
Revenge of an Isekai

Full synopsis is located as an AUX chapter Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups. Leave me feedback to help me improve. Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal. MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out. MC has one thing as his driving force, that’s revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes. I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible. MC is going to be so f’ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

Garricks_Corner · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 2

<i>Expectations, this is probably the cruelest and most devious emotions. Emotions you say how can expectation be an emotion it falls under belief; the dictionary says so.</i>

<i>Yet I tell you it is an emotion, it hides as a belief, backed by pseudo logic, but that is a fallacy a illusion. No expectation is the red headed stepchild, the black sheep, persona to hope.</i>

<i>For when you expect something to happen like waking up in the same place you went to sleep. All you really are doing is hoping…</i>

<i>~Musings of an Isekai~</i>

"Snap out of it and wake up Garrick!"

I hear as I slowly become aware of the environment, I hear wildlife an animal eating, by the smell of it seems to be a deer. It is a shame the deer does not have senses like mine for there is a quiet heartbeat slowly moving to intercept this hungry deer.

"Crystal seems like I am in a mountain forest, from the deer and mountain lion playing upwind."

I state, as I work myself to a standing position. Looking around I see a dense forest of pine trees. Average thickness foot to foot and half in diameter. Over the ground are old logs and branches and a packed dirt trail.

"Northern pine, logged and replanted roughly 10 – 20 years ago based on current height." I share my observation with Crystal. "So fairly modern society since they practice a semi sustainable, cut and plant method of lumbering."

"I can verify that modern civilization is preset. I have established connection with a GPS network. Acquiring position now. Looks like we are in…"

"How long are you going to play Voyeur." I call out, interrupting Crystal.

"Traveler it is my duty to appraise all incursions, for those powerful enough to get through the wards protecting this planet. You are a threat or at least potential threat." A wizened voice is heard coming from behind me.

Turning around to face who is calling me a threat. I think to myself I just got here and apparently Crystal has our location pinpointed. But doesn't matter I pretty much have figured its earth. Now to figure out why those damn gods threw me here after recruiting me to be their court jester. Also why did that dream appear so real and vivid.

'I'll be damn, the gods don't want entertainment they want a good old colosseum blood and sand fight Spartacus style.'

Standing before me is a man of Asian heritage and exuding power and backing up the cred for that wizened voice I heard. Looking the part of the Saturday kung fu movie grand master. No scratch that he looks more like the sorcerer who taught Sun Wukong.

Bowing to the old man. "So, name is Garrick, and traveler is probably a good way to describe me." Introducing myself.

"Well probably more like tourist. Since I probably will be forced to be here for a while. As for your threat analysis it is probably accurate." Giving him a shrug along with addressing his accusation.

"Then should I kill you now and save myself the trouble later."

"Oh, for sure, that's what I would do in your position. The only thing is I highly doubt you can. Due to the fact. That the individuals who sent me here probably wouldn't allow me to die in the first few minutes of the show. I mean this isn't Game of thrones." I retort.

"Or that for the most part I believe that I am unkillable, well at least permanently. Your best course of action is to send me into your sun and let me burn there for eternity. My own version of hell."

Spreading my arms wide "Honestly, I wish you could kill me, so you know what go ahead and try. Not going to defend hit me with all you have got. I truly wish to know the outcome." Finishing my short monologue.

"Individuals? What individuals would you be talking about?" The old man asks.

"A group of individuals. I would surmise that is at or above the One Above All's level. Hell for all I know he could be part of the group. Not like I met them all." I answer truthfully.

"And why are you here, why did you use the term Show?"

"Isn't it the great wordsmith that said something about "All the world is a stage". But to directly answer your question I have been given the duty to entertain said individuals cause they and I quote."

As I raise my hands in the air and give air quotes.

"We are bored, so you were summoned here to be our entertainment."

"Now Yao, it is your turn, how long till you take in Strange. And what is the timeline till Tony is abducted" I ask.

"My name has not been spoken for many years, for you to know that. Well, the implication does not bode well. Yet the troubling thing is you know of events to come and even ask for a time as if to judge how you are to proceed."

"That is exactly why I asked, I understand that there is a plethora of events some small, some large, some titanic, some galactic, etc."

"Some of these events are causal in nature, some are just WTF moments. As for which I will partake in well that depends on which universe I am in as well as the timeline for said events." I conclude my statement.

"Will your participation be on the side of humanity, or against?"

"I am on my side, the side that leads to furtherance of my goals. I am not beholden to the character defect of being a hero. I have too many loose threads hanging to become a protector. My current employers want to be entertained. So, think of me as a gladiator fighting for survival to live just another day." I answer.

"Young man. You make it difficult for me to choose to keep you alive, let alone help you even if it is just as you put establishing a timeline. Even if I am not able to kill you, I can banish you or as you said throw you into the sun."

"Old man, this is all I can promise you. Which ever side I am on will always be the side of the underdog, for that is the only side that will provide entertainment for the jackasses that hold me captive."

"From my knowledge that would be humanity most of the time. For the times where humanity is not the underdog, then they must be taught a lesson. For one learns the greatest from a one-sided beat down." Giving Yao my view on the matter.

"My current name is Ancient One, which I figure you already know. Please do not be so rude as to address me as old man."

"That was not rudeness, that was one hundred percent respect. You disrespected me by calling me young man. Without you knowing my true age. Yet I did not get my boxers in a bunch over it I let slide. I showed respect by calling you old man." I corrected him.

"Oh, also for the record if I ever call you Ancient One. Take that as que that shit is going to go sideways."

"Now before I head off so I can take a bath, can you please pretty please with Cherie on top. Answer my Tony Stark and Stephen Strange timeline request."

"Very well, Mr. Stark will be captured in four to six months' time as for my apprentice I will acquire him in three years' time."

"Thank you, my friend, that timeline is of great help. I do not like owing debts. So, a little advice train Strange five to ten times harder than you intend to. As you have seen he has the potential to be the strongest Sorcerer Supreme."

"Unfortunately, he never truly attains the level. His hubris, pride and strength held him back, causing him to lose the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme on more than one occasion."

"Also teach him to kill first and banish as his second option. I believe that his nature which drove him to originally become a doctor, that innate trait to save lives, his is true gift and handicap. He needs to learn to have a killing intent, hope and will power only takes an individual so far."

With that said its time for me to take a bath in the sun I have four to six months till the playboy idiot gets taken hostage so Obadiah can plan his hostile takeover. Well, I did say I was here for entertainment. I truly wonder how Tony and Obi will handle losing their company should be a good show.