
Rwby:A Sembalance of Enchantment (Archived version)

------Being completely rewritten, this is the Archived version------

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Ice cream

"So Cinder are we enrolling yet?" I said.

"We are already on the registry. All we need now is for our fourth to arrive." Cinder answered me.

"Can we get Ice cream? What about you Emerald, you want Ice cream."

"I could go for some mint chocolate." Emerald looked my way agreeing with my idea for food.

"Shit really? Mint flavored Ice cream is the best only tied by strawberry in my eyes."

"Hmmm not a fan of strawberry."

"When did you two get along." Cinder looked suspicious, had to curb that in time.

"While we walked we had a talk. Figured we might as well look like friends since we would be suspicious other wise." I gave Emerald a thumbs up and she ended up facepalming.

"You are an idiot."

"Meh, so Cinder Ice cream thoughts?"

"She's here, our fourth."

I girl walked out from the building we were standing in front of. Half her hair was dyed pink to match her hetereochromia. Her outfit was matching as well.

"Okay I know I was talking Ice cream...but she is a flavor!"

The girl raised a middle finger to me and shook her head. Cinder basically tipped me off that she was mute by introducing the girl for her. "This is Neo, for the sake of entering Beacon her name will be Noir. Can't have a known criminal entering can we Neo?"

The girl had shrugged and before my eyes she changed. Green eyes and pure black hair. Her clothes had changed to a plaid undershirt and a black vest. Even her skirt was changed to match her new look. "Illusions?"

The girl shook her head and grabbed my hand and place it to her sleeve. I couldn't feel her skin, but at the same time I could touch it. "Hard Illusions? Damn that's cool!"

I could likely make a illusion real if I wanted, but that required someone else to create an illusion. Neo was also very forward in her approach of me. With out the ability to speak it would be hard to tell whether or not I had actually affected her. I would need to figure something out with that. I could affect Emerald, but Cinder had some serious mental barriers and Neo was mute which made me unsure.

"Well now that Neo is here Cinder can we go? Unlike you guys I actually want to become a Hunter!"

"Okay I gotta ask, do you actually think its Hunter or do you not realize they are called Huntsmen?"

I raised a finger to try and argue, but Emerald was right. So I left walking toward the airship that would take us over to beacon.

"Oh! Seems you didn't know! How is this possible, I thought you were better than everyone!"

Emerald almost immediately followed behind. Slinging insults to my pride, "Well a female one is called a Huntress. Which is the feminine of Hunter! Don't mock me not like am actually wrong."

"Mars your an idiot. You also don't have a ticket for the ride to beacon."

Neo still silent followed along waving her own ticket. I grabbed my own from Cinder and stomped off leaving them behind. They can catch up later.

I was one of the first on the airship blimp thing to Beacon. I watched the varying people come aboard the ship. I definitely noticed the Bombshell blonde walk in with a red shorty that matched my Armament color scheme. Overhearing their conversation I could hear the Blonde say how happy was that her little sister was attending Beacon with her. She hugged the shorty while saying it so I assume they are related despite their looks.

I had seen a Cat Faunus girl walk in with a bow covering her ears. Honestly that was smart, wish I could hide my horns, but life doesn't work out for everyone. The Girl looked over to me matching my gaze. I smiled winked and she walked away sighing.

A second Blonde came aboard looking like she was gonna vomit.

"Oh god, I get motion sick!"

It took me a second to process but I had recognized the girl form my childhood experimentation of my semblance. I covered my face so if she did look this way I certainly wouldn't be noticed. The girl was 100% a guy named Jaune at one point. However during my testing on the people in the shop I had made friends with a blonde hair boy who came in with his older sister.

The boy talked about how he had a ton of sisters and how he wished he wasn't the only boy. So I offered to test my semblance on him so he could fit in with his family. Ultimately his sister was not happy and the boy was turned into a girl, Permanently...

Never saw him since till today, I never used that enchantment again. I barely even remember how it worked. The motion sick girl was still pretty hot, I am all around still impressed with my previous work. Jaune passed by the bombshell and Shorty nearly puking along the way. I could use this to break the ice with the two.

"Yo, I feel bad for Vomit girl over there. Sucks when people get motion sick on things like this, am I right?"

"HAHA! Vomit girl! Nice one, My name is Yang, this is my sister Ruby."

"Nice to meet you two! My name is Mars. It seems we match color schemes, though it is the best color set."

"Yeah, though it doesn't help when people call you little red in school."

"That is certainly true, anyway I feel bad for the vomit girl so Imma check on her. See y'all later!"

Those two were clearly open minded, the blonde likes jokes and the shorty seemed to be a hero type. She also had silver eyes, I would need to ask Salem about that if I ever get a chance. After all I didn't have silver eyes, but my Grandfather did. Always saying they were special and that I should never replicate them. I had used my semblance to copy his eye color once, it was one of the few times I saw him mad at me...

I felt like I owed Jaune some help. So I went to find him...I mean her. See if she remembered me.

Jaune is a girl, and I am debating about making Ren into a trap.

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