
Rwby:A Sembalance of Enchantment (Archived version)

------Being completely rewritten, this is the Archived version------

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs


-----So I changed the MC name from Maroon to Mars. I feel its a much better pun and blends with the last name much better.-----

"This thing is bad ass! This is perfect for my semblance."

The armament that was built for me was a similar to a suit of armor. It consisted of several plates, each plate covered a different part of my body. A the fabric that held the plates into place was a thick black fur that reminded me of grim. A red hood and cape was wrapped into and around each silvery plate. Red stripes trailed down through the outfit making it look like wounds in the fur. There was 4 other outfits with differing designs but the one I held in my hands right now was my favorite. I did look at the other four however appreciating their designs as well.

The first of the four had the red accents in the form of rings that seemed to rotate as the cloth moved, it was incredible distracting. The second design was that of a large moth the cape was split into two and a eye like pattern was painted across them, the armor was similar but was like paint splatters. The third actually hurt my eyes to look at, red stars were covering the black fur. Which made me realize the fur itself was an illusion despite its obvious softness. It was actually the same fabric of the red cloth. The final set was a like a abstract painting of several shades of black and red, it reminded me of the Callous and its swirling life.

"This is ridiculous, why are you given such an amazing armament! Even mercury's which was his literal legs was not this complex!"

"Sounds like your jealous?"

"No shit I am Jealous!"

"Well my dear Emerald, mine is likely highly complex due to my semblance. i can basically hard this fabric into steel or make the metal plates indestructible. To be honest I am gonna need to think just what I am gonna enchant these bad boys with! The downside is obvious though, its an armor not a weapon."

"I guess that's true...Can you really make it indestructible?"

"Eh? There is technically a limit, but I would have to fall from the upper atmosphere or be struck by like 5 different lightning strikes? It's like a durability bar, say i enchant something with flames it gets lit on fire. If that fire has nothing to burn though, it goes out. Do you get it?"

"Could you enchant my weapons then?"

"Sure! If you suck my dick..."

Her eyes widened and just blew straight out of the building. Guess that was a no... I wasn't gonna enchant other people's stuff unless I could completely trust them. That or if I could get something out of it. I grabbed all five outfits and left the building, I found Emerald quickly enough. Then apologized, I didn't want her to have a stick up her butt about it.

"Yo! Look sorry, I meant it as a joke. I don't complete trust you, I'll joke with you, but enchanting things for others isn't something I'll do. Not even if I get paid, after all I know a enchantment that could turn things into gold. Though it takes a lot out of me and I can't make it permanent due to it being a command structure. My semblance can do a lot, which could bring me harm. So Emerald, do you accept my apology?"

Her face was red, mostly with anger I assume. Though some embarrassment likely crept in. "Sure, let's just go."

She was set off too much this time. I had already broken through one wall required I could do some simple Enchantment on her to find out what was wrong. "Hey Emerald, look at me."

She turned around, "What! What do you want?"


"Wah?" She went somewhat limp, her red eyes went dull and almost lifeless. Looking around no one heard me so I grabbed Emerald and pulled her to the side.

"What's wrong?"

She began speaking in a cold tone, it had no emotion in it. Once I got her to closer to me she would have more life in her voice, but for now she was essentially a husk.

"You were given 5 advance armaments that are tailored to your semblance. I miss mercury, but even he was given a powerful armament for his legs. What did I get? I get slapped for speaking out about working with you, even when you killed mercury. My only friend...Now I am stuck with you, terrified of being rip apart by grimm. I am Scared!"

Her tone began to rise out of the lifeless one. "I survived with nothing, I thought when Cinder recruited me it was gonna change my life for the better. I wouldn't have to be held back in what I wanted. It wasn't till you showed up that Cinder told me about Salem's actual plan!"

A tears actually formed in her eyes, "Salem wants to kill all life, Doesn't that include us? I don't want to die! I don't wanna die!" Her tone broke from the hypnotism and she was released. I pretended like nothing happened and just ask if she was okay. "Emerald are you alright? I only asked why you were so angry at me? I didn't know you were...ummm...So scared?"

People stared at me and her, so I despite being the cause of her out burst. I played the part of to comfort her. She was able to wipe away her few tears quickly and got a hold of herself. She was one repressed individual. I also didn't think I would get both the surface level problem about the armaments and the repressed problem about Salem. It also seemed she felt betrayed by Cinder because she wasn't told the truth about Salem's plans.I took note of that for later and let myself meet her eyes.

She looked at me, she wouldn't have remembered me enchanting her, but anything I did she would remember if I didn't tell her to forget about it. Since she broke free by herself I had to just pretend like nothing happened. I patted her back as she crouched down, "I...uh...Sorry I guess, I'll try to easy up on the remarks."

"No! you don't have to it...It gets my mind off of the stuff that gets in my head. Better to get angry than be scared. Look give me a second and we will go. DON'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS!"

"Don't worry, I met Salem too. She was certainly scary. I won't say a word."

Second time I was threatened like that, Salem's was much scary though. So I moved on.

I walked ahead of her, not really sure what to do. She was way more scared of Salem then I thought. Emerald was looking for a better life, but she also didn't want to be governed by rules. I was getting a better understanding of her. Now I just needed her to like me more.

I didn't really agree with Salem's plan, and I thought the whole thing with Ozpin was petty. I wasn't gonna be some pawn for gods. They wanted the world to be at peace I'd give them their fucking peace. While I am at it though...I would certainly do my best to enjoy it.

------So Emerald is scared of Salem, and due to poor Crwby writing her relationship with Cinder is pretty meh. So Mercury really was only friend. Spoiler for ya, eventually Emerald even switches sides. On notes of hypnotism, the way it works. People have barriers of trust obviously, MC has to break those barriers. One can break out of hypnotism at lower levels through emotion distress due to the lack of emotions. At higher levels people show more emotion and thus have a harder time of breaking free. Pain can almost always break someone free from Hypnotism. The hypnotized will not remember being hypnotized but will remember what happens while hypnotized. So doing things to the hypnotized can cause one to break free and be angry. Mc can command one to forget everything that was did while one is under hypnosis. While under hypnosis one can only tell the truth.------

I am just gonna call the weapons armaments to simplify generalization

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