
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · Urban
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38 Chs

Cause I'm laughing doesn't mean we are okay

Nick POV

I stopped my car in front of the Condo I went in to see my bags at the front desk I was expecting that . I carried them and put it in my car trunk . Unfortunately I have to go home and with a black eye again .

"Good I actually thought you weren't going to come here "I heard K's voice

"I'm not a coward"

"I don't want to see you "K said

"why are you mad exactly, is it the fact that I nearly kissed Roxanne or the fact that I got to her before you "I said

"I know you're going to leave Roxanne just like you left Selena, so I don't have a problem with that , I'm waiting for that day "He said

"We're not dating but thank you for that idea maybe I might date her , I think I like her "I said trying to annoy him.

"We would make a great couple don't you think "I said

"Shut your mouth "K said

"What does it annoy you that much uhn , thanks for bringing my bags out , I just called Roxanne and I'll be crashing at her place "I said walking to my car .

"Maybe we might even make out "I said

"Stay at the condo tonight "

"Why , are you scared that we might make out "I said

He came closer and held me by my collar hitting my back on the car.

"Now you watch your mouth , you don't want to piss me off "He said.

"I'm guessing she turned you down when you told her you liked her "I said

"Shut up"He said before pushing me to the ground , he walked away and I went into the car and drove out.

After a while I stopped in front of the house I came out . The maids came out to take my bags and I walked into the house.

"You finally decided to come back "I heard a very familiar voice . I couldn't face him or else it will be more trouble .

"let me guess you got in a fight with Kai turn let's see how bad this is "He said but I didn't turn.

"Are you deaf ! turn "He yelled and I faced back and sighed.

"Look at yourself what else do you want me to do to you"He scolded me and I rolled my eyes.

"You can start with giving me back my credit card maybe then I'll obey you "I said

"Fine you win "He said throwing the card at me.

"One more stunt and I will be forced to disown you"He said

"The only thing keeping us related is your money "I said before going upstairs. I showered and changed . Dad sent a maid to treat the wounds.

Roxanne POV

I came out of the car and met dad outside I ran to him and hugged him .

"What's wrong "

"I met mom" He was a surprised and withdrew from the hug.

"Wait a minute "He said and we walked into the house.

"Are you okay , Did Luke hurt you "He said

"No "I said wait a minute how does dad know Luke .

"How do you know Luke "I asked

"Um... see... "

"Looking for a lie "I said

"I want the truth dad "I said and glared at him.

"Honey I've been seeing your mother "He said

"What ! for how long now "I asked

"Since I told you the truth about her , we've been talking but she doesn't know it was me "He said

"How .."My phone interrupted me it was Kai I hung up the call I really wasn't in the mood to speak about what happened earlier.

"Dad why aren't you speaking"

"See Lydia suffered partial amnesia so she didn't recognize me or remembered anything about me till last week "

"It was continuous ..." my phone rang again and I picked it.

"Kai I'm in a middle of something right now..."

"Roxie it's Xavion "

"What's wrong ?"I asked him my heart was racing

"He isn't breathing , the doctors are trying to bring him to life..." . My phone fell from my hand .

"Annie Annie "My dad called my name.

"Xavion isn't , he isn't breathing "I said my body began to tremble I began to panic

"Annie calm down he will be fine "

I remembered that was the last words I heard before I blacked out.


When I woke up I saw myself inside a room , it looked like I was in the hospital.

"Dad what happened " I said

"You're awake ,you've been asleep since yesterday "He said

"Yesterday"I said I sat upright and touched my forehead.

"The doctor said you fainted due to stress"

"Xavion what of Xavion"I said looking for my phone but Kai Zach and Nick walked in.

"Babe are you okay "Zach said.

"Kai what happened to Xavi "I said

"I really didn't think you could fall for that"

"Yeah you took it too far "Zach said.

"What are you saying"

"Roxie are you okay "Nick said.

"No tell me what's going on "

"Wait I have something for you "Kai said giving me his phone I looked at it to see Xavion on the bed he didn't look that strong yet.

"Hey stop crying "He said

"You're alive "I said.

"Yes I promised you didn't I "He said

"Xavion told us to pull a simple prank on you "

"Simple ! I fainted , Xavion you better get well cause you're in trouble"I said it and they laughed

"Are you okay does anything hurt "

"Just a little..."

"Shut up don't talk"I Said

"You asked him a question "Kai said

"Kai you better run I'll kill you when I get you"I Said and we all laughed I'm so happy he survived .

"Hey just cause I'm laughing doesn't mean that we're okay I'm still going to get you "I said

"He's gotta go , he needs rest "Kai said and collected the phone and I gave a sigh of relief .

"Honey I'll go bring some clothes for you "Dad said

"Ok dad "I said he kissed my forehead before leaving.

"How are you feeling "Zach asked.

"I'm fine"I said I looked at Nick and Kai they weren't standing beside each other, The room became silent.

"Are you two still arguing "I asked , Zach looked at the both of them no one made a sound.

"You need to rest Roxanne "Nick said as he came close giving me something , before walking out.

"What's..."I looked at my hand to see my locket .it was with him the whole time