
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 45: I Can't Stop...

Chapter 45: I Can't Stop...

"If this is true, then I truly carry you in my heart..."

Thinking of this, Yaming took his head out of Linsha's body again, then bit her neck and began to replenish his magic power.


Although her neck was bitten, Linsha seemed more stable than when Yaming had left her body before, and she even had a slight smile on her lips. It's just that Yaming didn't care about this at all; he was already engaged in the fun of absorbing the magic power.

A large amount of rich magical power poured into Yaming's body, and at the same time, a great feeling of relief upon swallowing the magical power also occupied his body and mind. 'It is very refreshing to be able to absorb magical power that I normally cannot take without restraint.'

Wait, don't be happy yet!

But after sucking for ten minutes, Yaming suddenly thought of a question. Just as a long-term infusion of Life Magic can make the body dependent, if you swallow Life Magic for a long time, won't you become addicted?

After he let go of Linsha's neck, Yaming sighed. Fortunately, he woke up quickly. Thinking about it carefully, he usually wouldn't have the opportunity to swallow Linsha's magic power anytime, anywhere. If he became addicted to her magical power, it would undoubtedly become something extremely annoying!

What a shame... at least not until I can control her body.

While thinking about it, Yaming tapped on the system board. In the past ten minutes, he had already absorbed 5,000 points of magic power, which was more than all the magic power he had used in his previous evolution.

By the way, although Linsha's magic power is really great, it seems like it is endless, but in reality, there is still an upper limit. If she woke up with a little magical power, she might suspect that there was something wrong with her body.

But based on our interactions these days, this girl might not be able to find out anything...

Looking at the sleeping beauty, Yaming inexplicably had such an idea. Think about it: this girl's IQ is not very high to begin with; otherwise, would he be able to do so many abnormal things? The entire IQ is used to develop appearance and figure. If it were not for this beautiful appearance in the game, would so many passersby be charmed into paying for her?

Fair skin, a pure and beautiful face... While her face is flawless, her figure is as good as it should be, and her curves look very attractive.

Looking from top to bottom, Linsha's whole body gives Yaming a feeling of softness, and coupled with her height of about 160 cm, she looks even more attractive.

"Fortunately, I usually can't see her face."

Yaming commented helplessly. After all, whether it was a happy or sad expression on that face, it would affect his mind. He, who focused on controlling Linsha's emotions, couldn't be affected by this kind of thing.

"But... it doesn't matter now, does it?"

"Suddenly, Yaming bit Linsha's cheek out of nowhere and then put his mouth on her neck. It was obviously not to absorb magical power, but that warm, soft, and fragrant feeling still made him not want to stop...



The next day, Linsha sat on the bed. She reached out with some confusion and touched her face and neck.

"It's weird. It feels different from the usual touch."

After wiping it with her fingers several times, Linsha always felt that her skin looked strange. It feels a little sticky... Is it because I sweat a lot at night?

"It seems I had a very strange dream."

After shaking her feet, Linsha stood up and stretched, softly whispering, "Although I can't remember the exact scene, it seems I lost something very important first... Fortunately, it didn't take long for that thing to come back. This is great!"

What? Something very important?

Hearing Linsha's words, Yaming couldn't help but feel a little startled. The thing that was lost for a while and then returned to her body, wasn't it he himself?

It's not like this very important thing is pointing at himself, is it? She clearly didn't even know that something like him was intruding on her body.

[What do you remember about this dream?]

"I told you everything, but don't you remember the exact scene?"

As she walked carelessly to the bathroom, Linsha turned the showerhead on, feeling sleepy. It seemed that last night's sleep had not completely recovered her fatigue, but as expected, she still couldn't accept the sticky feeling on her body, so even if she wanted to sleep so badly, she still had to take a shower first.

And Yaming was thinking, couldn't parasitism make the human body dependent on it as well? If this is true, then this skill is extremely terrifying.

"By the way, do you have any suggestions for new ways to use my magic?"

At this time, Linsha Yaming asked while taking a shower, "You said that you were so confident before; you should already have specific ideas, right?"

[Yes, my idea is that life magic can give life to inanimate objects]

"Inanimate objects?"

Linsha narrowed her eyes. "For example, a corpse?"

Yaming: "..."

To be honest, he really didn't expect that Linsha's first thought was the corpse, and Linsha was still growing up faster than he thought.

"Actually, my magical power might be able to make those dead goblins fight, but..."

"I always feel that the corpses of those lower creatures are a bit disgusting. From now on, I can only use other methods to control the living. They don't need to be corpses," Linsha immediately said with her lips pursed.

[What I originally wanted to say is not corpses; apart from some powerful monsters, the strength of corpses is also very weak]

Yaming continued in this regard: [What I want to say is that it resembles a doll made of rock or steel. Isn't moving such a thing better than the corpse of a goblin?]

"Hmm, that makes sense."

Linsha nodded and closed the nozzle. Then she yawned and climbed into bed, surely still wanting to sleep first and then think about other things.


But at this moment, Linsha's expression suddenly changed. Then she picked up a constantly vibrating communication crystal from the table next to her, and judging from the vibration level of the crystal, it must be her family who sent her the message this time.

"It's very rare. What message can they send me?"

Linsha, who was about to fall asleep, had to reluctantly rub her eyes to respond to the message from her family. She thought to herself that if it wasn't something important, she would pretend not to see it.

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