
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 44: Magic Fruit

Chapter 44: Magic Fruit


After Yaming left her body, Linsha's expression changed slightly. During her sleep, she felt an indescribable feeling of anxiety and emptiness, and if her psychological state had not been so debilitating, she would have woken up immediately.

It's just that her mental state did not allow her to do this, and Linsha was still sleeping deeply. If not, Yaming wouldn't dare leave her body, even for a single moment.

"Teleport, activate!"

After turning into an anaconda, Yaming lightly crawled under the bed, then activated his skills with a thought, and a small, luminous door suddenly appeared according to his thoughts.

Logically, the portal can only go to places where the user has been. Naturally, the alleged places visited should be counted from the time the user obtained this skill, so if an ordinary person obtained this skill, the only place he could move to was this hotel room.

However, Yaming's situation is different because he also has a split body that has been prepared in advance. Even though the divided body has no self-consciousness, it is still counted as itself in ruling the system. Yaming also expects this situation and does not hesitate to buy the gate.

A small portal of light opened next to the Hell Plant growing in the wilderness, and Yaming quickly swam to the portal of light and came to the wilderness through the teleportation portal.


Only when the light door closed, Yaming couldn't help but spit out his forked tongue and gasp. In a sense, this gate consumed a lot of magic power, but within ten seconds of opening this little light door, it cost him a full 350 points of magic power.

[Magic power until next evolution: 4650/5000]

"If you don't have enough magic power, you will fall out of the evolutionary state."

After all, this was the first time Yaming had used this magic-consuming skill before he developed, so it was natural that something unexpected would happen. But he also prepared the food in advance.

Thinking of this, Yaming turned his attention to the split body next to him. Although he could not directly restore the clone's magical power, he could directly use his clone as another individual to prey on the magical power. So Yaming opened his mouth and bit the clone next to him.

It's a really strange feeling to eat your magic power... And you're so used to eating Linsha's magic power that I feel like even my magic power is somewhat inedible.

Soon, Yaming captured enough magic power from his split body to evolve and then began evolving again.

[Magic value: 4650→5000]

[Ding! Congratulations to the individual name: Yaming for gaining 350 points of magic power. Since the magic power has reached its upper limit, the host can evolve from Orchid Scorpion to Nepenthes Pterosaur at any time]

[After the host evolves into Nepenthes pterosaur, it will gain a new skill: magic fruit]


[Ding! Individual name: Yaming, started from the predatory plant – Scorpion Orchid, and evolved into the predatory plant – Nepenthes Pterosaur]

Suddenly, Yaming's body burst into light again! This time was different from before; he could clearly feel his body expanding, and he felt as if his body was exploding from an eggshell!


In the next second, a pair of green flesh wings suddenly spread out! Yaming only felt that his body had grown a lot larger again, and the biggest achievement this time was that he finally had decent limbs!

He lowered his head and looked at his palms. Although they were shaped like claws and not human hands, and he only had four fingers, overall, Yaming was very satisfied! It's better than having no hands or pliers, right?

Legs too... better than no legs or limbs at all. Furthermore, a pair of wings grew from his back, giving Yaming a feeling of fluttering in the sky!

But even though he really wanted to do this, Yaming clearly didn't have the time now. First, he swallowed the clone next to him, then used the skill again to split into a new clone.

The single split state would only remain in Yaming's physical state when he used the skill, so the previous split body could not become the Nepenthes pterosaur. Therefore, after Yaming developed the upper limit of his magical power, he swallowed his split body and then made a clone that could transform into the new form.


In the next second, Yaming transformed into an anaconda, directly opened the gate, and returned. For fear of an accident, he didn't even have time to look at the system board and just went back under the bed. It didn't take more than three minutes.

Of course, nothing unusual had happened in such a short period of time. It is better to say that Yaming was very careful. When he returned to bed, Linsha's sleeping position had not changed. She just looked a little unhappy in the dream, and even her sleeping face wasn't as nice as before.

Then Yaming returned to Linsha's body. At this time, he felt relieved, then he slowly opened the system board and began to look at his new image.

It looks like this:

"This... is not a Nepenthes like a pterosaur, but a large Nepenthes with the limbs and wings of a pterosaur."

Looking at the 3D model in the lower left corner, Yaming couldn't help but make such complaints. Since this thing looks like a fat Nepenthes lying sideways with some pterosaur features on it, it's called the Nepenthes Pterosaur.

But this time, the level has improved a lot.


[Race: Plant Predator - Pterosaur Nepenthes]

[Level: LV25]

[Skills: Predatory Magic, Parasitism, Shapeshifting, Division, Magic Fruit]

[Magic power until next evolution: 3825/30000]

Although the level had directly reached LV25, the threshold for the next evolution had also been raised accordingly. The magic power of 30,000... was a value that could not be easily achieved by absorbing Linsha's magic power. The next evolution must turn into an incredible monster, right?

"So, what is the skill this time?"

Immediately, Yaming turned his attention to the skill bar. But when he tapped on the introduction of the skill, his expression became even more excited.

[Magic Fruit: The magic power captured in the form of Nepenthes pterosaur can be transformed into magic fruit and cultivated]

[Note: The Pterosaur Nepenthes can not only prey on the magic power of individuals but can also directly swallow the magic attacks made by opponents. After producing the magic fruit, no matter what life form it takes, it can instantly possess this portion of magic power and use it at will.]

"The problem Linsha was worried about... isn't this a coincidence that this was her solution?"

In response, Yaming complained with some surprise, "Can the evolution of predatory plants continue to follow my desires?"

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