
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · Urban
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38 Chs

Are you two dating?


Nick left the room and I looked at Roxanne she opened her hands and I was shocked to see her locket. That fool he was the one who took it now he's making it look like he's the hero .

"Bye Roxie get well soon"I said before walking out.

"Nick " I stopped him as he was about to go into his car.

"What "He asked

"Where did you find that locket did you steal it from me "I asked

"Why would I , it's not yours right"He responded.

"It's not mine but I had it "

"I saw it and I returned it to the owner "

"Don't be mad Kaiser I will always be one step ahead of you "Nick said as he went into his car and drove out. I felt like punching him but I'll save my anger till when he tries to hurt Roxanne.

Third person POV

"Asher called me yesterday , he told me you two met "Zach said

"Yes I met with my mom yesterday "

"But you left in anger "He said

"I know, it's been twenty years I don't think I can just take her back "She said

"It's okay I'll just talk to him "He said

"Thank you Zach , um... Kai and Nick are still arguing aren't they "She asked

"Yeah , it's kinda rough they haven't been talking since yesterday "He said and she sighed.


Roxanne walked into the school , it was the weekend , she walked to the basketball court just as expected Nick was there venting his anger on the ball. He looked cool playing basketball He stopped as soon as he saw her.

"What are you doing here "Nick asked

"Sorry , I just wanted to thank you for the locket I had no idea it was with you "Roxanne said

"Where you expecting it to be with Kai "He said and threw the ball into the hoop, he went to pick it.

"Yes...some how " She said.

"Hmmm"He said before throwing the ball again.

"Are you angry "She said

"A little why'd you ask "

"Is it because of Kai "She asked

"Yes and No " He said and stopped playing looking at her

"Why Yes "

"Because he keeps on bringing up the dead, he wants to use it to haunt my present life and I'm angry at him because of that "He said

"Have you told him this"

"No , K isn't the type of person that listens to what the other person has to say , So I won't instead I'll go after what he loves "He said.

"What's that suppose to mean"

"Well ... Kai likes this girl and he'll do anything for her , but he won't get her because I'll get her first so I can torture her and teach him a lesson I want to teach Kai how it feels to loose someone you love since he didn't learn from his mother incident... but now I think my plan has changed "He said and he threw the ball again.

"h.. how "She asked .

"Well in the process of my plan I think I fell in love with her because I can't help to think about her "He said

"That doesn't mean you like her "She said

"I don't know "He said.

Roxanne mind skipped as she heard him skip ,was he talking about her she played with her fingers out of questions to ask him. Nick smiled looking at her .

"Hey "

"Yeah "She answered.

"Do you like ice cream "He asked

"Hmmm "She responded.

"Come on "He said dropping the ball , he grabbed her by the hand and walked out.

He opened the door of his car and went in waiting for her.

"Do you want me to open it for you "He asked.

"N.. no "She said opened the door before she went in .

"Seat belt "he said and he drove away.

He stopped at an ice cream parlor . Roxanne ordered a chocolate ice cream and he ordered vanilla.

"Why did you suggest ice cream "She asked

"It cools the body and also who doesn't like ice cream"Nick said

"Don't you like it "He asked.

"I do is just that ..."

"You feel uncomfortable "He said and she nodded her head and played with her finger to avoid looking at him.

"Why did you follow me then "He asked

"Because you asked me to and I was scared that you will be angry if I refuse "

"Roxie you and I aren't little anymore so let's talk about last time "He said and she sighed.

"Nick I don't want to give you the wrong impression of me "

"Like what...."

"Like umm.... like "

"Like you like me "

"Yes that , I wasn't thinking at that time , my whole brain went numb when you dragged me "She said

"So you don't feel any form of attraction towards me "He asked but she did respond.

"Roxanne , you do know the girl I was talking about is you right "He said

Roxanne glared at him , just like before her whole brain went numb,she didn't know what to say or do.

"look I also didn't know how it happened I just found myself thinking about you always , I didn't know when I fell in love with you "He said

"Nick you're getting things confused here , you may think you like me because of Selena "She said

"No this not about her , I also thought it was because of her but it's not , there's something about you that makes me fall in love with you over and over again . Roxanne even when I try to hate you I see my self loving you again I don't know why but I am "

She looked at him speak was he serious? he looks serious? maybe he's just doing it to get revenge on Kai. She's not a tool.

"I'm sorry Nick I've gotta go "

"Roxie ..."

"Thanks for the locket I'm sorry bye"She said as she walked out .

Nick POV

I really didn't know why I did that but it was good I told her now or else I would just find myself in another awkward moment with her .

I sighed and put my hand through my hair .


I came out of the car and went to the door I pressed the doorbell and it was opened by a maid.

"Master Kai why did you knock , you could have just come in "She said.

"Thank you " I said and walked in. Nova came downstairs and she ran to me

"Kai! mom's not around she went outing "She said.

"Actually I'm not here to see her "

"Who are you here to see "

"You "He said

"Me "She said

"Yeah I came to see you , you wanna go out "

"Seriously ,"

"Yeah you can call some of your friends and we can go out "He said

"ok then I'll call them " She went upstairs and after a while she came downstairs dressed .

Looking at her outfit I noticed Nova wasn't a type of girl who likes girly stuff. pretty cool , she sat down waiting for her friends..

"So have you talked to Xavion "She asked me

"Yes we talked yesterday and this morning"

"He's still pretty weak but the doctor assured us that he will get better. I really can't wait to see him"

"is he coming back as soon he gets well"

"Dad said something about him staying there till he's done with college but he'll come here during breaks "She said


Third person POV

After a while two girls walked into the house.

"Nova "They chorused

"Hey girlfriends "She said

"Kai these are my friends Vanessa and Juliana"

"Guys this is my step brother , different father "She said

"She's got all the good stuff "Juliana said and they laughed

"Yeah Novi, you have two fathers and two handsome brothers"Vanessa said

"Trust me I'm not proud of it "She said

"Let's go "He said then they all went outside.

"Sweet , your brother's got taste Novi "She said looking at the ferrari

"Yeah can you believe mom and dad says I won't get a car till I'm eighteen "Nova Said

"Come on you guys get in "Kai said and they went into the car.

Nick came out of the car and went into the house.

"You're home early "His father said

" if I come home late you complain now I'm early, you still question me "He said.

"Nick we have to talk "He said.

"What about "

"Sit "

Nick sat down and his father sat opposite him .

"Look I know nowadays I've not been the best dad ever"

"You've never been the best dad "Nick interrupted.

"I know , but. you're still my son and you'll be the heir to the hospital. I want you to know that everything I've been doing is for you, starting from your mother to Selena..."

"Don't you dare bring the dead into this , you're doing everything for me fine but don't you dare bring my mother and Selena into this "He said

"I've really hurt you but you need to forgive me"

"Need ... you've ruined my life I don't think I can forgive you maybe when you die "

"So very soon then "

"I hope so "

"Do you hate me that much Nicholas"

"Two people died because you've always controlled me "Nick Said his phone rang and he picked it while walking away.

"Dude you're trending "

"What do you mean"

"Aren't you using your phone , some one posted pictures of you and Roxanne are you two dating"