
Vomit girl

-----So check the author notes of this chapter its important and this chapter is early so i can ask the question there-----

"Soooo, puking your guts out on the first day is not a good look."


"That was clearly forced, look sorry about the vomit girl thing. I make many comments like that. I'll likely piss off a few people with my words."

Jaune looked up at me, he...I mean she was a mess. Her hair was long and it basically dropped over her entire head and shoulders. I couldn't see her eyes at all, but she was a serious mess. A pumpkin pete's sweatshirt and a complete uneven skirt that looked slightly torn.

"I'm sorry, its just I don't handle being in the air."

"I can fix that for you. Though I can't fix the damage done to your popularity."


I patted her on the back and whispered *Enchant:Cure*

"It's not permanent, so i suggest you active your aura or your gonna be struggle a lot as a huntsman."

She looked at me, "I mean huntress..."

her gazed narrowed, "Do I know you? You seem familiar."

"I have been told I have one of those faces. Very common place."

"I don't know your Red eyes and Horns remind me of someone..."

"Look vomit girl I really don't know you. My name is Mars."

"Jaune, and please don't call me vomit girl."

"Well nice to meet you Juane, since I feel a little responsible for your popularity loss. I'll bite the bullet and help you find your way."

"You aren't a freshman?"

"I am, but I have ways of doing things others can't. I also can't help but notice the pumpkin pete's prize won sweatshirt. What's up with that?"

The airship began its docking and the gates opened up. I could see Cinder off in a corner people watch. Our eyes met, but i walked with Jaune out the ship talking about pumpkin pete's cereal. It seemed she would leave me to connecting with various other students. I would be mostly focusing on the freshman that shared the year with me, but I would need to spread some branches to the more experienced lot.

"So yeah, that's how I won the shirt. It fits a little tight nowadays, but Its still my favorite."

"That bunny always did know how to capture peoples hearts."

The Shorty from earlier had bumped into a girl in a white dress and with enough dust to cause a crater. "That's not gonna go well, I'll talk later. I'm going to help out over there."

The dust that was flung into the air began to hit the ground, as the first crystal cracked I reached out my hand. Unfortunately the detonations still happened. Me and the White dressed girl were blown backwards. I sighed so much for being the hero. "Combo Enchant:Cleaning."

My dirt on me fell away and I was cleaned off. I walked over to the White dressed girl to help her up, but...

"You're Weiss Schnee."

"I am. Who are you?"

"No one important, hey Ruby right? Let me help you up."

"Oh hey! Thanks Mars!"

"You can't just ignore me, are you not going to help me up too!"

"Sorry about this Ruby, but I gotta make the joke. You've become a crater face! AHAH!"

Jaune had walked up on us, she tried to help Weiss up but was shrugged off. Just like I did to her, how hypocritical. "Jaune I know I said I'd help you, but why don't you join Ruby and make your way around. I'm going to help clean up this mess and the girl who made it."

"I Didn't make it! It was her, she bumped into me and destroy a literal fortune of dust!"

"On a cart you left unfastened, unprotected, and telling who you are...untouched. You are the heir to a dust company, so its surprising that the heir to such a big company would fail to use proper safety measures when handling a large amount of dust in a once crowded area. However due to your outburst no one is around us anymore. Jaune, Ruby, I'll see you two later at the opening announcement, I'll make sure little miss crater creator gets there too."

"Alright see you later Mars! Thanks for the help!"

"No! I am not done she..."

Ruby and Jaune were already walking off when I tripped Weiss. She fell with a resounding oof.


"Why am I being rude to you? Well to start your family used faunus labor for years in near slave like conditions. Number 2 I don't like your family. Number 3 you don't know who I am so you assumed with my actions I was someone important. Despite me telling you otherwise..."

"I, She Blew me Up!"

"Like I said earlier you didn't use proper safety methods. My name is Mars Peaches, nice to meet you Wiess. To start let me clean you off, white dress stain easily."


I kept cutting her off each time she tried to move or speak. I had a bone to pick with the Schnee family. Messing with the heir would be fun, after all she had an image to keep.

"Combo Enchant:Cleaning."

"That's! How did you do that?"

She watched in awe as the black dirt fell of her dress and onto the ground. She looked up at me finally actually taking in my features and jumped slightly. It seemed she had recognize me, after all her father did once own my families debt.

"Oh, your..."

"Yup, I believe your father had once said. 'I don't give a shit about where your family comes from, your dirty money grubbing Faunus that can't handle any sort of job.' Among other things, you however pushed me down a set of stairs. Something about my parents causing your father trouble?"

"Look I am sorry, I was just a kid!"

"You still are, so am I. So was the girl that ran into you. So were many Faunus that worked for your family due to having no where else."

"You know what! i'm..."

"Not gonna take this? Is that the best you have? If you are gonna be a huntress on top of being the heir to your dust company. You will need to make up your mind, whether or not your gonna be a sad lonely loser. Or making some friends, laugh it off princess. That's the best thing you can do."

I walked away, before she could. She would try to bite back at some other time. After all if she was as sad and pathetic as her father is... She would likely ruin herself in time. After all, the Schnee dust company was taking a nose dive into the ground. Her mom was an alcoholic, her sister jumped ship to the military and her brother had no experience with the outside world. Weiss Schnee had a lot going for her, the fact she was here meant I had to get her.

-----So check the author notes of this chapter its important and this chapter is early so i can ask the question there-----

So I don't really no what to do with ren and nora. I haven't really gotten to it yet, but i have physical notes of stuff for the stuff i haven't written yet. problem is I just can't seem to get a good idea for ren and essentially nora as well. So heres what I got currently

Making ren into a trap: story wise i can use this as conflict that forces the Mc to solve the problem he accidentally created. This would also allow me to possible use Nora and Ren's relationship to push them toward the Mc.

Making Ren a girl: So Juane was made a girl because it makes sense, Juane has a antique heirloom weapon. He would've been able to meet Mc as a kid during a time Mc is experimenting powers. I can use the turning Ren into a girl as a conflict and make Mc find away to cover it up with Ren and bring the two closer. Using this can make Nora investigate discover a whole new side of her relationship with Ren or something.

Ignoring Ren: I don't want to do this i don't see any reason to do this.

The silent agressor: Ren discovers Mc is doing things and finds the connections to Salem and wants to stop Mc and all grim in general. Eventually as Mc will turn on Salem and Ren becomes an ally possibly at the cost of his life.

Ntr'd Ren: I don't like this one, I don't like blatant obvious Ntr. What I mean by this is that Nora and Ren have a unspoken love without an actual relationship. With a Ntr'd Ren the relationship between with Nora is much harder to write and I think it will be absolutely terrible. As I am not the best writer, so the entire Ren Nora and Mc interactions will be badly written.

So I get not everyone likes certain content styles so this is why I am bring this up early to set it up later down the line.

If trap content is decided i will mark those chapters so those who don't like it can skip them.

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts
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