
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · Urban
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38 Chs

Just friends

Third person POV

The gates opened and Zach drove in , he came out and gave his keys to the parking attendant.

"I'll be out soon "He said as he walked into the building .

"Mirabelle"He called her.

"Yes Mr Walker..."

"You really don't have to refer me as that ,you can call me my name you know"Zach said

"Your father is my boss"She said

"Right not me ... I was thinking maybe we can get..."

"Zach please I would like it if we don't talk about what happened last week "She said .

"Sure it's okay can we still get dinner "He said

"Seriously , I thought you only want to have s€x with me and then forget about it"

"Come on I'm not that bad , I know I've had a lot of one night stand with ladies but you're different , Mira I really like you "He said

"Zach , you're a great person but I don't see us together I'm so sorry"He said

"The truth is I only had s€x with you so you could leave me alone "She said

"What "Zach said he usually does this to girls but it didn't feel so good when someone did it to him.

"Zach there's a four year age gap between the two of us you're just kid"She said before walking out .

Zach still had the 'what' Express on his face he watched her leave and he ran his hand through his hair .

"Zachary you've been played "He said to himself.


"You son of a b!tch"Kai said . Nick rolled his eyes and put his hand through his hair. Roxanne stood up it was a really awkward moment she couldn't believe she nearly kissed Nick . Why Nick?. She walked to Kai.

"let's go"She said

"What did I tell you ..."Kai said walked to him and punched him repeatedly

"Kai stop that , you're gonna hurt him"Roxanne said

Nick pushed him and punched him back . He wiped his mouth that was bleeding.

"Hey you guys stop it "Roxanne said.

"Stay out of this Roxie"Kai said,how could she stay out of it when it was clearly about her, she picked her phone to call Zach.

"I told you not to go close to her, don't you dare try to hurt her like selena"He said

"What the f!ck did you just say"Nick said as he punched him . Kai retaliated and it went on like that .

"Stop that "Roxanne said.Zach came in he quickly held Kai back.

"Dude , calm down "Zach said .

"Let me go "He said in a pushing Zach.

"That's enough what's wrong with you both I've been putting up with this for a while now ,look at yourselves you given each other a black eye . Why are you two even arguing "Roxanne said

"Why don't you ask him "Nick said wiping his mouth.

"K you're being too overprotective"Zach asked.

"Overprotective , Kai I told you you're not my boyfriend and you can never be my boyfriend "Roxanne said

"At least not with this attitude "Roxanne said before walking out of the house.

"Roxie! Roxie !"Kai went after her.

"What Kai I expected more from you ,why will you beat him up like that , I thought we were friends"

"Friends "Kai said

"Come on really you never thought we would date after all the whole drama "She said .

"Roxie ..."

"Kai don't wait till I spell it out to you we are just friends"She said

"Xavion told me to tell you that his surgery appointment was this morning "Kai said .

"Why didn't he call me "Roxanne thought she became worried

"He told you not to get worried and that he was going to survive it , I guess he didn't call you because he didn't want you to get worried "Kai said

"Thanks for the information "She said

"What are friends for "He said before walking out.

After the last class , Roxanne went to the address that Asher sent to her it was a white building she stood Infront of the house and removed her phone from her bag and called him.

"I'm Infront of the building Asher but I don't see you "She said

"Oh ok "He said .

After a while he came downstairs with two bodyguards.

"Roxie "He said and hugged her. She looked at the two men by his side

"Don't be freaked out by them, your step-father is a very important man "He said as they went in.

"how important "He said

"Very he's the head of a secret agent "

"Like a cop "Roxanne said.

"Some thing like that he's very dangerous so we have to be careful wherever we go "He said.

"So why did you ask me to come here "She said.

Roxanne POV

I was really tired and stressed and didn't want more stress. He held my hand and we walked to the living room

"Sit "He told me and I sat down and he left . I looked around it looked so beautiful all the furniture where white and even the walls . I took a deep breath I wonder what he was planning.

I heard footsteps behind me i turned back to see a woman in a white gown she was white and had beautiful long black hair . She came downstairs with Asher by her side then she started crying immediately she saw me

"Roxanne meet our mom "Asher said

I froze immediately I saw her my eyes also became teary .

"Mom"I said .

"Roxanne it's really you , come hug me "She said as she came closer and I hugged her. I finally get to hug her I couldn't believe it .

After the whole emotional scene, Asher left us alone .

"I missed you so much how are you doing, how's your studies "She asked.

"I'm fine , dad has always been there for me"I said

"How's Gerald ,has he settled down "She asked.

"Dad refused settle down ... I guess he was waiting for you "I said

"Roxanne your dad must have told you horrible things about me..."

"Why do you think so "I asked

"He didn't say anything bad about you , he always told me that you left for a reason and that you were watching me from up there"I said and wiped my tears.

"Why did you say that"I asked her.

"I only said that because I was on the tallest building in country K. I know it might be crazy but it isn't, I stayed there for a six years after I gave birth to Asher I was sick so my parents had to give me to Luke , he promised to treat me if I married him "She explained.

"I always tried to look for you but the treatment was too strong I lost my memory for a while and I forgot a lot of things and I'm just recovering"

"You missed twenty years of my life "

"You'll have to forgive me Roxanne it wasn't deliberate , if I took you with me you would have suffered"She said.

"Mom I've forgiven you but I don't see us being a family, I don't see you being my mom "I said. I made the decision long ago. I don't want her as my mom it was nice knowing her buy I can't accept her we're better off as a separated mother and daughter , besides I bet she forgot about us because Asher is eighteen , that means just two years after she left us she made a baby for Luke.

I stood up and took my bag before wiping my tears.

"I'm so sorry about everything that happened to you but twenty years is too long , bye "I said before walking out.

"Roxie "She called me back but I didn't turn back .

"Roxie , Roxie "Asher said as he went after me when I got downstairs.

"Hey what happened "he asked me

"Nothing "I said before stopping a taxi I went in and it drove away. I know I did a good thing i really need some one to talk to me it made me think about Xavion I really pray his surgery goes well . I took my phone to call Kayla and Anna.