
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 28: Was it fun to trick yourself?

Chapter 28: Was it fun to trick yourself?

In fact, Linsha had woken up about five minutes ago, and she was completely awake, and her mental state had returned. Although her soul was damaged before, it was not broken after all, so after a period of unconsciousness, her soul slowly recovered.

But after returning to her normal mental state, Linsha remembered what she did before she fell into unconsciousness. She couldn't believe she did all that!

I... took a life? And I seemed very happy at that time. How is that possible? How is that possible? This is impossible!!!

For a moment, Linsha's mental state was a bit chaotic again. It was already so difficult that she couldn't stop the loss of lives, but today she killed! How could you do this? What sin did you commit?

However, even though Linsha thought so in her heart, she was shocked to find that her body did not feel the slightest bit of guilt from the killing! Obviously, when she saw Lin Te and Keck slaughtering monsters, she would feel a strong sense of heartache!

But now Linsha didn't feel sad; she even wanted to laugh. When she thought of the sight of the goblin being tortured by her to the point of suicide, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth!

It's not possible! I should feel a little sad and a little guilty! Obviously, God gave me the magical power of life to save all living beings, but I used this holy power to torture others.


"By the way, shouldn't I just ask her what happened? Miss Linsha!!!"

But when her soul was about to become chaotic again, Linsha first heard Chris muttering to her, and then he started calling her and running in her direction. After hearing Chris talking to himself, Linsha felt relaxed!

What does this mean? Master Chris didn't see her torture that goblin?! Since he didn't see her, was it possible that everything that happened before wasn't true?

At this moment, Linsha became inexplicably relaxed! Yes, how could I do such a cruel thing? And even if I did, I should feel a deep sense of guilt, so how could I have no reaction to a life that was tortured to death?

It would be terrible if I really turned into this kind of cold person; the only explanation is that I didn't do this kind of thing! The goblin torture scene was just a dream she had after she lost consciousness!

In this way, Linsha became more persistent with her idea! Poor Linsha didn't want to think about how flawed her idea was. She had a feeling that if she thought about it for a second longer, she would have mental problems. In order to prevent herself from being ruined, she had to be resolute!

Anyway, no one saw her. That's right! It was someone else who did it, not me! It was someone else who did it, not me! It's someone else...

While performing high-intensity self-hypnosis, Linsha slowly sat up and refused to look at the goblin's corpse.

"Miss Linsha, are you alive?"

At this time, Chris, who had come to her side, gave a worried look and said, "It's great that you're okay! I thought you encountered something unexpected—by the way, what happened to that goblin??"

Hearing Chris's question, Linsha's heart tightened. If she had just woken up and been asked this question, her expression would probably have been terrified, but fortunately, since she had already put herself under high-intensity hypnosis, her expression was very normal now, which was completely consistent with someone who had just woken up and the situation was not clear.

"I... I'm trying to remember..."

Linsha looked confused, covering her soft forehead as if she wasn't fully awake yet, as she hurriedly thought of how to explain it! After all, her character is not good at lying, so it's inevitable that she needs to think...

How about... just say you passed out and don't know anything? But it seemed a bit fishy that way. There were only two of them and Chris here. In order to prevent Chris from suspecting her, she really needed to make up a stranger...

A stranger... Hurry and make a stranger; you have to think of an image...

[character wrapped in black]

That's right – that's it!

"It... it was a figure wrapped in black."

Linsha, who had been racking her brain to make up lies, suddenly heard a human voice in her mind and said these words directly, subconsciously! After hearing this, Chris showed an expectant expression.

After saying the words, Linsha realized that something was wrong now. But before she could say anything else, Chris believed her words without hesitation.

Haa? This was just a subconscious thought that came to my mind just now; I just said it casually, and you actually believed it?

"Tell me how this man killed the goblin warrior?! And why did he leave like that??"

Chris asked worriedly! First, he wanted to understand the contestant's ability and also why he didn't do anything to him even though his fellow contestant was unconscious next to him. Obviously, according to the rules of the competition, there could only be one winner in the end, but he actually wasted such a good opportunity to eliminate him...

Regarding this point, Yaming is actually completely helpless, and as long as he can wear the magic armor today, he will already send Chris out. But Chris didn't think so; he didn't think there was another contestant who couldn't wear the magic armor, so he was extremely confused as to why he didn't kill him!

"I... I don't know any of this..."

Linsha shook her head, her expression full of innocence. "I just saw this black shadow coming, and then I fainted!"

When Chris saw the look of ignorance on Linsha's face, he had no doubt, and basically, he didn't think that this innocent virgin girl would lie to him, so he cursed in his heart.

useless girl!



When she saw that she was not exposed, Linsha sighed in her heart. But after she recovered, she also began to wonder why the idea of a "figure wrapped in black" suddenly came to her mind. Could it be because she saw Master Chris's body wrapped in dark black armor? This is where the idea came from.

It should just be a coincidence. After all, reality can't be like a dream. I can actually have a conversation with my own thoughts. How is that possible? Ha ha ha ha...

[Ha ha ha ha...]

Along with her inner voice, the voice in her mind also began to laugh, and it laughed louder and louder until Linsha finally stopped laughing, and the voice in her mind slowly spoke.

[How is it? Was it fun to trick yourself?]

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