, but sometimes they can work with patients of any gender. They are trained in basic medical skills and can assist the nurses and doctors if needed. They are paid by the hospital or by the patient's family.

Job Requirements: A high school diploma or equivalent, a background check, a certification in first aid and CPR, good communication and interpersonal skills, empathy, compassion, patience, flexibility and a positive attitude.

Job Benefits: A rewarding and meaningful career that helps people in need, a flexible schedule, a decent salary, health insurance, sick leave and vacation days.

Job Drawbacks: A high-stress and emotionally demanding job that can expose them to various diseases and injuries, a lack of career advancement opportunities, a possibility of dealing with difficult or abusive patients or families, a risk of becoming too attached to the patients or losing them.

'' Wow, they must be really smart. ''

At this moment, a pretty young Lady walked in.

- Good Morning Lady Chisaka, my name is Lily Jones, I'll be your Patient Companion. -

I put away the book, as she bowed down gently to me.

- Good Morning, Lily, just call me Chiyo. -

I smiled gently, as she straightened herself. She came closer and introduced herself properly.

Name: Lily Jones

Occupation: Patient Companion

Appearance: Lily was a young girl of 16 years old, with a pretty face and a slender figure. She was not very tall, standing at 5'3". She had long black hair that reached her waist, and deep green eyes that sparkled with kindness. She usually wore a white blouse and a blue skirt, along with a badge that identified her as a patient companion.

Personality: Lily was a gentle, sympathetic and caring person, who loved to help others in need. She was very good at listening and empathizing with her patients, and always tried to cheer them up with her warm smile and soothing voice. She was also very patient and flexible, adapting to the different needs and preferences of each patient. She enjoyed spending time with them, doing activities such as talking, playing games, eating, helping with daily tasks, bringing gifts and comforting them. She was very loyal and devoted to her patients, and often formed strong bonds with them.

Background: Lily became a patient companion when she was 15 years old, after her mother died of cancer. She had spent a lot of time in the hospital with her mother, and witnessed how lonely and depressed some patients were. She decided to become a patient companion to provide them with some company and support. She worked in the same hospital where her mother was treated, and was assigned to one patient at a time. She was paid by the hospital or by the patient's family, depending on the case. She lived with her father and her younger brother in a small apartment near the hospital.



We had a lot of fun time together, she made sure I wasn't feeling lonely. After we got closer to each other, I asked her about something I wanted to ask for so long. I bit my lips, and put my hands together, Lily was preparing a game for the both of us.

- Hey Lily, can I ask a question? -

- Sure, go on! -

She turned her head to me with a bright smile on her face. I gave a gentle smile back, my chest no longer felt heavy. My hand formed itself to a fist, I took a deep breath.

- So, can you tell me what happened, while I was asleep? Can you tell me what happened to Ryan Clement? -

She looked shocked at my question, her eyes began moving, she was looking stressed. I was serious, my expression was also serious, she suddenly stood up and went to the door. I followed her with my head, she slightly opened the door, and looked around the corridor. After making sure no one was there, she sat back down.

- Chiyo… You were asleep for almost… 5 months! -

I looked shocked at her, she looked down and kept talking.

- When you came here, you had a deep wound, that went through one of the vital places. It's truly a miracle, you survived. Your entire body was covered with scars and burn wounds. You recovered pretty quickly though, the doctors were shocked by your recovering speed, the only thing was that it took long for you to wake up. The doctors compared your recovery speed to the one of a Vampire, they even theorized you could be one. But after some testing it has been found out, you aren't one. -

She looked flustered, and I could barely process the information. Despite being in my human form, my recovery was as fast as the one of a Vampire, I was confused what was going on?

'' What? ''

I looked down for a little, Lily looked at me worried. After I was ready, I asked the question, that she didn't answer me before.

- So what happened to Ryan Clement? -

Lily got surprised, suddenly her expression darkened.

- Why do you need to know? -

- Me and him, we are good friends. -

Lily looked around the room, again, and took a deep breath.

- He was transported here with you, his wounds were very bad. He is still in a coma, Her Imperial Majesty and His Imperial Majesty wanted to sue you. But they died, shortly after you both were transported here, in a carriage accident. -

I was extremely shocked.



After few days I got the permission to leave, to visit Ryan I got permission only once, for not even whole 10 minutes. Someone from the Academy came to pick me up. At the Academy I accidentally overheard Krasomila talking with Beatrice, and Alcina on the balcony, I was shocked by what I heard.

- We got quite lucky this time. -

This was definitely Krasomila's voice.

- Krasomila, you were right, this plan was Genius. To even think you managed to bribe The Queen of Mortania, is shocking. -

This must have been Alcina's voice.

- Yes, Alcina is right Krasomila, this plan was Genius. The Emperor and Empress died, the Royal Family doesn't have a Leader right now. Even that Mrs. Ang died, well no wonder that Mr. Insigne killed himself. No one would be able to handle that pressure he received, he must have felt guilty of what happened. -

I stopped listening in this very moment and walked away.