
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 46: The Emergence of Heroes

Chapter 46: The Emergence of Heroes

But when she opened the communication crystal and saw the content, Linsha showed an extremely puzzled expression.


Her brows frowned. Linsha didn't quite understand what her father could want from her; after all, she wasn't taken seriously in the Earl's family, and she didn't talk to him after being away from home for more than half a year. Moreover, her father's message was a bit strange, as he asked her to make sure she communicated with him via voice when she was alone.

"What happened?"

By clicking on the communication crystal, Linsha initiated a voice communication with her father, and the other side responded immediately.

"Father, my long-lost regards..."

"Linsha, you are alone now, aren't you?"

After hearing her father's voice for a long time, Linsha wanted to be polite, but she didn't expect the earl, who usually paid great attention to aristocratic etiquette, to come and ask questions directly.

"Yeah, I'm alone; what's the problem?"

Hearing her father's urgent voice, Linsha became more and more confused, and then her father... Earl Helens said in an indisputable tone, "Let's go to the imperial capital now!"


Linsha and Yaming shouted in surprise at the same time, but Linsha still asked in a humble tone, "Why are you so worried? What happened?"

Regarding Linsha's question, the other end of the crystal was silent for a few seconds, and then heard Earl Helens slowly say, "I'm not allowed to know the specific situation, but it must be related to the brave hero of the Holy See. I've tried my best to gather information, but that's all I've been able to come up with."

The hero of the Holy See? Isn't that the main protagonist in this game?

Upon hearing that, Yaming's thoughts immediately became active. According to the game's plot, the Holy See hero is the main plot, and Linsha is just a side plot heroine. These two have never met in the game!

When Linsha was meeting, it should have been mentioned that the brave men of the Holy See were fighting on the front lines. The story lines of these two never crossed; at most, Ineisha turned Linsha into a puppet and said she would use her to deal with the brave Holy See.

"Hero, what does he want from me?"

On Linsha's side, there was a strange feeling. She admired brave Holy See men very much; after all, the Holy See's brave men were also kind-hearted and hot-blooded, which naturally suited Linsha's taste. but now...

For some reason, she no longer feels the joy of meeting her idol. 'Is it because I've changed? I feel like a stranger to myself'

"I already said that this is the only information I can know, and I don't know the rest. Also, Linsha, you should pay attention."

Earl Helens' tone suddenly became serious: "Currently, with the spread of magical creatures, the Holy See stands as the most important organization to eradicate them. Its indisputable position at the top cannot be ignored! No matter what demands they may make, you must agree without hesitation! This is beneficial. For you, the family, and the empire."

It depends on the request they make! Otherwise, who cares?

However, after hearing what Earl Helens said, Linsha's first reaction was a wave of disapproval! She couldn't help but feel that the brave men of the Holy See were just trash and deserved nothing more than to be trampled on!

Am I crazy? My recent condition is definitely not normal!

Linsha shook her head vigorously, feeling more and more unfamiliar. If she had received such an order before, she would have agreed to her father's request no matter how hesitant she was in her heart, right?

"I will do it."

After thinking about it, Linsha replied to her father in the same soft voice as before. After all, there was nothing she could do. Her father is right. It can be said that the current situation of the Holy See is very strong. Many empires have to look the Holy See in the face. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't resist.


However, Earl Helens clearly did not feel that his daughter had changed, so he nodded with great satisfaction and then continued: "Although I don't know what the hero wants you to do, it must be a very important and secret matter. Don't take a lot of people with you; just take a regular wagon and go quickly!"


Linsha nodded on the surface, but a deep dissatisfaction appeared in her heart! Originally, I was supposed to regain my sleep first and then start studying life magic in the afternoon, but everything was ruined by this hateful Holy See hero!

"By the way, Mr. Chris will also serve as your escort."

At this time, Earl Helens did not forget to add: "He insisted on coming to see you yesterday, so I told him that you had something to do in the Imperial Capital. But I didn't tell him the specific situation, so don't tell him about the Holy See. Just let him follow you."

"What! He's coming too?!"

However, after hearing that, Linsha immediately showed strong disgust! This reaction even astonished Earl Helens, who was opposite the crystal!

"Why did you have such a big reaction? I remember you had a good relationship with him, right?"

Helens frowned. If he remembered correctly, this stupid daughter only started talking to Chris because he agreed to her ridiculous idea, so why did she look so disgusted with Chris when he mentioned him just now?

"Is there... is there any?"

Linsha looked dumbfounded. Yes, she remembered that she had a good relationship with Chris before, and after all, the man said that he approved of her goal. But now, when she thinks of Chris, she feels inexplicably disgusted.

"However, this is also good; you two weren't really well-suited from the beginning."

When Linsha couldn't understand it, the voice came back again: "After this trip, let's break off the relationship with him from now on! Don't interact with each other, even if you are normal friends. It will be good for both of you, for you."

"Father, why do I think there is something in your words?"

Hearing this, Linsha was keenly aware that something was wrong. She had a feeling that her father must know more information than she thought.

"I can't say much. If you set off now, you must arrive at the Holy See branch in the Imperial Capital within five days. The hero must meet you there. Remember what I told you today!"

After that, Earl Helens closed the connection. Linsha, on the other hand, was immediately shocked by the communication crystal.

She helplessly asked Yaming:

"What should I do in this situation?"

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